Wednesday 2 October 2013

Splendour in Thorold (The Coronation of Cennedi and Susanna, Sep 20, 2003)

By THLaird Colyne Stewart

Many were the sights of splendour I saw upon the elevation of Cennedi and Susanna to the lupine thrones of Ealdormere.

I saw a great hall, adorned with glass chandeliers; a hall with vast hard wood floors.

I saw Edouard and Genevieve hold their last court. I saw them step down from the thrones. I saw Genevieve raised to the station of countess. I saw His Grace and Her Excellency given a standing ovation by those so assembled for the day.

I saw the Order of Chivalry protect the thrones of Ealdormere, until an heir should present himself.

Lo, I saw such an heir. Sir Rory Cennedi stepped forward with three attendants. The first carried his sword, the second his shield, the third his helm. He presented himself to the knights and masters-of-arms who protected his thrones. He showed his sword, and Duke Sir Hasdrubal did recognize it as the sword with which Cennedi had won a crown tournament to become the kingdom’s heir. And he did show his shield to the Lord Trillium Herald, who did recognize the arms upon it as those of Sir Rory Cennedi. And he presented his helm to Sir Mordain Blackcloak who recognized upon it the insignia of Duke Sir Finnvarr, himself, and his former squire Rory Cennedi.

And so I saw Sir Rory Cennedi crowned as king, and I saw him crown his mother Susanna the Unyielding as his queen. Many in the hall were impressed by their manner and demeanour.

I saw sugared candy flow from the hands of Susanna’s attendants as they processed from the hall to the raised voices of those assembled singing ‘Scarlet Blazing Banner’. And lo, one candy did fly through the air and land in my hand.

I saw many fighters gather upon the list field to partake in feats of arms. I found myself facing a visiting lord from Calontir upon the field and we fought long under the sun. When this day was done this lord and I had pledged friendship to each other with promises of shelter should the need ever arise.

I saw the Order of Chivalry hold the field against all comers. Long and hard did they battle as hardy knights and masters-of-arms faced a long line of eager warriors. I myself fought several knights, my most memorable against Sir Evander MacLachlan. To be delicate, a blow was struck slightly lower than intended, and the good knight’s voice was an octave higher for a time.

I saw the first court of our new monarchs, and well will they reign. I saw many awards presented, though being tired from the feats of arms I neglected to write down the names of those so honoured. One I can recall, as it was well deserved, was an Award of Arms to Lady Catharine of Eoforwic.

All these things and more I saw.

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