By Fáelán Ruadh ua Aodha [See the original post on her blog, complete with pictures.]
Within the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA, A pre-1600’s European Contact Living History Society), the Kingdom of Ealdormere (most of the Province of Ontario, Canada) hosts one of it’s largest annual events during the Canada Day Long Weekend (The weekend closest to July 1st). TRILLIUM WAR. This year it ran from Thursday, June 27 to Monday, July 1.
Trillium War is annually hosted in the Barony of Septentria (South Central Ontario & Greater Toronto Area), organized by The Canton of Ard Chreag (Scarborough-Pickering-Ajax-Whitby-Oshawa-Markham).
Trillium War is a big gathering of all the kingdom filled with Heavy Combat, Rapier, Arts & Science classes, Ranged Field Martial Arts (axe / knife / spear throwing, and archery), Pageantry of Court, Merchant Market, Bardic Circles, and a fantastic atmosphere of comradery.
This year’s event was dedicated to Patrika Aurelia Gabriana who lost her battle with Cancer in March 2019. Trillium War would not exist without her as we are hosted on their lands, and as a Laurel (the highest order recognized in skill and education in Arts & Sciences in our society) has made a large impact on those around them that will inspire many for many years to come. The Celebration of the life of Patrika Aurelia Gabriana was hosted on Saturday 2-5pm where participants were encouraged to bring an item or items that she made to show off her incredible skill and share stories, as well as bring a project being worked on to share ideas and inspire each other.
With each year of Trillium War there is a theme, and this year’s theme is “A Monster Among Us: Beowulf and Grendel”. The following scheduled activities were set to the theme,
Children’s Schedule
“Quest For Grendl’s Kin”
(a youth combat quest through the Trillium Village to hunt and defeat Grendl’s Kin before they can raid the village) organized by Baroness Seonag
“Beowulf Show” (a play performed by the Children, organized by Mistress Emma Dansmeyla, Master Martin Bidner & Lady Ellaire de Troyes)
“Sew Yourself A Monster” (children’s craft) by Ellaire de Troyes
Along with the themed events, the Children had water games, assorted Arts & Science – including Shield Painting – aslo by Ellaire de Troyes, youth rapier, youth archery (bean bag and night shoot), and youth bardic circle.
Marshalled Activities
Armoured Combat
“Ambush of Beowulf” (Beowulf’s team in a square building attacked from large door. Last man standing (3 Times) 1 pt per win);
“Assassination of Beowulf” (Assassination of Beowulf – Beowulf single sword or greatsword – must be protected by their team. If Beowulf dies, Beowulf’s side loses. (3 times) 1 pt per win)
“Grand Melee – Beowulf vs Grendel” (Last fighter standing 1 pt per surviving team – 3 pts for other side if Grendel or Beowulf die (Grendel needs to lose ALL body parts to die (arm, arm, leg, leg, body, head))
“Hunt for Grendel”(Grendel must die (Grendel needs to lose ALL body parts to die (arm, arm, leg, leg, body, head))
Thanks to the Marshal in Charge, Count Sir Baldric for running the field
Rapier Combat
“The Might of Beowulf” (There can be only one Beowulf to lead them. Are you Beowulf? Test your self in this warlord melee tournament)
“Grendel Attacks: Valhalla circle of death” (Each combatant for themselves, death puts you on the sidelines, resurrection comes at the death of the one who killed you. The circle of life continues till one stands alone, Grendel.)
“Beowulf vs Grendel” (Combatants are grouped int team Beowulf vs team Grendel ( captains decided the previous day’s melees may negotiate their teams the night before). Final teams at the discretion of the MIC..gotta be fair. Last man standing 1 pt per surviving team – 3 pts for other side if Grendel or Beowulf die (Grendel needs to lose ALL body parts to die (arm, arm, leg, leg, body, head))
Thanks to the Marshal in Charge, Maestra Jocelyn Cranewell for running the field
“Monster Mash Shoot”
“Night shoot (maybe with monsters!)”
Thanks to the Marshal in Charge, Master Gunther Walstadt of Bremen for running the field
Thrown Weapons
“Coin Toss” (Throw knives and coins to score points. The more coins you get the better chance you will be hired to defend against the monster)
“Window Slot” (Throw axes between the bars of a window to hit the monster outside)
“Flying spear” (Can you throw a spear and hit the flying monsters?)
Thanks to the Marshal in Charge, The Honourable Lord Ulvar van der Nederlanden for running the field
Annual Marshall Events
Close Combat had their annual “Tournament of the Roses”
The Order of the Rose is an order of current and former Royal consorts – the person in the royal couple who did not win the crown by right of arms. The Tournament of the Roses is where each member of the Order of the Rose sponsors a teams of unbelted fighters (non-Knights) as their Champions.
“O’Dark- Torchlight Tournament(s)” (torches light the field and all participating combatants follow the given fighting theme). This year had an Atlantian Speed Tournament Format, and Great Weapon Torchlight.
For the Ranged Combat (Archery and Thrown Weapons) the Yeoman of the Wolf (a ranged weapon martial company within the Kingdom of Ealdormere) hosted “Royal Rounds” (6 arrows at 20, 30 and 40 yds and a speed round of unlimited arrows at 20 yds in 30 sec.), “Seasonal Archery Shoot” (The seasonal in archery is a shoot that changes quarterly and is run Society wide. This summer it is a castle window-type shoot), and “Yeoman of the Wolf Shoot / Throw” (slot shoot/throw with varying slot angles)
The Aurelia Gabriana Trillium War School
For Classes we had
“Kick Wheel Pottery Throwing” – a drop in that ran all weekend ran by Keja,
“Intro To Spoon Carving” ran by John Spooner, “Kursi (Curonian) Head Wrap” by Lucia de Enzinas
“Roman Hairstyles (that you don’t need a slave for!)” by Kaisa Haapalainen
“Stylin’ Series: Florentine Stitch Embroidery” by Constance of Caldrithig
“Tassels: finish your accessories with style” by Amelye Merriman
“Teaching in the SCA” by Xristina Viacheslavova
“Camping with CPAP” by Brendan Hunterson
“Making Glass Beads” by Rufus of Stamford
“Medieval Embroidery 101” by Anne of Saffron Walden
“Open Scriptorium” (An informal Calligraphy and Illumination gathering) with teachers Mistress Marioun Golightly, The Honorable Lord Adnar, Maistresse Alais, and The Honorable Lord Elsebeth Ffarberyn.
“2nd Annual Dyers Roundtable” Led by Anne Tinker and Orlaith of Bearhall
“Herald’s Meeting” (Annual Meeting of the College of Heralds) led by Trillium Herald Rylan Buchanan
“Basic Kumihimo for Beginners” by Aoibheann MacEwan
“Axe Sheath & Knife Sheath Making” by Æthelbert of Whitstone Isle and Henry Foster
“Basics of Wet Felting” by Maegwynn Skrautibrok
“Persona Development – Camping Edition” by Scaith ingen Chaennaig
“The 19th Annual Trillium Wars Memorial Brewing Competition” hosted by Lady Kaolin of Ard Chreag
“Basic Rope Making” by His Excellency Duncan Gabh MacLeod, this class is the same as the year before which I documented thoroughly and can be viewed here.
“Medieval Embroidery 201, Prerequisite Medieval Embroidery 101” once again taught by Anne de Saffron Walden
“Alchemy 201: Saponification” taught by Her Excellency Lucia de Moranza
“White Wolf Fian Meeting” (An Ealdormere Arts & Science Challenge Club) led by Laura Battista
“Styln’ Series: Opus Anglicanum Embroidery” by Constance of Caldrithig
Classes I attended this year were Teaching in the SCA, Herald’s Meeting, Basics of Wet Felting, and Alchemy 201: Saponification.
The Teaching in the SCA class was probably the one I got the most out of since what was taught applied far beyond just SCA teaching and is easily applicable to all teaching and learning scenarios. Other than that the lessons from that class really did help give me confidence to consider and plan to run classes in the future. Just having the layout available to write up and practice from allows for creating a number of prepared classes that can be quickly referenced and updated when there is an opportunity to teach, especially if there is a call for what you can teach.
The Herald’s Meeting was productive and I managed to note and forward all the topics of interest / feedback / concern in hard copy so that we can advance on those areas and avoid these issues from being lost or forgotten and rehashed as often happens in animated discussions such as what we had. Lots of learning and room to grow. To which I intend to run a intro into Heraldry class at Baron’s Howe this year – combining the call for expanding populace familiarity with heraldry from the Heraldry Meeting and teaching my first class from being inspired by ‘Teaching in the SCA’!
The last class I took was Basics of Wet Felting, which is an area that I wanted to get a better grasp on and expand on for a number of personal projects as Wool is an easily accessible product that fits well with my historical persona (Early Celtic / Dal Riata / Pictish). Along with the fact that I love felt for winter clothing and decor, most of which is not my persona’s realm but Mongolian and so I will either create a Mongolian Persona or incorporate it into my mundane life. This class was really good for getting a handle on 3D objects such as mittens. We Felted a Rock! I was playing with the idea of turning this felted paper weight into a cat toy, via removing the rock inside and putting treats in, but with this Heraldry class, I have dry erase markers and the felt works great as a dry eraser on top of keeping materials from blowing away during the outdoor class. So it turns out all three of these classes had a direct connection to each other!
Court was held Saturday Evening. Being a far away member, I do not get to participate in many SCA events, and therefore a lot of people are unfamiliar to me still. So I am going make this section a wall of photos and a couple of animated gifs for your viewing pleasure.
As for the Merchants present, we had
Augustyn, Medieval Inspired Furniture – wood furniture
Cellar’s Hoard & Mythical Merchant
Katrina Bates – potter
Seonag & Strenwold – The Pie Hole
Selwyn’s Pottery – potter
Dea Flemming – Preserves
Breanna Hopkins – Embroidery and wood bowls
Valkyrie UnderWares – Shifts and Braes
Camp & Bardic
The whole weekend had lovely weather and bardic night was as good as you could expect, starting the night with the Children’s Bardic Circle filled with joy and fun, followed with many talented bards contributing songs and a few new songs were learned that surely will make another appearance. I personally hope to hear “To The Tune Of Army” again. I am reminded that I really should get more familiar with some songs in order to sing them by heart, close to doing that for a few, and once I have several down, then I would feel confident in flying the Bard Banner at campfires at night as an invitation for Bardic Circle. Perhaps the next event I attend that will happen
Trillium War was once again a fabulous event and as usual I never have enough time to visit all my friends and there are always new ones to visit every year. In many ways it is a good problem to have. If I missed you this year, I will try to catch you next time!
Thank you to the event staff for pulling off this great annual favorite once again! Wassail!
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