The Wolf, the Wilds, and the Will
Being a History of the Kingdom of Ealdormere, beginning with the first
appearance of settlers in the northlands, and culminating with the present time.
This history spans
the time between AS 1 and AS 50, and was written for the SCA’s 50th
Anniversary. It will be the duty of future historians to chronicle all that
comes after.
Penned by THLaird
Colyne Stewart (Todd H. C. Fischer).
Edited by Duke
Finnvarr de Taahe (Steve Muhlberger), Mistress Moria the Black (Michelle Moll)
and Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton (Susan Carroll-Clark).
Reigns of the Princes
and Princesses of Ealdormere compiled by Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton (Susan
The title of this
history is taken from ‘The Line of the North’ by Master Hector of the Black
Height (Arthur McLean).
Begun Spring, AS 48, while King Nigel II and Queen Adrielle
II sit the Lupine thrones of Ealdormere, at Her Majesty’s request.
Copyright © Todd H.
C. Fischer, 2014-2015.
Greetings from Colyne Stewart, lowly scribe and historian,
and loyal subject of Their Lupine Majesties Steinarr and Lyðr.
For much of my life now I have lived within the Duchy of
Arrochar. There I spend my days working in the scriptoriums, studying scripture
and the chronicles of the past. The precentor, who knew my love of history, one
day brought me word from my benefactor Duchess Adrielle Kerrec, who was at that
time Queen of Ealdormere, that she and her worthy husband wished a history of
our lands written. My queen laid this noble task at my feet. I was, I admit,
flustered. To even contemplate writing a history of this fair land was a
daunting thought, especially when such notable chroniclers as Brother Thomas of
the Order of St. Crispinus, St. Brand and Brother Magnus of Iona
have in the past bent their quills to this task. However, as is always the
case, when duty calls, I answer. Please find within these pages my attempt to
piece together our long and rich history from the various and sundry sources I
could unearth. I have tried, with all diligence, to use the correct dates and
names, but errors may still occur, especially as some sources contradict one another.
I am indebted to all the chroniclers and historians of the past, and to several
folk of our kingdom who regaled me with tales of Ealdormere.
I hope the work I have produced meets with the approval of
Their Majesties and my patron Her Grace, as I hope it finds approval with all
who read it.
For my King and Queen,
In the North All Things,
The Time of the Wolf
and the Wilds
AS 1 through AS 7
Before there was Ealdormere, there was the wide expanse of
wild, untamed land. It was a realm rich with flora; bears and wolves and other
creatures freely roamed the woods and vales. It was a time of myth and legend
when the Great Wolves held parliament as lords of the north and beasts and
monsters no longer seen were common sights.
The Age of Settlement
and Growth
AS 8, in which HRM Finnvarr of the East arrives in what
will one day be Ealdormere.
In September of the eighth year of the Society a longship
came to this place. This vessel traveled across the cold Inland Seas
and came to shore in land unclaimed by any King or Queen. Upon that boat was His
Majesty of the East, (now Duke) Finnvarr de Taahe, a tall Irishman well
renowned for his martial skill and his historian’s intellect. Finnvarr was a
knight of the Middle Kingdom, having been elevated in October of AS 5. Quickly
he set to work and began to build a hall. Before long he was joined by Lady
(later Mistress) Gillian Olafsdottir
d’Uriel, an old acquaintance from his homeland.
Though he was currently King of the East, Finnvarr felt that
these new lands should be part of his original homeland, the Middle Kingdom. In
fact, there was a Middle Kingdom barony across the Detroit River.
Finnvarr was a member of House de Taahe, which had
originally been formed by himself and Barinn de Taahe as a melee team to take
part in the Middle Kingdom’s first melee tournament in AS 5. Over the years
House de Taahe would evolve into first a fighting household (in AS 9), and
later into the personal household of Finnvarr and his future wife, Ragni
Dzintara (around AS 28).
AS 9, in which the Royal Citie of Eoforwic
is founded, Hugo von Feuerklippe is first seen and the first event in the
northlands is held.
Together Finnvarr and Gillian
cleared land, sowed fields and built halls. Others came to reside in the land,
and soon they had formed the first northern shire. One of those to first join
the new shire was Hugo von Feuerklippe, of whom more will be said later. Thus
was Eoforwic born in November of the
ninth year of the Society. (Though in documents later procured by certain
burghers of Eoforwic, it was
discovered that Cariadoc, first King of the Middle, had granted the group city
status a full two years before Finnvarr had founded it. This may have had to do
with a certain ring they ‘returned’ to him that had been found rolled in the
Eoforwic’s first
event was held on the fifteenth of March and was a day of tournies and feasting.
It drew many visitors from the southron lands, and this was to continue
whenever Eoforwic held an event.
AS 10, in which the northlands produces its first female
fighter, a newsletter is founded, Eoforwic
travels to its first Pennsic War, Sylard of Eagleshaven is first seen, the
canton of Petrea Thule is a glimmer in Sylard’s eye, the shire of Noerlanda is
founded, House Fyve’O is founded and the first Feast of the Bear is held.
Jehanne l’Enragee was another early Eoforing, a lady who
took to the chivalric arts and would distinguish herself on the field in years
to come. During the summer of the tenth year of the Society, Jehanne traveled
to Eastmere in the East
Kingdom where she was
admitted to the Lists and became the first female fighter to come from the
north. She would later become a squire to Finnvarr de Taahe.
During this same summer a good gentle called Penberthy first
began to chronicle the events of the shire in a broadsheet called the Eoforing.
The Eoforing would go on to greater things, and more will be written of
it later in this history.
In August the shire sent a contingent to War, though Count
Sir Finnvarr was the only fighter present who had authorization to take the
September saw the shire hosting a post-war reconciliation
tournament. It was at this tournament that Sylard of Eagleshaven, that
notorious mercenary and later a member of the Order of the Laurel, was first seen.
In December Sylard first set his eyes to the lands to the
north-east of Eoforwic, looking for
unused tracts of land suitable for founding a penal colony. Over time Sylard’s
collection of outlaws and brigands would grow into a true canton, known as
Petrea Thule. (Sylard has since moved on again, and taken up residence in the
thistly land of Monadh.) Petrea Thule would gain renown
as the birthplace of royalty and nobility. The canton would produce not one,
but two, sets of Septentrian nobility. For Petrea Thule was home at various
times to Cordigan d’Arnot and Diane d’Arnot (the second Baron and third
Baroness of Septentria), and Ieuan McKellmore and Adrielle
Kerrec (the third Baron and the fourth Baroness of Septentria). This is the
same Cordigan and Diane that would one day be Prince and Princess of
Ealdormere, and Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven. Of them more will be told
elsewhere in this chronicle. The Norseman, Thorbjorn Osis Brandson, was first
seen dwelling in the Thule.
Indeed, he and Ragnheithr Thorbjarnarsdottir lived in Petrea Thule during their
own reign as Prince and Princess of Ealdormere. Of them, more will be said
For a time Petrea Thule would also be known for its
shieldwall. The wall, which included Ieuan, Cordigan and Osis, seemed
invincible and often took no casualties. One popular legend tells of future
Septentrian Baron Aedan na Kincora leaving the field at Pennsic and watching
the wall with the yellow scutums destroy their enemies. When he asked what
kingdom was so privileged to have such soldiers on the field he was told that
the wall came from his newest canton. “Well,” he said, “I am certainly glad
they are on our side.”
Many more men and women began to brave the northern weather
in this year and they settled to the north and east of Eoforwic.
Tierr and Lilladrel founded the doomed Shire of Noerlanda, which would
eventually fall into ruin. Lady TSivia ben Tamara of Amberview (now Dame TSivia
bas Tamara v’Amberview) was Noerlanda’s first seneschal. A ‘Household shire’,
called House Fyve’O was formed in the Windsor
area by Lord Wulfram Wulfscilding and Lord Caelwulf Longstrider (each a cousin
to the other).
On the twenty-seventh day of March, Noerlanda hosted the
first Feast of the Bear. This event would become an annual tradition for many
years in the lands that would one day become Septentria. Though the Feast would
die out for a time, it would later be revived by Eoforwic while Corwyn and
Domhnail were Baron and Baroness of Septentria.
AS 11, in which House de Taahe makes itself known, House
Amberhall is first seen, Eoforwic
produces a war company, Ben Dunfirthshire appears, Finnvarr de Taahe wins the
Crown Tournament of the Kingdom of the Middle, Caitlin Stuart is first seen,
Aedan na Kincora and Caffa Muirath are first seen, the idea of a barony of the
north is first proposed and the Shire of Starleaf Gate is founded.
In July, that mercenary, Sylard of Eagleshaven, attached
himself to Finnvarr’s household, making House de Taahe the first household of Eoforwic. This House would go on to produce members
who were knights, duchesses and barons.
That very next month Noerlanda held a tourney that attracted
Torbin of Amberhall (of beloved memory), Ragni Dzintari and Eanor of Amberhall. They were known as House
Amberhall. This is the same Torbin that went on to be a baron of the court, the
same Ragni that went on to be a companion of the Orders of the Pelican and the Laurel and Queen of
Ealdormere, and the same Eanor who would one day be a duchess. Of all three
more is written of elsewhere in this chronicle.
When the call came to rally for the Pennsic War, Eoforwic sent a small war company to aid the Middle.
It consisted of Finnvarr, Hugo and Jehanne.
By September a shire calling itself Ben Dunfirthshire had
formed to the west of Eoforwic. It
would later take the name Ben Dunfirth, and for a time New Farthing, and
eventually become a Barony in its own right. It was founded by Ceowulf
Longstrider, Redbeard Lonewulf, Sulamith Ariela Emmure, Teneen Wahid el Karin,
and Wulfram von Wulfschilding. Wulfram was the group’s first seneschal, while Redbeard
served as the group’s first marshal. The shire’s name is a rough Gaelic
translation of Castle on the Murky
Bay. The people of Ben
Dunfirth held strong ties to the Barony of North Woods in the Middle Kingdom.
Indeed, Redbeard and Ceowulf learned of the Society while visiting North Woods,
and it was this introduction that led to the founding of Ben Dunfirth. Unlike
most groups in Ealdormere that can trace their lineage back to Septentria, and
before that to Eoforwic, Ben Dunfirth grew on its own rather than through the
influence of the Iron Duke and the Royal Citie. Indeed, some people in Ben
Dunfirth assert that this difference in origin is reflected in the fact that
theirs is the only baronial arms in Ealdormere that are not red and white in
Two households quickly emerged in Ben Dunfirth, the first
being House Rhys Mordwyn, while the other was House Three Coins. These two
houses held many opposing views on many subjects and clashed often.
In October, Finnvarr, fighting for Caellyn FitzHugh, won the
title of Prince of the Middle Kingdom. Though not born in the Northlands he was
the first of those who dwelled in those lands to claim a crown.
The following month Caitlin Stuart was first sighted in Eoforwic.
Aedan na Kincora and Caffa Muirath were seen in December. Much more is written
of these three good gentles elsewhere in this chronicle.
In January the people of the Northlands did begin to
consider uniting together as a barony of the Middle Kingdom. Many supported the
idea, though many were against it as well. It would take two years for this
idea to bear fruit.
That March, House Fyve’O formed a shire known as Starleaf
AS 12, in which Finnvarr de Taahe and Caellyn FitzHugh
reign as King and Queen of the Middle, Gillian Olafsdottir d’Uriel is made a
Laurel, the northern shires agree to unite as a barony, the shires of Skraeling
Althing and Kalenda Formas are founded and House Amberview is founded.
Upon the turning of the Society year, Finnvarr and Caellyn
were crowned as the King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom. Finnvarr and Caellyn
named Gillian as Their Poet
Laureate. Indeed, she was also that day elevated to the Order of the Laurel for her
contributions to dance, poetry and drama within the Society.
Also in May, Finnvarr traveled to the reaches north beyond
Septentria where dwelled barbarians known as skraelings. With him went Lady
Gilliam d’Uriel, Lady TSivia bas Tamara v’Amberview, Liladrel of Walstead and
Bolverik of Momchilavich of the West
Kingdom. This meeting
would soon lead to the forming of Skraeling Althing.
On the twenty-second day of June in the twelfth year of the
Society, representatives of the northland shires met and agreed to unite and
petition for recognition as a true barony. Ben Dunfirth found itself conflicted
on this issue at first, as some of them felt a closer connection to the shire
of Starleaf Gate (which was not to join this new barony) than with the other
northern groups. Eventually their new seneschal, Milady Sulamith Ariela Emmure,
through hard work and example, convinced her people that the barony was a good
and just idea.
Lady Gillian
d’Uriel was selected to become Baroness, Wulfram Wulfscilding was to be her
seneschal and Prince Finnvarr was to be the marshal. The Eoforing, which
had long been read by all those in the northlands, became the baronial
newsletter called the Ursus. (Though in later years Eoforwic would once again produce its own
broadsheet, for a time under variations of The No Name Newsletter, and again
under the name Eoforing.)
Before the season of the holly news came of the birth of two
new groups in the northlands. The first was the canton of Skraeling Althing, a
canton that would go on to greater and grander things. The aforementioned Lady
Tsivia, first seneschal of Noerlanda, was Skraeling Althing’s founder. The
other new group was a shire called Kalenda Formas, which later fell into ruin.
Also during this year, a number of friends within the shire
of Noerlandia founded House Amberview. The head of the house was TSivia bas
Tamara v’Amberview.
AS 13, in which the barony of Septentria is founded, Gillian
d’Uriel is invested as Septentria’s first Baroness, Caffa Muirath wins in the
Lists, Mordain Blackcloak is
first seen, Aelflaeda FitzAlain
is first seen, the Skraeling Althing
Chronicle is first published, Septentria hosts its first event, Septentria
attends its first Pennsic War, Finnvarr
de Taahe is made a Pelican, Eanor of Amberhall becomes a ward of Gillian d’Uriel, the canton of Fortress Royal is
founded, Hugo von Feuerklippe is raised to the Order of Chivalry, the first
Septentrian fight practice is held, and the first Septentrian arts and sciences
minister is appointed.
On the thirteenth day of May, in the thirteenth year of the
Society, the northern shires were recognized as a true barony of the Middle
Kingdom by King Merowald II and Queen Kirsten II. So thus in our northern lands
the number of thirteen is no ill omen but a sign of good fortune.
The name of this new barony was Septentria, which, as Duke
Sir Finnvarr later explained, was derived from the Latin septentriones,
meaning north, northern region, or north winds. The Barony’s arms featured a
bear, representing the northern lands, and three interlaced chevronels in
honour of the three founding shires—Eoforwic,
Ben Dunfirth and Noerlanda. Gillian
d’Uriel—who designed the barony’s arms—then became the first Baroness of
Septentria. As is sometimes done, she was known as Her Excellency Septentria.
Her successors would be more often called the Barons and Baronesses of Septentria.
At this time the cantons of the barony were: Eforwic, Ben
Dunfirth, Noerlandia, and Skraeling Althing.
Also at this event, Ceowulf Longstrider received his Award
of Arms, marking the first award given to a resident of the (then) Canton of
Ben Dunfirth.
Dame TSivia bas Tamara
v’Amberview would later write of the Healing Crown of Septentria, which was
given by Afon Araf (a former Canton of Septentria) to Gillian
during her reign. Gillian would pass
it to Aedan na Kincora and Caffa Muirath (who were Gillian’s
successors to the Ursine thrones), who then gave it to the first Baroness of
Skraeling Althing. This glorious crown was unfortunately too small to fit any
of these good gentles’ heads. Eventually it came to reside with Master Naon na
Cruitre, whose head it reputedly did fit. Over time, it was recognized that
this Crown had healing powers, and cured those whom it touched. Unfortunately,
this relic has not now been seen for many years.
Later that same month the
Queen of the Middle held a tournament for female fighters, which Caffa Muirath won.
However, Caffa never considered her victory a true one, as she felt the lists
had not been run well.
Around this same time,
Skraeling Althing’s first fighters were seen. Among them was a young man named
Mordain Blackcloak, who was rumoured to have the blood of the fey. This Mordain
would go on to great things.
In June Aelflaeda
FitzAlain, future Viscountess of Ealdormere, appeared in Skraeling Althing.
Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles began publishing the Skraeling Althing Chronicle.
A month later the new
barony of Septentria hosted its first event, in honour of its new status. As in
past events held in the Northlands, many members of the populace of far off
lands came to participate. There was much fighting and feasting and the game of
blind samurai was much enjoyed. This game consisted of fighters wearing
blindfolds and attempting to strike their opponents with great swords.
At the Pennsic War,
Septentria marshaled a large force that also featured conscripts from the
foreign but allied House Elandris and Castel Rouge. It was at this war that
Aedan na Kincora and Caffa Muirath first learned the arts of war that would
serve them well in the future.
On August 12th,
Finnvarr de Taahe was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
In September Torbin and
Ragni entrusted Eanor of Amberhall
to the Baroness of Septentria as a fosterling, to be taught the ways of the
court and to serve as a lady-in-waiting. This was done at the Canton of
Skraeling Althing’s first event.
Also at this time the
doomed canton of Fortress Royal was founded by David aus Fress of Skraeling
That October saw Hugo von
Feuerklippe made a knight of the Society in the canton of North Woods at the
Middle Kingdom Crown Tourney. Still greater things yet awaited Hugo. Also at
this event, Aedan o Kincora and Kaffa Muiraith received their Awards of Arms.
Both of these gentles would also go on to greater things.
It was around this time
that Skraeling Althing adopted the hare as their symbol. In December, two
members who were leaving the canton gave the other members rabbit tails. This
became a tradition, and eventually turned into a baronial award.
In February, House Aurelia
was formed by Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles in Skraeling Althing.
March saw the first
baronial fight practice, hosted by Noerlanda and held in conjunction with the
Feast of the Bear. That same day Alistair Kirk announced the formation of House
Also that month Septentria
appointed its first arts and sciences minister, then called the mistress of
arts. Morgan of Lindisfarne, of blessed memory, was asked to fulfill this role.
AS 14, in which Torbin of Amberhall is made a Baron of the
Court, Jehanne l’Enragee is named poet laureate of the Middle Kingdom, Hugo von
Feuerklippe and Aedan na Kincora distinguish themselves at the Pennsic War,
Aedan is made a member of the Order of the Silver Oak, the canton of Aron Araf
holds its first event, Feast of the
Hare is first held, and the first Clancy Day is held.
The Middle Kingdom held a
Crown Tournament in the new year at which Torbin of Amberhall was recognized by
Queen Ithriliel I for his contributions to a great quest she had planned for
her knights, making him a Baron of her court. That same day Jehanne l’Enragee
was made the poet laureate for a year. The very next month Jehanne moved to the
canton of Roaring Wastes, which lay south of Septentria, a land in danger of
falling to the wild. With her aid the canton became stronger than ever.
At the Pennsic War a feat
of courage and skill at the sword was enacted in the woods battle. The fighting
was fierce and the Middle Kingdom found itself sorely pressed. Standing atop a
growing pile of bodies, Hugo von Feuerklippe and Aedan na Kincora protected the
Midrealm banner until the bitter end.
For a very long time had
Aedan na Kincora laboured over the forge creating articles for the armoury. In
October, King Laurelin and Queen Ithriliel recognized his science by inducting
him into their Order of the Silver Oak. Aedan only learned of this long after,
as he did not attend the event at which he was so honoured.
For a short time the
canton of Aron Araf had then existed and in November they held their first
event. Sir Hugo held the field for five battles with naught but a dagger and
buckler until the mercenary Sylard bested him. Unfortunately, the canton of
Aron Araf was cursed, and after many years fell into ruin.
Also in November,
Skraeling Althing held the first Feast of the Hare. This event is still held to
this day.
During this winter, some
in Skraeling Althing began to feel isolated from the rest of the Barony of
Septentria. Members of the canton went to meet with Baroness Gillian about this
issue, and she reassured them that Skraeling Althing was not forgotten, and
pledged to make them feel more included in baronial affairs.
In the Kingdom of the
East, on January 5th, Barak Hasdrubal was elevated to the Order of
Chivalry. This same Barak would one day move to the Kingdom of Ealdormere
and settle in the lands of Ben Dunfirth.
In March, Starleaf Gate
hosted the first Clancy Day, a celebration in honour of a canine. It was
attended by eleven knights and all the royalty of the Middle Kingdom. This
event became popular and is still held to this day. At this time the Shire was
a part of Septentria but in much later years it would leave those lands.
At this event Aelflaeda
FitzAlain received her Award of Arms, and Mordain Blackcloack became one of Sir
Finnvarr’s squires.
AS 15, in which discord erupts in Ben Dunfirth, the first game of bouzkashi
is played in Septentria, Mordain Blackcloak is chosen to be Septentrian
champion, Gillian d’Uriel begins to
look for successors, Aedan na Kincora and Caffa Muirath are listed as Vicars of
East Septentria, Gillian declares
war on North Woods, Sylard of Eagleshaven hosts a solstice celebration, and the
canton of Dubhras appears.
In May, at the Coronation of Talymar and Valmai, Mordain
Blackcloak received his Award of Arms.
Sometime during the fifteenth year of the Society, Fridja of
Jutland became seneschal of the Canton of Ben Dunfirth. It was she who changed
the name of the canton to New Farthing, without polling the will of the people.
Indeed, it is recorded that she often made decisions without consultation, and
though doing so did not break any rules, the people of Ben Dunfirth felt that
they should at least be consulted about important decisions, if not a hand in
making the decisions themselves. This conflict would continue for some time.
June saw Baron Torbin of Amberhall introduce an Afghan game
called bouzkashi to the populace of Septentria. It involved the throwing of
sheep, and for a time fell into obscurity as some deemed its practice
That next month Baroness Gillian
selected a baronial champion. Until that point in time her champion had been
chosen at each successive tourney, so many had held the title and worn the
favour. Now she broke with her own tradition and selected Mordain Blackcloak,
squire to Sir Finnvarr, to be her permanent champion.
Around this same time Gillian
began to look for successors as she feared she might have to move to North
Woods. In December she named Aedan na Kincora and Caffa Muirath as her vicars
of East Septentria. In January, at the Middle
Kingdom’s Twelfth Night, Gillian
announced that rather than set aside her title as Baroness of Septentria she
would simply annex North Woods and make it a part of the barony. The warriors
of Septentria and of the North Woods began to ready for war which would be met
that summer.
At this same time Sylard and House Eagleshaven invited the
folk of Eoforwic to an Up-helly-a,
which is a Norse solstice celebration. A boat was laden with sacrifices, and
after prayers for a fruitful year were said, the boat was set ablaze on the
water. This is a tradition that Sylard continues to this day. This should not
be confused with the boat burning that occurs at Pennsic Lake,
which is done to honour those who have left this life.
In March the canton of Dubhras was first seen by the gentles
of the barony. Septentria can be a land of turmoil, and sadly this canton, like
so many others, fell into ruin. The land would eventually be claimed by another
settlement, called Bryniau Twynnog.
AS 16, in which Anne le gris is named Septentria’s poet
laureate, Caitlin Stuart is made a Laurel, Hugo von Feuerklippe and Caitlin
Stuart I reigned as King and Queen in the Middle Kingdom, Aaron of the Black
Mountain is first seen, Torbin of Amberhall and Caffa Muirath are honoured by
the King and Queen, Rising Waters is seen for the first time, the battle for
North Woods is fought, Aedan and Caffa are invested as Baron and Baroness of
Septentria, the Septentrian Guard and Septentrian Archery Corps are founded,
and Skraeling Althing splits from Septentria
Around this time, Lady (now Mistress) Anne le gris won a
bardic competition and was named Septentria’s poet laureate. No one else was
ever given this position again.
On the 30th day of May, Caitlin Stuart was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for embroidery.
The first king of the Middle Kingdom to hail from the lands
of Septentria was Sir Hugo von Feuerklippe, who reigned with Caitlin Stuart I
from May until October. (Though Sir Finnvarr also held that same Crown, he had
not been born in the Northlands). Caitlin Stuart then made history as she
became the first Queen of the Middle to swear an oath upon accepting her crown.
No other Queen of the Middle had done this before. Baron Torbin was named as
the Royal Chamberlain and Caffa Muirath was made the King’s Champion.
At the coronation the people of Rising Waters made
themselves first known. They were led by Aaron of the Black
Mountain, who in later years would
become a Master of the Laurel.
Aaron had heard of the Society via a copy of the Pale which had been sent to him along with a number of volumes
having to do with dungeons and monstrous serpents. Rising Waters would soon
after be founded as a canton with Aaron as its first seneschal.
Hugo and Caitlin would later have the honour of crowning the
first Prince and Princess of Calontir.
At this time Her Excellency Gillian
d’Uriel relinquished the Ursine Thrones in favour of Aedan na Kincora and Caffa
Muirath. This occurred in Afon Araf, in June at the Pacification of the North
Woods. Earlier that day the armies of Septentria and North Woods had met to do
battle but found a band of mercenaries in wait that threatened them both. Only
together did the two armies defeat the mercenaries, and then only barely. When
the battle was over peace was declared, and at court that night Gillian surrendered Septentria to the Crown. King
Hugo and Queen Caitlin then invested Aedan and Caffa as Baron and Baroness.
Also in June, the seneschal of Ben Dunfirth, Fridja of
Jutland, received her Award of Arms. This angered the contingent of Ben
Dunfirth residents who felt she was too autocratic (and indeed despotic) and
that her work should not have been rewarded. As Septentria supported Fridja
(who, as has been mentioned, was not actually breaking any rules) the hearts of
the people of Ben Dunfirth hardened towards their cousins.
During Their term in Septentria, Aedan and Caffa appointed a
baronial harpist, a position that still exists to this day. For Their harpist they
chose first Nain of Islandia, known to us now as Nain na Cruitre, and later
Mistress Rhiannon of Wye, both of blessed memory.
They also instituted the giving of rings, especially arm
rings, to acknowledge good and just deeds by the populace of the barony.
To protect Septentria in times of war, Aedan and Caffa
formed the Septentrian Archery Corps and the Septentrian Guard. The Guard
counted the Eoforwic City Militia
amongst its numbers, for at that time Eoforwic
was the home of Aedan and Caffa. Eoforwic
was therefore seen by many as the capital of Septentria.
That fall, after the destruction of records by an irate
citizenry, Lady Fridja’s ‘reign’ in Ben Dunfirth was ended in a military coup.
She was interrupted while trying to pass many ‘decrees’ and was escorted from
the premises by Lord Glandydd of House Rhys Mordwyn and likely either Alfred of
Warwick, or Duncan DuMorvill. (Some accounts say all three were present.) Alfred
of Mercia was then named as the canton’s new seneschal.
As a result of this coup, the Canton of New Farthing (as Ben
Dunfirth was still known at the time) was disbanded by orders from the Southron
overlords. As well, these overlords then wrote a law no longer allowing a
removal of office except through the intervention of a superior officer. Thus
did the people of Ben Dunfirth make a lasting imprint on the way the Society
was run.
Following the coup, House Three Coins fell into ruin, while Alfred
of Mercia began the task of rebuilding the group, changing its name back to Ben
During the past few years, Skraeling Althing had grown
substantially, and it soon claimed the right to be a barony in its own right.
The Skrael gained independence in March of the sixteenth year of the Society,
while the home canton of the same name eventually became known as Caldrithig.
AS 17, in which Sir Barak Hasdrubal moves to Ben Dunfirth,
House Conchullain is formed, the gold and red torses are worn, Mordain
Blackcloak is knighted, Septentrians are captured by the Great Dark Horde, the
canton of Der Welfengau is founded, the Baronies of Septentria and Skraeling
Althing almost war on one another, the canton of Vest Yorvik is founded , Gaerwen of Trafford is first seen and TSivia bas
Tamara V’Amberview is made a Laurel.
During this year, Count Sir Hasdrubal moved from the East Kingdom
and came to dwell in the Canton of Ben Dunfirth.
House Conchullain was founded this year, also in the Canton
of Ben Dunfirth.
In July, Baron Aedan led a troop of soldiers to North Woods
for a battle. They all wore torses of twined red and gold, topped with golden
bears on their helms. At this time, the colours of Septentria were gules and or, (that is to say, red and
gold/yellow), rather than the gules and
argent (or red and silver/white) we see today. At the Pennsic War many of
the fighters of Septentria went thus attired to the field.
That war Septentria acquitted itself well. During the bridge
battle they gave no ground and held their bridge until the end.
Two other events at this eleventh Pennsic War must be
recorded. The first being that Sir Mordain, former Champion of Septentria, and
now a member of the barony of Skraeling Althing, was knighted. The second is
the capture of Septentrians by the Great Dark Horde. When a group of
Septentrians were visiting the camp of the Great Dark Horde the gates were
ordered locked so that no member of the Order of the Chivalry, who had met
there to moot, could leave early. The Septentrians were wary at first, but the
free flowing ale the nomads provided eased their moods.
December saw the formation of a new canton called Der
Welfengau. Der Welfengau would go on to be known as a land of learning for they
held many collegiae. As they were mighty in knowledge they could also be mighty
of arm and Der Welfengau would be home for a time to David Martin Failsworth,
of whom more will be said later.
Lord Alasdair of Raasay then came close to starting a war
between Septentria and Skraeling Althing. For he had seen land nearby to the
Skrael that he wished Septentrians to settle. Baroness Enid Aurelia of the Tin
Isles, first Baroness of Skraeling Althing, did mightily protest. Though the
word ‘war’ was spoken, the conflict never became that heated and eventually the
matter was settled peaceably.
During this year, Gaerwen of
Trafford, then known as Llyn, was first seen. She would go on
to great things, and much more of her is written of elsewhere in this
During this year the canton of Vest Yorvik was founded in
Septentria. The canton has been ever vibrant and is a place of artisans and
warriors and has produced many fighters for the Septentrian baronial army.
On the 26th of March, TSivia bas Tamara V’Amberview
was made a Dame of the Order of the Laurel.
AS 18, in which Prisilka
od Cervery Kamen the Sensible is made a Laurel, Hugo von Feuerklippe leaves Septentria, Ben Dunfirth and der Welfengau
grow close, Ben Dunfirth hosts its first major event, Sylard of Eagleshaven is
made a companion of the Order of the Laurel and the Shire of Noergate is
On August 1st, Prisilka od Cervery Kamen the
Sensible was elevated to the Order of the Laurel.
She had lived in Ealdormere for a time, but moved to the Middle Kingdom.
February of the eighteenth year of the Society saw Sir Hugo,
the first native King of northland blood, depart with his lady Rowena for the Kingdom of An Tir.
Also in February, the Canton of Ben Dunfirth and Canton of
der Welfengau began to hold joint archery practices.
On March 3rd, Ben Dunfirth held its first major
event, being the Feast of St. David. Over one hundred people attended and took
great delight in consuming a gingerbread fortress.
Also at this time, the plans for the first Murder Melee in
the Meadow were formed, with Hannorah O’Neil and Lord Redbeard named as event
On April 28th, the people of the north held an
arts and sciences competition at which many wonderful works were shown. Many
awards were granted to recognize the skills of their crafters. Most notable of
all was Sylard of Eagleshaven’s induction into the Order of the Laurel for his metalwork.
Somewhere around this time the Shire of Noergate was first
founded. Though the shire’s lands for a time went untilled, people returned to
Noergate around AS 30.
AS 19, in which Mortrath
Colwyn is made a Laurel, the Magna Carta is delivered, Ben Dunfirth held
the first Murder Melee In The Meadow, Sylard of Eagleshaven is sainted, Trinovantius
is born, the Clarion begins publication, Tarver the Pole and Caffa Muirath
craft a shield for the Princess of the Middle Kingdom, talk of a Region of the
northlands begins, Septentria again distinguishes itself at the Pennsic War, Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles and Robert of
Two Cliffs are made Laurels, Ben
Dunfirth once again becomes a full canton, those intent on fighting in the
Regional Championship Tourney declare themselves, and collars of state are
May 4th saw Mortrath Colwyn (also known as
Mordreth Llanelli Colwyn) elevated to the Order of the Laurel for her culinary skills. Thus she
became the first Master of this art within the Kingdom.
On May 27th the Magna Cara was delivered in Ben
Dunfirth, with representatives from the Rising Waters, der Welfengau, Rhydderich
Hael, Eoforwic, West Yorvik and Skraeling
Althing in attendance.
On the sixteenth day of June, the canton of Ben Dunfirth
held a two-day tournament for the practice of martial skills in anticipation of
war once again in the Debatable Lands. A series of team melees and bridge
battles were fought with Barak Sir Hasdrubal’s fighters taking the day. The
Murder Melee in the Meadow is still held to this day.
At this same event the three miracles of St. Sylard were
performed. What these miracles may have been are unknown to this scribe. This
same St. Sylard would one day have a convent dedicated to him, known as the
Daughters of St. Sylard.
Also in June, Ben Dunfirth fathered a new group calling
itself Trinovantius. This group would go on to become the Shire of Trinovantia
Nova. Furthermore, the canton began to publish its first newsletter, known as
the Clarion.
Lord Tarver the Pole, known long for his great height,
strength and skill at the arts of peace and war, did craft a mighty shield.
This shield was given unto the Baroness of Septentria, and Caffa painted it
with the arms of the Princess of the Middle Kingdom. This shield was then given
to Princess Fern de la Foret, and she bore it into battle. She was the first
Princess of the Middle to bear her station’s arms on the field.
Septentria and Skraeling Althing, though both separate and
individual entities, had both been born from the same soul and the same heart.
Lady Tsivia bas Tamara v’Amberivew, who was the Deputy Midrealm Seneschal in
charge of groups modernly lying with the borders of Canada,
pled with the Midrealm seneschal, Ithriliel, to let the lands modernly known as
Ontario be
its own region. At this point in time, these lands had been lumped into a land
mass known as Pentamer by the Midrealm Curia Regis. Ithiriel agreed, making
Tsivia Regional Seneschal for Ontario,
which Tsivia thereafter referred to as Argenterre (roughly ‘Silver Lands’ in
French). Sir Finnvarr de Taahe then wrote an impassioned letter to the people
regarding choosing a new name and designing arms for their region. And so, in
the nineteenth year of the Society, a ‘grand council’ was hosted by Lady Ragni Dzintara, TSivia’s successor, where the north
folk met. The proposed region would not be an official geographic area
recognized by the Society, but the people felt a sense of unity and wanted to
express it. An honorable committee was founded to organize a tournament to
select a champion and consort to represent the region.
In an act of solidarity, Sir Mordain Blackcloak commanded
the combined forces of the baronies of Septentria and Skraeling Althing at that
year’s Pennsic War. Under his captaincy, the northland forces took the north
bridge as the Middle Kingdom won the battle.
In the woods battle the Septentrian and Skraeling forces
were set to guard a back road with only a small force. To their surprise the
entire Eastern army marched along that same road and they fought a pitched and
hopeless battle. Though the northland force was decimated, they fought
gloriously and to the end.
On August 17th both Enid
Aurelia of the Tin Isles and Robert of Two Cliffs were elevated to the Order of
the Laurel.
Robert was recognized for his skill at calligraphy and illumination, while Enid was being honoured
for her cooking.
In September, news was received that Ben Dunfirth would once
again be a full fledged and recognized canton. In October they held a harvest
festival to celebrate this news.
At the Septentrian baronial Twelfth Night a number of
warriors declared their intent to take part in the tourney for the regional
champion, and announced their consort’s name.
On the tenth day of March a second moot was called for
further discussion of the proposed region. The name proposed for the region was
Ealdormere, and Septentria was strong in its support of the endeavour. It was
also decided that the Ursus would become the region’s chronicle as it
was then widely read.
Also in March, the Crown officially recognized Ben
Dunfirth’s status as a full canton.
The next month the region held an Arts and Sciences
Decathlon on the thirteenth day. The event was hosted by the canton of Vest
Yorvik and is most memorable for it was on this day that the wolf was selected
as the animal to represent the Region of Ealdormere.
The event also saw Lady Mordreth Llanelli Colwyn’s designs
for the Collars of State chosen for the forthcoming champion and consort to
wear. At this time all others who wished to grace the lists of the Regional
Championship Tourney declared themselves and their consorts. In all, eighteen
good gentles declared themselves. One of these, Iago, also called Yog the
Undesirable or Yog Rhys Mordwyn, was admitted though he was not armigerous, and
this was a requirement. Twelve other members of the populace stood and attested
to his virtue and with this done, he could partake in the tourney. So did Yog’s
strange journey begin, and more of it shall be written of later.
At this time Rising Waters was growing at a large rate. They
were meeting in Fiona Averylle’s basement, known affectionately as the
‘Elecave’. (It is a well known fact that Fiona held a special place in her
heart for elephants.) This April, Fiona became the Trillium Herald for
This year also saw the founding of the Chalice Calligraphers
Guild in the canton.
The Time of the Southron
AS 20, in which Eoforwic
celebrates its 10th anniversary, the Regional Championship
Tournament is held, conflict arises concerning Murder Melee, Yog the
Undesirable makes a heroic stand, Septentria begins its war traditions, Enid
Aurelia of the Tin Isles is made a Pelican, the ‘Rights and Duties of the
Champion and Consort of Ealdormere’ is published and the Proscription begins.
On the twentieth day of July in the twentieth year of the
Society, Eoforwic celebrated its
tenth anniversary. To mark this occasion the Royal Citie hosted the Regional
Championship Tournament. Yog, he who has been mentioned before, was late to
arrive and almost missed the tournament completely. The rules of the lists were
scrupulously held to and many fighters had to cut their shields down to the
required size. The fighting was honourable but fierce, and truly one good
gentle received such a resounding blow to his most important piece of armour
that it was split in twain.
Well and true the combatants fought and in the Lists Yog went
undefeated, besting both Lord Tarver the Pole and Lord Belgar Thorbjorn in the
finals. At court Yog and his consort, the Lady Hannorah O’Neil, were invested
as the regional Champion and Consort. The collars of state were brought forth
and the populace marveled. Mordreth, with the assistance of Sylard, had upon
the collars depicted such things as the four elements, the Tree of Life, the
Bear of Septentria, the Hare of Skraeling Althing, the Wolf of Ealdormere and many
more symbols besides.
In May, Murder Melee was again held, and at this event a new
household was born, known as the Greater Freehold of the Fighters of Rozak,
better known as the Rozakii. The founding members were Blaquestone, Roak, Tarl
and Otaka (now known as Sir Tarkatai, Master of the Laurel). This inter-kingdom household would
go on to produce many Kings and Queens of Ealdormere, as well as members of the
Order of Chivalry, the Laurel
and the Pelican.
Murder Melee this year became a battlefield in a literal
sense as the event steward and Lord Yog, who both resided in Ben Dunfirth,
disagreed over the scope of the event. Moria the Black (she who would later
spearhead the Kingdom bid as Principality Seneschal) had chosen a theme for the
event as a Septentrian Baronial War Practice with the permission of the Baron
and Baroness of Septentria. Advertisements and invitations for the event had
already been issued, as well as scheduling arranged. Yog, the Regional Champion
felt it should be a Regional War Practice and informed Ben Dunfirth that he
would be making this change. Discord erupted with the group about whether or
not the Regional Champions had the right to make such a decision, to change an
event theme without the permission of the host group or event steward. Though
Ben Dunfirth did not want to re-do all of the work that had already been done,
they were not against the idea of making Murder Melee a Regional War Practice
in the future, and offered to incorporate that theme the next year. However,
they were against the idea that the Regional Champion had the right to demand
an event be changed and take to it over. This conflict ended up causing
division and strife in the canton, as the Regional Champion and Consort both
resided in Ben Dunfirth. The Baron and Baroness of Septentria were asked to
resolve the conflict, and gathered Ben Dunfirth together at an event in Vest
Yorvik in February to discuss the matter. Their Excellencies stated that the
event should be as its autocrat wished, but asked the people of Ben Dunfirth to
try and support the region. The people agreed, but asked what rights and duties
the champion and consort had and what obligations in the performing of these
duties were to be conveyed? Did the Regional Champion and Consort have the
right to demand a group do something, or just to request it? Could they choose
to take over an event if they chose without the group’s permission? It was
resolved that the Baron and Baroness of Septentria and the Baroness of
Skraeling Althing would write the ‘Rights and Duties of the Champion and
Consort of Ealdormere’.
Once again hostilities had broken out between the Middle and
East Kingdoms and the people of the region of
Ealdormere marched to war. In the field battle, Yog, the new champion of the
Region, made a glorious final stand. For there was much bloodshed upon the
field as bodies fell to lie on the earth. When the combatants paused Yog found
that only he and James mac Art of Tree-Girt-Sea remained of the mighty Midlands army. The East, not wishing to be unchivalrous,
agreed to battle the remaining two soldiers in single combat. James fought
first and was killed. Yog then battled long and hard and defeated many men
until at long last he fell. To commemorate this, Corin the Sun-King, monarch of
the Middle, awarded Yog the Dragon’s Tooth.
This war saw the first appearance of the scarlet tabards of
Septentria. They had been made by Domenica of Welfengau and featured the golden
bear. The fighters also bore scarlet cords, plaited by Hannorah and her ladies
as tokens. Also at this war Septentria began its long tradition of bearing much
guard duty of the Midrealm royal encampment. Septentria continues this
tradition to this day, though now they help guard the Ealdormere Royal
On August 17th, Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles
became the second member of the Order of the Pelican in Ealdormere, seven years
after Finnvarr had been elevated.
In September Yog began his tradition of giving the most
promising fighter in a tourney a sword and gauntlet. The swords were
red-hilted, and the gauntlets decorated in brass. This began at a Tournament of
Romance in Der Welfengau.
At this time, Lyonet de Covenham (who was then known as James MacAndrews) became the Septentrian baronial
champion, though this was never an official title. She first wore the Baroness’s
favour at the Festival of Maidens in Würm Wald.
At a tournament held by Vest Yorvik in February, the
Trillium Herald, Fiona Avril of Maidenhead, decided that the reproductive organ
of the golden Septentrian bear should be blue thenceforth. This gilding would
fall in and out of practice over the years.
Also in February, the ‘Rights and Duties of the Champion and
Consort of Ealdormere’ was published in Ben Dunfith’s newsletter, the Clarion.
In this same month two letters from Ealdormere came by
messenger to the king of the Middle Kingdom, who was at this time Alan Elegil.
The first was from Lady Hannorah, champion’s consort of Ealdormere, who wrote
of Ealdormereans she felt should be recognized for rewards. Normally, such a
letter would be welcome news, but rather than suggest these individuals be
recognized, the regional consort demanded they be recognized. She also advised
the king about individuals she felt should not receive awards. The second was
from Lady Lyonet de Covenham, containing a proposition of Ealdormere becoming a
full principality of the Middle Kingdom.
In addidition to these missives, the king received word from
other regions within his kingdom that were demanding special rights for their
regional representatives.
When the King of the Dragon Thrones read these letters he felt
his kingdom was becoming unstable and crumbling around him and that regionalism
was proving detrimental to the kingdom as a whole. Elegil then struck down the
idea of regions, by calling his officers (some claim the minimum number of
officers necessary) to enact a law, a law which prohibited any geographic area
within the kingdom from calling itself a region, or by a regional name, or to
chose for itself a champion. This was called the ‘Washroom Curia’ for, as the
story goes, the king held the meeting in a privy. (This is disputed by others
who say the meeting was held in the king’s kitchens the night before the
Passing of the Ice Dragon.) As the king was a;ready planning to attend a
different event, the duty to announce this edict to the people of Ealdormere
fell to his Prince, Palymar of the Two Baronies, and his Pale Herald, Mistress
Graidhne. They brought the northfolk the dire news at Ice Dragon in Rhydderich
Hael, in the Kingdom
of Æthelmearc, where many
Ealdormereans were always in attendance. Though the Middle Kingdom Seneschal,
the Countess Genevieve, was also present at the event, she was unable to attend
this announcement.
When told they could no longer be a region, the folk of
Ealdormere were confused, angry and distraught. They knew not why they were
being so punished. If they had erred against the king, should they have not had
a chance to atone before being so punished? Those present returned to
Septentria and Skraeling Althing and word spread throughout the land. There was
much wailing and gnashing of teeth. To this day there are Ealdormereans who
refuse to speak the name of this king. Stories such as the Washroom Curia began
to spread as the anger of the Northfolk burned hotly in their bellies. For
many, many years, Ealdormereans felt they had been singled out by the
Proscription, but other regions within the Middle Kingdom also felt the sting
(and some say were more responsible for the Proscription’s enactment that the
Northlands were). The members of the Curia have therefore oft been demonized in
the lupine lands, though this is not necessarily warranted.
That same month Lyonet de Covenham, who served as Eoforwic’s pursuivant, was stripped of her office by
the Dragon Herald, Baron Charles O’Connor. The Dragon Herald said that Lyonetwas unable to hold the office as she was an Eastern herald, though all knew this
was no longer so. Many grumbled that Lyonetwas being punished for proposing the
formation of the Principality of Ealdormere.
Though the idea of Ealdormere was now an outlawed thing,
still it lived on in the hearts of all the north folk, especially in those who
lived in Septentria. Both Aedan and Caffa helped keep the people’s hearts and
hopes alive, in the belief that eventually, Ealdormere would be free and
recognized. Indeed, Lord Alistair Kirk of Inness points out that this
proscription helped formalize the animal totem of Ealdormere. For the term
“wolf’s head” means outlaw, and many in the north were proud to be wolf’s
heads. These dark days were known as the Proscription, and were written of by
Baron Aedan in his story “The Doom of Ealdormere.”

AS 21, in which a champion of Septentria-Skraeling
Althing-Noergate is chosen, Murder Melee is again held, Septentria is sought at
Pennsic, Caffa Muirath is elevated to the Order of the Laurel, Septentria
almost single handedly guards the Midlands Royalty, John of Slaughterfield is
made Queen’s Champion, Morgana bro
Morganwyg is made a Laurel, and Ben
Dunfirth again experiences internal strife.
In June a tournament was held in the Barony of Skraeling
Althing. The winner of this tournament was to be the champion of Septentria,
Skraeling Althing and Noergate. So did John of Slaughterfield become
Ealdormere’s champion in all but name. His consort was Lady Deirdre of
Also in June the third Murder Melee was held, and though its
planning had been tumultuous, the event was very successful.
At the Pennsic War, as the generals met to plan strategy,
Duke Laurelin Darksbane, Baron of the Cleftlands, was asked what troops he
would have under his command. “Septentria,” he replied. Though the forces of
Septentria would be lost in the coming battles due honour was paid the barony
as their warriors were amongst those most sought after during that war.
At this same war, Baroness Caffa was made a companion of the
Order of the Laurel
for her carving and she was showered with laurel leaves. Also, Septentrians
continued their traditions as guards, and verily when someone passed by the
Middle Kingdom encampment it was invariably Septentrians guarding the gate.
By November King Alen was long gone. His son Palymar had
ruled justly and well, and now Palymar’s own son Emrys sat the throne with his
Queen Emmelynne. In this month Emrys and Emmelynne traveled to the Feast of
Bacchus in Rising Waters and there they recognized the people and lands that
had been so maligned under their grandparents’ rule. For Lyonet de Covenham, who
had been stripped of his pursuivant’s office, was made a companion of the Order
of the Willow.
Also, John of Slaughterfield, champion of Septentria, Skraeling Althing and
Noergate was made the Queen’s Champion. Indeed, their Majesties gave the Spear
of the Middle Kingdom into the keeping of the Barony of Septentria at this
On April 29th, Morgana bro Morganwyg was elevated
to the Order of the Laurel
for her skill in the bardic arts. Though she dwelled in many kingdoms, she
always considered Ealdormere to be her home.
Also during this year, some residents of Ben Dunfirth, who
did not feel comfortable among the other residents of their canton, began to
gather in the village
of Stoney Creek. This included
Lord Yog, Hannorah, and members of their household.
AS 22, in which the canton of Steinbach is founded, a
Septentria – Trimaris rivalry begins over land at Pennsic War, the squires of
Septentria help guard the Queen of the Middle, Aedan na Kincora is made a
companion of the Order of the Laurel, talk of a Barony of Rising Water begins
but is stopped, Eislinn the Patient passes away, the residents of Ben Dunfirth
begin to grow closer, Tamara Amalthea
de Romany is made a Laurel, the Middle
Kingdom Seneschal steps down, Bealdgar Thorbeornsson is knighted, and
Septentrians prove their generosity to the East Kingdom
A new canton, called Steinbach, was founded in May. It was
near the Stoney Creek, by Ben Dunfirth. Like
many others this canton enjoyed brief prosperity then faded from our histories.
The Queen of the East
Kingdom, Sedalia I, celebrated her birthday in July
and many Eoforings traveled to the Debatable Lands to celebrate with her. Only
two people in attendance that day gave gifts unto the Queen. The first was
Mistress Graidhne, and the second was Lyonet de Covenham, and neither hailed from
the East.
There was a rivalry that year between Septentria and
Trimaris at the Pennsic War, for the East
Kingdom had given camping
land to Trimaris that Septentria claimed as its own.
Here too did a call go out for all the squires of the Middle
Kingdom to form an honour guard for Eislinn (who was mortally ill), daughter of
Emrys and Emmelynne, and Queen to Talymar III. So great was their love of the
Queen that even Septentrians who were not squires rallied to her banner. In
this way many of the Citie of Eoforwic
and many from the canton of Petrea Thule served the Queen. Each person who
fought for the Queen was presented with a token. Thorbjorn Osis Brandson, of
beloved memory, fought in that august company and counted it as one of his
proudest moments. The Guard fought well and bravely under the leadership of Sir
Fernanda de la Foret, an old friend of Ealdormere. When the war was over,
Eislinn made them all companions of the Order of the Queen’s Favour. This Order
was closed upon the end of her reign.
For long had Baron Aedan na Kincora toasted hall and field
with brew of his own distilling. His skill was here recognized by the Crown,
and Aedan was elevated to the Order of the Laurel.
In the fall, the Canton of Rising Waters mourned the loss of
one of their most loved members, Lady Mary Campbell of Inverary, who passed
away after a brief illness.
In the cold winds of December the cantons of Rising Waters,
Ben Dunfirth and Steinbach talked of joining together to form a new
barony. Before this could happen, Moria the
Black had to assure the Society Steward, Hilary of Serendip, that Steinbach was
a separate canton from Ben Dunfirth, and not simply a political sub-set within
Ben Dunfirth. This she was able to do. The groups also had the blessings of the
Baron and Baroness of Septentria, but the king’s seneschal, Baron Thyrm
Odomsson, called Cein, said that for a canton to become a barony it must first
become a shire. No one had heard of this custom before, and word was brought to
King Eliahu, who was Talymar III’s successor. The King, and his queen, Elen,
did put Thyrm on probation, and made matters clear that if he displeased them
again during that time he would be stripped of his office.
At the yearly Twelfth Night, a moot was held at which the
people of the northlands, which called their land Ealdormere, found themselves
resolved to place a Prince from amongst their number to rule over them.
That very next month word came that Duchess Eislinn, who had
been in ill health, had passed away. Eislinn, of blessed memory, was a true
friend of all the people of Ealdormere.
March saw Ben Dunfirh’s new seneschal, Moria the Black,
holding a gathering at her home where the dissident factions of the canton were
invited to socialize, get to know one another, and see how each of their
actions were hurting the group. New friendships were formed, and the canton was
Also in March, on the 21st, Tamara Amalthea de
Romany was elevated to the Order of the Laurel.
On April 16th, Bealdgar Thorbeornsson was
elevated to the Order of Chivalry.
In April Thyrm Odomsson was encouraged by the King to
release his office as the Middle Kingdom’s seneschal. Many folk of the
northlands were glad, as they saw in Thyrm the last in a line of seneschals
that stretched back to the ‘Washroom Curia’. A new seneschal, Myrra, was made,
and she was a friend to the north.
AS 23, in which the first Lady Mary Tourney is held, Ealdormere
is granted Principality status, Rising Waters splits off from Septentria, Aedan
na Kincora and Caffa Muirath are inducted into the Order of the Pelican, Naon na Chruitire and Stephin Armstrang are
made Laurels, and Belgar Thorbjornsson is elevated to knighthood.
In June, Rising Waters holds the first Lady Mary Memorial
Tournament, to honour Lady Mary Campbell of Inverary who had passed away the
previous year. This tournament is still held to this day.
Though in Aedan’s tale Ealdormere was indeed doomed and
slain, in truth she prevailed and in August Anno Societatis XXIII she overcame
all obstacles and became a fully recognized Principality of the Middle Kingdom.
In fact, Aedan left an indelible mark upon the new
Principality, a mark that is still with us to this day. For the proclamation of
Ealdormere’s new status was made at Pennsic War, and Prince Reynard, heir to
the throne of the Middle Kingdom, came to Aedan’s camp to celebrate. Aedan, who
had been named Lord Lieutenant of Ealdormere, toasted the new Principality with
a great “Waeshael!” and this was to become the cheer of the northlands for ever
after. Around that same fire another Ealdormerean tradition was begot by
Septentrians (or so the story goes). Two Eoforings, being John of
Slaughterfield and Alistair Kirk of Inness, toasted Prince Reynard as His
Lupine Highness. Forever after, this would be how Ealdormereans referred to
their Majesties and Highnesses, as that of Lupine.
Ealdormere’s final rise to Principality status came about
thusly: first Graidhne did speak with
the Dragon Herald, who was at that time Fiona Avril of Maidenhead and who said
that the king and seneschal might agree to create such a principality. Fiona
asked Graidhne to procure a charter, and she went to Lyonet de Covenham, who had
first made the proposition in print, and she drafted a charter. The charter was
given from Lyonetto Graidhne to Fiona to Myrra of Blackwood who was seneschal.
And Myrra did go unto the king and begged for a charter for the Principality of
Ealdormere to be drafted. To this the king agreed and the charter was produced.
The charter was discussed by the King’s Council and was found to be good and
they discussed said charter with Baron Aedan and Baroness Caffa of Septentria, and
Baroness Enid of Skraeling Althing. The Society Steward was the final person to
be consulted, and this steward was Sir Hilary of Serendip, who had proposed
years ago to Lyonet that Ealdormere should become a Principality.
So it can be seen that the stars were right, and the will of
the land was with Ealdormere, for in every office Ealdormere did find a friend.
At Great Court
that Pennsic War, King Corwin and Queen Shanna made themselves Prince and
Princess of Ealdormere, and Aedan and Enid were named Lord and Lady Lieutenant
of Ealdormere until such time as the Principality should produce its own Prince
and Princess. Aedan and Enid were granted seats on the King’s Council and there
was much rejoicing amongst the populace of the new principality, and amongst
those who were its friends.
On November 12th, Naon na Chruitire and Stephin
Armstrang were elevated to the Order of the Laurel. Naon was elevated for his skill at
the harp; Stephen for carving.
The same year that Ealdormere was recognized as a
Principality, the Barony of Septentria once again gave birth to a child. On
November 26th, the Barony of Rising Waters was formed from the
vine-rich lands to the southeast. Rising Waters took with it the canton of Ben
Dunfirth which would become a barony in its own right in Anno Societatis XXIX.
Overseeing Rising Waters was Baron Byron Mikhail Woodroffe and Baroness Fiona
Averylle O'Connor of Maidenhead.
Around this same time, the Ursus, which had been used as a newsletter for the region, once
again became Septentria’s newsletter. A new unnamed newsletter (later known as
the Tidings) began to be published
for the principality.
Also that year, at the Coronation of Palymar II and
Katherine II, King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom, both Baron Aedan and
Baroness Caffa were inducted into the grand Order of the Pelican in recognition
of their service to the barony and the region. For both served not only as
Baron and Baroness, but also as officers.
At Clancy Day, on April 16, Bealdgar Thorbjornsson was
elevated to the Order of Chivalry.
The Time of the
Oath-bound Princes
AS 24, in which Eoforwic
hosts a Royal Coronation, Ricard of Sable Tree is made a Laurel, Rising Waters
fights its first Baronial Border War with the Rhydderich Hael, Caffa Muiriath
and Aedan o Kincora are made Pelicans, Aedan na Kincora is given command of
Ealdormere at War, Kyrille Andreskevich
is made a Laurel, Fiona Averylle O’Connor of Maidenhead is made a
Pelican, Tsvetan Arinsson is made a Laurel, David Martin Failsworth is made a
knight of the Society, the foundations of the March of St. Martin are built, and
David Martin Failsworth and Tangwystl Siwan Failsworth are named Ealdormere’s
first Prince and Princess
In May, the Royal Citie of Eoforwic
hosted the coronation of King Palymar II and Queen Katharine II.
On the 13th of May, Ricard of Sable Tree was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for woodworking and Caffa Muiriath and Aedan o Kincora were elevated to the
Order of the Pelican.
The first Baronial Border War, fought between the Barony of
Rising Waters and the Rhydderich Hael, occured between July 14th and
16th. At dispute was Navy Island and the fishing rights in the Niagara River. Rising Waters carried the day, forcing the
Hael to take the fishing rights, as no one wanted to eat fish out of the Niagara River.
At Pennsic XVIII, one year after the raising of Ealdormere
to Principality status, Baron Aedan, Lord Lieutenant of Ealdormere, was given
command of the entire Principality force to lead on the field. It is said that
Aedan led Ealdormere to glorious victory, though the War itself was lost.
On August 19th, Kyrille Andreskevich was elevated
to the Order of the Laurel.
Fiona Averylle O’Connor of Maidenhead was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican on October 13th.
Jan 2nd saw Tsvetan Arinsson elevated to the
Order of the Laurel
for his skill at dance. As he was too ill to attend an event, the King and
Queen came to his deathbed to recognize him before he succumbed to his illness.
At the Barony of Rising Waters’ Twelfth Night, baronial
taxes are first levied. These inaugrial taxes were for each person in the
barony to write up a history for their persona.
At Clancy Day, on March tenth, David Martin Failsworth was
raised to the Order of Chivalry.
During this year, people began to build in the lands known
as Sarnia. This
settlement would eventually grow into the Shire of the March of St. Martin.
On the seventh day of April in the twenty-fourth year of the
Society, Ealdormere held its very first Coronet Tournament in the Canton of Ben
Dunfirth. The winner of this tournament was Syr David Martin Failsworth who
that day took the field for his inspiration, Lady Tangwystl Siwan Failsworth,
making them Ealdormere’s first Prince and Princess. This same Syr David would
later go on to even greater things, and more of him is written elsewhere in
this chronicle.
After his victory in the list, having faced Yog Rhys
Mordwyn, David and his consort, Tangwystl, were invested as the Prince and
Princess of Ealdormere. The Principality Laws were read into court, and they
were lavished with gifts. Foremost among them were a banner and coronets from
Calontir, and Ealdormere’s first sword of state, from Clan MacGregor.
The first Great Officers of Ealdormere were: Katerina de
Turenne, seneschal; Ceallach cu
Meallin, marshal; Gwylim ap Alun, exchequer; Anne Grey, Minister of Arts; Ricard of Sabletree, Minister of
Science; Tsivia bas Tamara, Chirurgeon,
Brenainn O'Muchadha, Herald; and
Amyfelise de Mintestede, Chronicler.
Also in April, Lady Sarra Graeham won the Middle Kingdom
A&S Pentathalon.
AS 25, in which the first Principality awards are given, first
Michel d’Arques and Kaellyn MacDermot and then Thorbjorn Osis Brandson and
Ragnheithr Thorbjarnarsdottir reign as Prince and Princess, Barony Nordskogen
returns Septentrian relics, Adrielle
Kerrec is worshipped by Trimarian squires, Rhiannon of Wye is raised to the
Order of the Laurel, Tangwystl d’Courci is made a Laurel, the College of Skeldergate is founded, Vest Yorvik thinks of
becoming a barony, the first moot is held, the Order of the Bee is founded, and
the canton of Ardchreag is founded
During this year the people in the mundane locality of St.
Catherines, within the Barony of Rising Waters, ruminated on founding a new
canton. Possible names included Hunter’s Moon and Hedgehog Hollow.
At Murder Melee the first official Principality Awards were
given. These were Tangwystl’s Favours, and they were given to Baroness Fiona,
Lady Madinia and Lady Katerina de Turenne.
At the Pennsic War, Barony Nordskogen learned that they were
camping on ancestral Septentrian ground. Finding some relics of a dead giant
(which looked remarkably like chicken bones), they returned them to Septentria
with much pomp and ceremony. It was also reported that several Trimarian
squires revered Lady Adrielle Kerrec
(later Baroness of Septentria and Queen of Ealdormere) for her ability to
gargle with a drink called ‘Southern Comfort’. That she could breath fire after
doing so is considered to be apocryphal. Lady Rhiannon of Wye was raised to the
Order of the Laurel
for her skill at the harp.
At this war, David and Tangwystl led Ealdormere at its first
Pennsic as a Principality. Calontir officially aligned itself with Ealdormere,
and they marched onto the battlefield together.
On September, Michel d’Arques and Kaellyn MacDermot became
the second Prince and Princess of Ealdormere. David and Tangwystl retired from
the thrones and became the first Viscount and Viscountess of Ealdormere. Also
at this court, Tangwystl d’Courci and Helmut of Greenland were elevated to the
Order of the Laurel
(for costume research and armouring, respectively).
During the winter of Anno Societatis XXV two good gentles
traveled from Ben Dunfirth to attend a university within the borders of
Septentria. This was Osric Caertinn na Conchullain and his lady, Cualgne, and
they rediscovered the ruins of Noerlanda. Perhaps not knowing that winter is
not the best time of year for construction they nevertheless began to rebuild
this long-dead canton. To aid them they found Ursula na Clan na Rath, now a
Baroness of the Court, and a surviving member of doomed Noerlanda. When the construction
was complete around November, they stood back and looked at their work and they
knew it to be good. Rather than again calling the canton Noerlanda, the
populace called it the College
of Skeldergate
(though now it is a canton). Since they could find no documentation to prove
they did not fall within the Citie of Eoforwic’s
domains, by calling themselves a college, they avoided any geographical
disputes with their neighbours. This land of owls would become known for the
strength of its fighters, and would give birth to the Hrogn fra Osis, the
personal household of Duke Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandson and Duchess Mistress
Caitlin Stuart. At the time I scribe these words, one Midrealm, one Drachenwald
and four Ealdormerean kings have come from the canton of Skeldergate.
The first (of the Middle) was Osis, who ruled too briefly, and whose Queen,
Caitlin Stuart reigned on alone; the second was Berus
Wolfsson Jarl who ruled twice with Countess Marion FitzWilliam; the third was Duke
Aaron Preslee (now Worgonsson) and
Rustique du Sorde (who reigned four times). The fourth was Duke Etain au Naval
and Duchess Valfreya Greenspeare (who reigned twice). The fifth was Duke
Quilliam and Duchess Dagmar Halvdan (who reigned twice). In far off
Drachenwald, Duke Leif reigned twice with Duchess Morrigan.
Also that winter the canton of Vest Yorvik thought upon
trying to achieve baronial status in its own right. However, the proper
procedures were not followed, the idea was struck down, and the people of Vest
Yorvik did not pursue the matter.
Also during this winter, the Principality held its first
moot, at Wassail.
In April of the twenty-fifth year of the Society, a group of
archers set forth from Eoforwic and
founded a settlement to the east upon cliffs overlooking the Inland Seas.
These hearty and hale folk soon established a land renowned for skill at the
bow, and the folk who lived in that canton called it Ardchreag (or Ard Chreag).
Ardchreag would go on to host Septentrian War Practice, one of the area’s
largest events. Over time this event would change it’s name to Ealdormere War
Practice, and later to the War of the Trillium.
Also in April, the Order of the Bee was founded. This order
was to recognize service to the Principality. The first members were Anne Grey
and Ceallach cu Meallain.
On April 23rd, Osis and Ragnheithr Thorbjarnardottir,
known as Heitha, became Prince and Princess.
AS 26, in which David Martin Failsworth and Tangwystl
Siwan Failsworth reign as King and Queen of the Middle, Flaming Sky leaves
Septentria, Forward into the Past is first held, Septentria is awarded the
Purple Fretty, Cordigan d’Arnot and Diane d’Arnot are invested as Baron and
Baroness of Septentria, the Ramshaven talks begin, House Galbraith appears, Sarra Elisabeth
Graeham of Birnham is made a Laurel, the Friendship of the Trillium and the
Award of the Wolf’s Tooth are created, ‘Songs We Sing in Ealdormere’ is
published, Roak and Tarkwyn become Prince and Princess, Henry of Linlithgow and
Ricard of Sable Tree are made Pelicans, Killdare Silverwolf Thorkillsen of Ben
Dunfirth and Catherine Dupres become Prince and Princess, Caitlin Stuart is
made a Lady of the Rose, and the Order
of the Peregrine is founded.
In May the same Syr David Martin Failsworth who won the
first Coronet of Ealdormere gave another crown to his lady Tangwystl, being
that of the Kingdom of the Middle. And so David became the second King of the
Middle Kingdom to hail from Ealdormere; and yet still greater things awaited
David in the future.
Also in May, the canton of Flaming Sky seceded from
Septentria and become a shire, citing geographical distance from the other
cantons as cause.
In June, the first Forward into the Past collegium was held
in the Canton of Brynaiu Tywynogg.
Also in June, Baron Aedan and Baroness Caffa withdrew from
the Ursine thrones after ruling the Barony of Septentria for ten years. In this
time they had both been raised to the Order of the Laurel, the Order of the Pelican, and had
brought Septentria much success on the field and in the hall.
Cordigan and Diane d’Arnot were then invested as Baron and
Baroness of Septentria. Cordigan was a respected fighter who would one day be
Prince of Ealdormere, as well as being an accomplished bard. As his lady Diane
inspired him, so did he inspire his people through song and deed. Many thought
the new Baron and Baroness distant, but some say they kept themselves apart as
they knew upon their investiture that Septentria would soon be split, and did
not want to get too close to the populace in fear of causing emotional harm
when the day came.
The very next month talks were reported in Septentria’s
chronicle, the Ursus, of
Septentria’s western lands who, by Royal decree, had to secede and form a new
barony. Cordigan and Diane supported this endeavour, and declared their
intention to run for the thrones of this new barony (eventually called
Ramshaven). And so the eastern Septentrian lands once again looked for
successors to the Ursine thrones.
Around this time House Galbraith made its arrival in
Septentria (first making Eoforwic
its home, though many members later moved to Skeldergate
and Ramshaven). This House would have a long and lasting effect upon not just
the barony, but the entire kingdom as it was a House of most gifted artisans that
would go on to produce several members of the Order of the Laurel, a future Baron and Baroness of
Septentria, and several Queens of Ealdormere.
On August 17th, Sarra Elisabeth Graeham of
Birnham became a Dame of the Order of the Laurel
for calligraphy.
At Pennsic War XX, the Friendship of the Trillium was
constituted with Aedan o Kincora, Caffa Muiriath and Elaine Walais as its
principal members. Also, the Award of the Wolf’s Tooth was first handed out with
Aine McKellmore (for fighting), Odd Grimsson (for archery) and Onami (for
scouting) being the first recipients.
Also in August, ‘Songs We Sing in Ealdormere’ was published,
being a compilation of the many songs popular in the Principality. Ealdormere’s
love of song was a well known fact, and this publication reinforced it.
In September, Septentria was given a grand honour by the
Crown of the Middle. For the Midlands bestowed
upon the jewel of its northern lands a Purple Fretty, in recognition of the
service the Barony had provided to the kingdom over the years.
On September 21st the Fourth Ealdormere Coronet
Tourney was held, with Roak winning the tourney for his inspiration Tarkwyn.
Roak’s participation in the tourney was not without controversy, as his
household, the Rozakii, was an interkingdom household and had fought for the East Kingdom
at the previous year’s Pennsic War.
At Baronial Birthday Bash on November 23rd,
Frederic L’Avare, Henry of Linlithgow and Ricard of Sable Tree were elevated to
the Order of the Pelican.
In February, a decision was made regarding the size of the
Barony of Septentria. It was resolved to split the barony in half. Eventually,
this would lead to the western half of the barony becoming the Barony of
On April 4th the Coronet Tourney was again held,
this time in Greyfells. On this day Killdare Silverwolf Thorkillsen of Ben
Dunfirth and his consort Catherine Dupres became the new Prince and Princess of
Ealdormere. Also at this event, Duke Finnvarr begged a boon from King Comar and
Queen Lisa of the Middle Kingdom, namely, to induct Countess Caitlin Stuart
into the Order of the Rose, an honour that had been denied her in the past.
Comar and Lisa agreed to this, and Caitlin was finally a Lady of the Rose.
Also in April, the Order of the Peregrine, to recognize
martial pursuits, was founded with Gunther von Wieselberg (for fighting) and
Ricard of Sabletree (for archery) becoming its principals.
AS 27, in which Principality A&S is held, Septentria
searches for heirs and attends the first Orangeville Medieval Fair, Elwynor
ferch Alwyn, Aelwyth the Grey, and, Hector of the Black Height are made Laurels,
Belgar and Andrea became Prince and Princess, the Royal University of the
Midrealm is held in Ealdormere, the Order of the Keeper of the Wolf’s Heart is
founded, Coronet Tourney becomes an invitational, the Town Council is held,
Catherine de Guise wins A&S, Killdare II and Lella Seracini become Prince
and Princess, Baldric of the Pathless Wastes is made a Laurel, and Ieuan
McKellmore and Adrielle Kerrec are
invested as Baron and Baroness of Septentria.
In this year the people of Septentria searched for
candidates to be the Heirs of the Ursine thrones. There was concern that
Septentria would loose up to two thirds of their fighters in the proposed
baronial division.
In May, the Principality Arts and Sciences Faire was held in
Skeldergate. The competition was won by Rigunth of Bern (later known as Nicolaa
de Bracton). Kildare I and Catherine made Rigunth their Cupbearer.
On July eighteenth to nineteenth Ealdormere attended the
first Orangeville Medieval Festival, which was Septentria’s largest demo ever.
Amongst other deeds, Lady (now Duchess) Eanor of
Amberhall and Lord Berus
Wolfsson (now Sir Berus Jarl) authorized in armoured combat.
On the 25th of July, Elwynor ferch Alwyn and
Aelwyth the Grey were elevated to the Order of the Laurel for leatherwork.
August 15th saw Hector of the Black Height, who
is one of Ealdormere’s best known bards, and one of the reasons our kingdom is
known as the land that sings, elevated to the Order of the Laurel for his bardic pursuits.
Also at this Pennsic War, the people of the Barony of Rising
Waters presented new royal cloaks to the King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom,
which were accepted with tears of joy.
On September 19th Ben Dunfirth hosted Coronet
Tourney, with Belgar and Andrea becoming the new Prince and Princess of
The Order of the Keeper of the Wolf’s Heart was founded in
September to honour those who performed and supported the bardic arts in a
manner that best regaled the spirit of Ealdormere. Moria the Black was its
founding principal.
In November, the Royal
University of the
Midrealm convened in Skeldergate.
In An Tir, on January 30th, Aelfwyn Hatheort,
also known as Aelfwyn the Irresonsible, was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for calligraphy
and illumination. Aelfwyn would later immigrate to Ealdormere.
Also in January, with the assent of the Midrealm Curia,
Prince Belgar and Princess Andrea changed Coronet Tourney from an open list to
an invitational list, with an invitation to all members of the populace to
nominate prospective combatants. This proved a controversial choice, as some
felt it could pave the way for the Princes and Princesses of Ealdormere to deny
entry to the Lists to those they did not like. The invitational list, however,
would be retained, and would evolve over time.
In March, a Town Council was held to discuss a number of
issues, including the changes to the coronet format, fencing, newsletters and
other concerns.
In April, Afon Araf hosted a very successful Arts and
Sciences competition. Catherine de Guise won the Pentathaln and became the
A&S Champion for the year.
April 24th saw Viscount Killdare victorious at
the Coronet Tourney, making his consort, the Lady Lella Seracini the Princess.
That day also saw Baldric of the Pathless Wastes elevated to the Order of the Laurel for parchment
making. The list of combatants who were invited to compete included:
Lord Konrad
Matthias Jaeger Lord Tarkatai Bahadur
Mistress Sarra Graeham of Birnham Lord Grimwulf the Hairy
Sir Mordain Blackcloak Viscount Roak
Lord Aine MacDrake Master James Blanchart
Lord Tarl of Greyhaven Lord Tarver the Pole
Earl Syr David Martin Failsworth Lord Hogarth Tyrson
Lord Padraic au Citoque Lord Gwylim ap Alun
Lord Rorry Cenndi the Kid Lord Emrys Vatnsgeymir Bannveinn
Baron Cordigan d'Arnot Lord Cynric Locris
Lord Edward of Eoforwic Lord Raydic
Lord Jaques de Sorde Lady Sindan Kara Khitai
Lord Yusef of South Tower Lord Johannes der Herold
Lord Dafydd of Chalcewell Lord Wolfgang Heinrich
Lord Baldric of the Pathless
Wastes Lady Elise
Morgan ferch Owen
Lord James of Bristol Baroness Elizabeth
Viscount Osis of the Livery Lord Kashida Onami noh Kuma
Master Hector of the Black Height Lord Trumbrand the
Lord Justinian Clarus Lord Yog Rhys Mordwyn
Lord Llweyllyn o'r Glynn Lord Hoskuld Thorleiksson
Lord Phadraig MacNeil Duke Sir Finnvarr de
Lord Oikawa Katsu Lord Raedmund of Ard
Lord Duncan bek Angus MacDrake Lord Richard La Mer
Lord Gunter von Wiesselberg Lord Taymar of Bockskotf
Lord Glandydd Rhys Mordwyn Lord Face of
Viscount Kildare Silverwolf Lord Aonghas Macleod o hAnghusa
Lady Genevieve Chastellain d'Anjou Lord Aelfwine the Wanderer
Lord Tai Chin Wu Lord Dougall
Lord Daniel of Winchelsea Lady Kaylah the Cheerful
Baron Tristaam of Galador Lord Robert le Sawyer
Lord Lucius Aurelius Varus Lord Karl Tollemache of Cuxhaven
Lord Eanbrand Lord Kagi
Also at this event, former baronial Seneschal Adrielle Kerrec and Ieuan McKellmore were invested
as the Baron and Baroness of Septentria. Ieuan and Adrielle
did not appoint baronial champions as they both fought and took great honour in
being the barony’s champions in all things. However, each year they did
recognize two individuals by making them scutifers. These shield-bearers
accompanied the Baron and Baroness upon the field of battle. Both Aedan na
Kincora and Caffa Muirath, who had since retired, returned to witness the
investiture and bestowed upon the new Baron and Baroness many ancient
Septentrian artifacts long thought lost.

AS 28, in which the canton of Monadh is founded, the
canton of Bryn Rekhart (Caer Draeth) is founded, Cordigan d’Arnot and Diane
d’Arnot reign as Prince and Princess, Heldora Thorkillsdattir passes away, Thorbjorn
Osis Brandsson and Cordigan d’Arnot are knighted, Etaoin O’Fearghai is made a
Laurel, Tamarra Amalthea de Romany is made a Pelican, Ben Dunfirth discusses
becoming a barony, Gunther I and Joleicia reign as Prince and Princess, and the
Ealdormere Cook’s Collegium is held.
At this year’s Pennsic War the first arm ring passed from
one member of the populace to another. Master Hector of the Black Height did so
honour Ulvar van der Nederlanden, known as the Officer, and asked him to pass
that ring, or another, on to someone else in a year and a day. Thus was a
Septentrian tradition born that continues to this day.
Also at this War, the friendship between Calontir and
Ealdormere was further solidified. Their Majesties Calontir requested the
presence of Kildare and Lella, and had Their bard sing a song of praise in
Ealdormere’s honour in three verses. Ealdormere was then asked to add three
verses of their own…which Hector of the Black Height and Justinian Clarus did
on the spot. Calontir then gifted Ealdormere with a scepter adorned with brass
wolves’ heads, with the hope that one day it would become the first piece of
regalia for the Kingdom
of Ealdormere. Indeed,
this scepter would go on to become the Sceptre of the Queens of Ealdormere.
August of this same year saw the first meeting of those who
would eventually found the Canton of Monadh, the land of thistles and sheep and
bearded men. Monadh was home to the young Saxon Lord Cynred who, along with
Lady Gaerwen of Trafford, who
dwelled in Eoforwic, would become
Ursine Excellencies in years to come. Monadh was also home to many famed
artisans who traveled to its borders from all over Septentria. Over the years
many would call the thistly hills home including Master Sylard of Eagleshaven,
Mistress Mordreth Llanelli Colwyn, His Lordship Robert le Sawyer and Mistress
Breanaidh ni Naoimin. Breanaidh it was who crafted the Principality Coronets
and the Kingdom Crowns of Ealdormere. The famed Cloak of Septentria was
fashioned in Monadh, by the skilled hands of Signora Leonora daLiliaceae.
The first Bonfield Battle at Baron’s Howe was held in the
ducal lands of Ravenhill in Flaming Sky. Duke Finnvarr and Mistress Ragni held
this event in honour of their horse Baron, whose burial mound was on-site. This
became a popular camping event in Ealdormere, with fighting, fencing, archery,
thrown weapons and equestrian components. Bonfield Battle ran for twenty years,
until Finnvarr and Ragni had to move away from Ravenshill.
On September 25th, Cordigan and Diane were invested as the
Prince and Princess of Ealdormere. During this reign, Their Majesties of the
Middle gave Their Serene Highnesses of Ealdormere the right to give out Kingdom
Awards in the name of the Crown. The right to give out Awards of Arms in their
own names would be attained during the reign of Roak II and Tarkwyn II.
In October the Canton of Bryn Rekhart (now known as Caer
Draeth) was formed.
Caer Draeth was home to many skilled artisans and fighters
and would in later years earn renown for the skills of its chefs and cooks.
On October the 29th, Tamarra Amalthea de Romany
was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Also in October, Baroness Fiona of Rising Waters was given
an augmentation of arms, creating the first quartered device in the Society.
In November, the Canton of Pont Y Saeth in Rising Waters attained
full status, though unfortunately it would eventually fall into ruin. It was
also announced this month that beginning with the next Coronet Tourney, the
winners would not be immediately invested, but would serve as heirs for a two
or three month period first. Also, The Friendship of the Trillium was no longer
an automatic honour given to consorts when stepping down from the throne, but
instead became the Principality’s highest honour and was open to all, for long
service to the Principality.
In December, the Canton of Ben Dunfirth was rocked by the
sudden loss of their much loved Chatelaine, Lady Heldora Thorkillsdattir.
Also in December, Monika z Gneizno, who had once lived in
Eoforwic but now resided in the Barony of Castel Rouge, was put on vigil for
the Order of the Laurel
for her knowledge of music. This was done by Cordigan and Diane, with
permission of TRM Middle, in a special ceremony while Monika was visiting her
old canton of Eoforwic. She was later elevated by Their Majesties Finn and
Garlanda in Castel Rouge.
The Order of the Keeper of the Wolf’s Heart was closed this
year by Their Highnesses. Also, from this time on, the published Coronet list
only contained the names of those who had been invited and had also accepted
that invitation.
Thorbjorn Osis Brandsson, future King of Ealdormere, was
knighted on Jan 29th.
On Feb 4th, Etaoin O’Fearghai (of beloved memory)
was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for the fibre arts.
Also in February, at the Ealdormerean Parliament, the major
subject of discussion was whether everyone involved in the SCA should have to
be a paid member (known as the “pay to play” controversy).
March 26th saw Cordigan d’Arnot knighted (though
some accounts say it was on April 26th). This marked the first time
one of Ealdormere’s Princes was knighted while on the throne.
Around this time, Ben Dunfirth entered into talks with
Rising Waters about becoming a barony in its own right.
In April, Gunther I and Joleicia were invested as Prince and
Princess of Ealdormere. This is the same Joleicia who would one day become a
Queen of Ealdormere. They were the first Prince and Princess to have served a
period as heirs before being invested.
On April 9th, Ben Dunfirth hosted the Ealdormere
Cook’s Collegium.
AS 29, in which Thorbjorn Osis Brandson I and Valthiona
Cuthbert reign as King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom, Hector of the Black
Height is made a Pelican, Aibhilin fra Skye, Lilibeta Rudenko, Alasdair of
Raasay, and Thaninieyaieres O Ynys yf Draig Gwyrdd are made Laurels, Rising
Waters and Rhydderich Hael storm Fort Erie, Menken Brechen and Ziegfried Gunter
von Weaselberg are knighted, Ragni Dzintara of Amberhall is made a Pelican, David
Martin Failsworth II and Elina de Braose reign as Prince and Princess, there is
an Ealdormerean Civil War, the Metalworkers’ Guild is founded, Ramshaven splits
off from Septentria, Roak II and Tarkwyn II reign as Prince and Princess, Tarkatai
and Thyra become the first baron and baroness of the new Barony of Ben Dunfirth,
and the Principality celebrates its 5th anniversary.
Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandson won the Crown of the Middle
Kingdom for his Queen Valthiona, in May of the twenty-ninth year of the
Society. In this same year Earl Syr David Martin Failsworth and Lady Elina de Braose
held the coronets of Ealdormere.
Hector of the Black Height was elevated to the Order of the
Pelican on July 1st.
On July 17th, Aibhilin fra Skye was elevated to
the Order of the Laurel
for cooking.
July 29th saw Lilibeta Rudenko elevated to the
Order of the Laurel
for her Ukranian research.
Also in July, at the Friendship Festival, the people of the
Baronies of Rising Waters and Rhydderich Hael laid siege to Fort
Erie. Led by Baroness Fiona, and accompanied by drummers and
pipers, a large contingent of scadians approached the fort’s walls. They were
watched by a crowd of local sight seers and mundane constabulary. When their
cries to open the gates were not answered, two kilted men climbed the walls and
waved the two baronies’ flags from the ramparts. When the soldiers within the
fort finally opened the gates to see what the noise was about, they found
themselves pelted with grapes. They were not amused. To this day, both baronies
have a treaty stating joint ownership of the fort. The fort, of course, sees
things differently.
At the Pennsic War, on August 16th, both Alasdair
of Raasay and Thaninieyaieres O Ynys yf Draig Gwyrdd were elevated to the Order
of the Laurel (for silverwork and herbology, respectively), and Ragni Dzintara
of Amberhall was elevated to the Order of the Pelican. On the 18th,
Menken Brechen and Ziegfried Gunter von Weaselberg were knighted on the field
by King Finn and Queen Garlanda before the great battle.
Also at this war, Madinia Deveraux O’Tuatail was caught
unawares by a group of Laurels who invaded a class she was teaching. She was
then put on vigil for the Order of the Laurel
for costuming. Among those who spoke for her was Dagan du Darregonne, knight
and duke of the Middle Kingdom.
On October 1st, David II and Elina became the
Prince and Princess. They issued several challenges to the populace of
Ealdormere. One was to produce items for a War Chest in exchange for specially
minted coins. They also challenged the groups of Ealdormere to engage in a
friendly Civil War, and took several hostages to ensure good conduct during the
In November, the Metalworkers’ Guild was founded.
On Feb 4th Ramshaven split from Septentria, with Cordigan
d’Arnot and Diane d’Arnot invested as its first Baron and Baroness.
On April 19th, Roak II and Tarkwyn II became the new Prince
and Princess of Ealdormere at Lady Mary Tourney, hosted by Ben Dunfirth. Also
this day, after having reassured Their Excellencies of Rising Waters that their
desire to leave the barony and form their own was no reflection on them, Ben
Dunfirth became a barony. Ben Dunfith’s first baron and baroness were Tarkatai
Bahadur and Thyra Thorkillsdottir. Also on this day, Genevieve and Malik became
the second Baron and Baroness of Rising Waters, making this event the
Investiture, Investiture, Investiture event.
Also in April, Vest Yorvik hosted a celebration of the
Principality’s fifth anniversary.
Also during this year, Ieuan and Adrielle
addressed the people and stressed that they were loyal to the Middle Kingdom,
as indeed Their station and honour demanded, but strongly hinted that They were
more loyal to Septentria and its people. They said, “Over the summer months
many serious allegations have been bantered around the Barony, and indeed the
Kingdom; the Crown has exercised Its right to Banish several members of the
populace. We would like to take this opportunity to express Our personal
opinions on this matter: We have sworn an oath to uphold the Laws and Customs
of the Middle Kingdom, and We will keep our Oath sworn word. However, We would
like to publicly acknowledge that all the people of Septentria are
always welcome in Our hearts and Our home. The oath We have sworn to Ourselves
and to you, the people, shall always be foremost in Our hearts.” These words
were slightly seditious, and it was perhaps only luck that kept the wrath of
the banishers from the Baron and Baroness’ heads.

AS 30, the canton of Eoforwic
celebrates its 20th anniversary, talk of Ealdormere’s seceding from the Middle
Kingdom begins, the Shire of the March of St. Martin becomes full status, Mordain
and Ælflæda reign as Prince and Princess, followed by Roak III and Moria, Elizabeth
Mortimer is knighted, Nicolaa de Braction and Rosina del Bosco Chiaro are
made Laurels, and Menken Brechen is made
a Pelican.
The thirtieth year of the Society saw some small turmoil as
Septentrians dealt with all the changes to their barony following the split
with Ramshaven. Baron Ieuan and Baroness Adrielle
urged Septentrians to wear the White Bear proudly and say, “Within my breast
beats the heart of the Bear.” Ieuan and Adrielle
truly believed that Septentria was the heart and soul of Ealdormere and
encouraged the populace to wear the bear in many ways. They would often make
bear tabards which they awarded to newly authorized fighters and archers.
In August Eoforwic
celebrated its twentieth anniversary. The Principality’s newest shire,
Breinniestein Vatn, held its first event that same day.
At this same time, Ealdormere’s thoughts had turned to
becoming a Kingdom in its own right. It had gone through the small steps of the
child-nation and was now ready to emerge as an adult Kingdom.
During this year, the Shire of the March of St. Martin
received its official recognition as full-status.
On September 30th, Mordain and Ælflæda were
invested as the Prince and Princess of Ealdormere. At this event, Eleanor
Cadfan was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for her skill at pewter casting.
Jan 27th saw Ealdormere’s first female member of
the Order of Chivalry, in the person of future Princess, Elizabeth Mortimer,
also known as Bess.
The first Guild day was held in March. The Argent Wolf Fian
(now known as the White Wolf Fian) was founded by Princess AElflaeda. This
group was conceived by Dame Elizabeth Cadfan, and then realized by Dame
Elizabeth with the input and assistance of Moria the Black, Caitlin Stuart and
other Laurels whom Dame Elizabeth had recruited. It was for artisans of
Ealdormere, and could only be entered through an A&S challenge.
At the Investiture of Prince Roak and Princess Moria on
April 20th in Vest Yorvik, Nicolaa de Braction was elevated to the Order of the
Laurel for
research. Also at this event, Rosina del Bosco Chiaro was made a Laurel for dance, and
Menken Brechen was made a Pelican. King Chrystofer of Calontir was in
attendance that day. Of note, this was the first investiture in Ealdormere
where the Crown did not invest the Prince and Princess. Though the Crown of the
Middle was present at the event, Roak and Moria had received permission to have
the investiture occur out of the Crown's presence. Prince Mordain and Princess
AElflaeda invested Roak and Moria, and then the Crown of the Middle came in
demanding to know what had just occurred, and then received the Fealty Oath of
the new Prince and Princess. From this day forward, the Coronet of Ealdormere
would pass from Ealdormerean to Ealdormerean, without being touched by the
Crown of the Middle.

AS 31, in which Edouard Beausoleil and Eanor of
Amberhall reign as King and Queen of Drachenwald, Edouard is
knighted, Vali and Ragnheithr became Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven, the first
Lawspeaker is appointed, Thorbjorn Osis Brandson II and Caitlin Stuart II reign
as King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom, Etaoin O’Fearghai is made a Pelican, the
Ealdormere Commissariat is formed, and Elizabeth and Menken reign as Prince and
Princess of Ealdormere, followed by Edward and Rylyn.
In May, Flaming Sky hosted the first event in Ealdormere
devoted entirely to the equestrian arts.
Sir (now Duke) Edouard Beausoleil and Lady (now Duchess) Eanor of Amberhall had traveled from their home, the
Royal Citie of Eoforwic, to the Kingdom of Drachenwald. Eanor had gone to that
far-off land to pursue her studies, and in their time there Edouard won a Crown
tournament to make himself King and Eanor Queen. They ruled from June until
January. On May 18th, while Prince of Drachenwald, Edouard was
elevated to the Order of Chivalry.
The first A&S issue of Tidings was published in June.
In July, Elizabeth Mortimer and Menken Brechen became the
Heirs of Ealdormere. As such, Menken stepped down as Principality Seneschal,
appointing Adrielle Kerrec as his emergency deputy. It was Menken who had
overseen the creation of a Laws Committee to begin the Kingdom Bid process and
explore the possibility of Ealdormere becoming a kingdom.
On August 10th, Vali inn svartr fleikingr and
Ragnheithr Thorbjarnardottir became Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven.
At the Pennsic War in August, Etaoin o Fearghail was
appointed as the first Lawspeaker of Ealdormere by Roak and Moria. This
position entailed presiding over moots and acting as an impartial moderator in
disputes among the populace. This office was unique to Ealdormere and still
exists today.
On September 21st, Princess Elizabeth, who had
won the preceding Coronet Tourney, and her consort Menken Brechen, were crowned
as Prince and Princess.
From October until March another kingdom found itself under
the rule of Ealdormereans for Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandson won the Crown of the
Middle Kingdom for himself and his lady Caitlin Stuart.
Also in October, Moria the Black became the Principality
Seneschal and announced the creation of various committees, including the
already formed Laws Committee, and a Steering Committee, to finalize the push
for Kingdom status. She also appointed deputies to begin the process of the
Kingdom bid.
In November, the Ealdormere webpage was created.
In December, Elizabeth and Menken asked the Principality Seneschal
to poll the people as part of the Kingdom bid, to determine if Rapier would be
included in the proposed Kingdom
of Ealdormere. At that
time, Society guidelines required such a distinction be made when applying for
kingdom status.
Also in December, comments made by Prince Menken to the
Principality Seneschal of Northshield are misinterpreted by the Crown as being
seditious and encouraging treasonous acts. After much discussion between the
Crown and the Principality of Ealdormere the matter is put down as a jest
between friends and the Coronet of Ealdormere is again secure.
In January in Skeldergate, Their Highnesses called a
referendum on the future of fencing in Ealdormere. Also, a straw poll was taken
to gauge the people’s interest in becoming a full kingdom.
In February, Elizabeth and Menken announce the results of
the polls. The push to become a kingdom was given overwhelming support, as was
the inclusion of Rapier.
On March 1st, Etaoin O’Fearghai (of beloved
memory) was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Also in March, at the second War College,
the Ealdormere Commissariat was formed. It would first see action the following
year at the Pennsic War.
Edward and Rylyn were recognized as the new Prince and
Princess of Ealdormere on April 12th.
AS 32, in which Casa
D'Courci is founded, the canton of
Whit’s End (Greenhithe) is founded, House Fettered Fleur is founded,
Ieuan McKellmore leaves for the Crusades leaving Adrielle
Kerrec to rule Septentria alone, Cynred Broccan
is the first Commissar of the Ealdormere Commissariat, Glandydd Rys Mordwyn is made a Laurel, Kaellyn mac Dermott of Leinster is made a Pelican, Roak is knighted, Prince Jafar passes away, Gunther
II and Morgon are Prince and Princess, Moria the Black is made a
Pelican, and Berus Wolfsson and Marion FitzWilliam reign as the
last Territorial Prince and Princess of the Principality of Ealdormere.
This year saw the founding of Casa D'Courci, the personal
household of Countess Tangwystl D'Courci, Viscountess Ealdormere, O.L. Casa
D’Courci placed an emphasis on the arts and sciences and has produced several
Laurels, including Mistresses Jolecia, Joanna, Odette and Lucrece. Around AS
42, Casa D’Courci would merge with Mistress Rachael's atelier.
In An Tir, on May 17th, Aelfwyn Hatheort, also
known as Aelfwyn the Irresponsible, was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
This same Aelfwyn would later immigrate to Ealdormere.
Also in May, the polling committee and the Principality
Seneschal agreed on the final wording of the official poll for the push for
kingdom status, and the polling of the people of Ealdormere began.
Around this time a small collective began to grow in lands
claimed by both Ardchreag and Petrea Thule. This band eventually formed a
proto-incipient canton called Whit’s End. This keep was built on rocky shoals,
and it eventually tumbled into the Inland Sea.
However, the people there were hearty folk and they rebuilt, calling the new
keep Greenhithe. Not long after, Lord Ulrich von der See, of beloved memory,
would bring a petition to the town leaders of Ardchreag and Petrea Thule and
with his skills of diplomacy (and the giving of many gifts) he convinced them
to allow Greenhithe to extend its borders to the area of Heber Downs.
Greenhithe would eventually change its name to Greenhithe be the Waeter, but
would unfortunately fall into ruin.
On Friday, June 13, House Fettered Fleur was founded. It was
joint household of Viscount Menken Brechen and Dame Eleanor Cadfan and was dedicated
to the chivalric ideals of hospitality, courtesy and service, as well as the
pursuit of excellence in both the martial and peaceful arts.
Also in June, the polling deputy resigned, and the
Princiaplity Seneschal appointed Tabitha Dearval to take over the position. The
Seneschal also announced that the polling process must begin again due to
discrepancies in the process of the first poll.
In July, at Market Day, Baron Ieuan surprised the populace
by announcing that he had to leave for the Crusades to purge his sins. With the
blessing of the Crown, Baroness Adrielle’s
term continued. At this time Adrielle
thought it proper to appoint a baronial champion to help her defend the barony.
For this role she appointed Lord Rhys ap Bledri, squire to Syr Mordain
Blackcloak, who was himself a former Septentrian champion. As was traditional
in the northlands, a collar was crafted bearing the arms of the barony and of
the various champions.
Also in July, the results of the poll were announced, and
they were again overwhelmingly in favour. The Principality Seneschal then
requested all Principality Officers to begin writing potential Kingdom Office
handbooks, to be submitted for final editing and cross referencing with the
Laws Committee’s proposals to ensure consistency.
At War, Adrielle
led Septentria into battle as Caffa did of old, with spear in hand. She
commanded the Woods Battle and for her skills was awarded the Peregrine.
This war also saw the first efforts of the Ealdormere
Commissariat. This support unit fed the warriors of Ealdormere on the field,
providing them nourishment and strength to carry on the fight. Members of the
commissariat came from across the land, and the first Commissar was Hlaford Cynred Broccan.
At Great Court,
Moria the Black was put on vigil for the Order of the Pelican in recognition of
her hard work with the Kingdom Bid and as Principality Seneschal.
Also at this War, the Ealdormerean encampment was opened to
the general public for the first time and Lady (now Duchess) Marion FitzWilliam
served as editor of the Pennsic Chronicle, with the assistance of several other
On September 13th Prince Gunther II and Morgon became the Prince
and Princess of Ealdormere. During this reign final preperations were made for
the push to kingdom status. These included writing a history of Ealdormere,
drawing a map of the Principality, writing ceremonies (overseen by Nicolaa d
Bracton), a Peerage retreat organized by Rylyn Buchanan, and other such things.
Their Serene Highnesses also re-opened the Order of the Keeper of the Wolf’s
Also at this event, Roak was elevated to the Order of
Chivalry, and Moria the Black was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
In October, Berus and Marion become the Heirs of Ealdormere.
With Palymar, King of the Middle, in attendance, the Principality Seneschal
announced that the Middle Kingdom had approved a timeline for the submission of
the Kingdom Bid, and that if all went well, Berus and Marion would be the last
Territorial Prince and Princess of Ealdormere.
In November, the Kingdom Committees finalized their drafts
for the Kingdom Bid, and submitted them to the Principality Seneschal for
reviewing and editing.
In December, the Principality Seneschal announced that the
Bid had been finalized and submitted to the Board of Directors for
consideration at their meeting in January. The final Bid was over 400 pages,
including propsed handbooks, laws, history, statistical data, and the actual
request for elevation and letters of support.
Early that month, Prince Jafar of the Middle took ill and
passed away on December 27th. Princess Kenna elected to continue on
as Princess, and later lead the mourning Middle Kingdom alone. Several
fundraising projects were orchestrated in Ealdormere to assist her with this
In January, Moria the Black traveled to California to attend the Board of Directors
meeting. After much controversy and debate between the Deputy Society Seneschal
and the Principality Seneschal, with missives sent back home to get agreement
on certain issues from the Royalty of Ealdormere and the Middle Kingdom, the
Kingdom Bid finally passed the Board as one of the last votes of the day.
At Septentrian Twelfth Night, on January 17th,
word reached Their Highnesses during feast that the kingdom bid had been
unanimously accepted by the Board.
On January 25th, Glandydd Rys Mordwyn was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel and Kaellyn mac Dermott of Leinster was
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Also in January, the Principality Seneschal called for bids
for the first Coronet Tourney, announcing it would be held in AS 32, with
permission of the Crown of Ealdormere and the agreement of the current Prince
and Princess (Gunther and Morgan, who agreed to step down early) and their
Heirs (Berus and Marion, who agreed to step up early and extend their reign
until October AS 33). October AS 33 was the earliest date allowed for by the
Board of Directors when approving the Kingdom Bid.
In February, the Privy Council announced that the first
Crown Tournament would be held in Bryniau Tywynogg on April 14th.
The King of the Middle decreed that the invitational list for the Crown
Tournament would be decided by the Principality Seneschal, who announced that
the list would be open to all challenegers.
The last territorial Prince and Princess of the Principality
of Ealdormere was (now Jarl) Berus Wolfsson
and (now Duchess) Marion FitzWilliam who were invested on March 28th.
This was done in Vest Yorvik, with King Palymar and Queen Aislinn of the Middle
Kingdom in attendance. Berus and Marion would be the last of the oath-bound
Princes and Princesses. Their descendents would reign as true and noble Kings
and Queens of a free kingdom.
A week later, on April 14th, King Palymar and
Queen Aislinn returned to Ealdormere, this time travelling to the Canton of
Bryniau Tywynogg to preside over Ealdormere’s first Crown Tourney. The list of
combatants and consorts read thusly:
Konrad Mattias Jaegar, for Lady Alyce de Cheppey
Lady Alyce
de Cheppey, for Sergent Konrad Mattias Jaegar
Baron Malik
‘abd al-Ramman, for Baroness Genevieve Chastellaine d’Anjou
Lord Cynred
Broccan, for Lady Gaerwen of Trafford
Sir Roak, for Lady Sanchia of Ealdormere
AElfwyn of Longwood, for Lord James the Mercer
Lord Liam
de Paor, for Lady Genevieve of Ross
Lady Kaylah
the Cheerful, for Lord Trumbrand the Wanderer
Trumbrand the Wanderer, for Lady Kaylah the Cheerful
Dubois, for Robin O’Connor
Edouard Beausoliel, for Countess Eanor of Amberhall
Evander MacLachlan, for Lady Melusine de la Rose
Syr Menken
Brechen, for Mistress Elizabeth Cadfan
Kasimir of Stargard, for Lady Triphena of Stargard
Lord Katsu
Oikawa Nokimmi, for Lady Carlotta de Mendicci
Lord Onami
Yoshirio Kageyoshi, for Lady Eleanor ferch Griggith
William Stalker, for Lady Terra Jade Wallace
Rhys ap Bledri, for Lady Marian of Heatherdale
Earl Syr
David Martin Failsworth, for Viscountess Elina de Broase
Edward the Red, for Viscountess Rykyn Buchanan
Gunther von Wahlstadt, for Mistress Nicolaa de Bracton
Baron Vali
inn svartr fleikingr, for Baroness Ragnheithr visakona thorbjarnardottir
Richard Larmer, for Lady Tsharyl Larmer
Lord Angus
Albani, for Lady Ysabeau Herbier de Vauvert
Tarkatai Bahadur, for Baroness Tyrra thorkillsdottir
Finnvarr de Taahe, for Mistress Ragni Dzintara of Amberhall
Lord Eoine
O Beirne, for Mistress Aibhilin fra Skye
Lord Worgan
MacGregor, for Zahra al-Ishbilliyah
Lord Zadok
ben Solomon ibn Alfskhar, for Lady Gwendoline Rosamund
Tristaam of Galador, for Baroness Livia Lancelotti
Padraic au Citoque, for Lady Ercadh bean ui Padraic
Lucius Aurelius Varus, for Lady Tzitzakion of Itil
Phaidrig McNeil, for Mistress Etaoin O’Fearghail
Lord Angus
Kirkwood, for Lady Morna Montgomery
Siegfried Brandbeorn, for Lady Keja Tselebnika
Rolf de Chablis, for Lady Ursula Tu d’Or
Hereward the Far-dweller, for Baroness Adrielle Kerrec
Nicolae Cioran, for Lady Sybil of Amberhall
Glandydd Rhys Mordwyn, for Lady Tabitha Darval
Lord Yog
Rhys Mordwyn, for Baroness Ursula na clan Na Rath
Andree MacByrne, for Sabrina de la Rose
Baldric Leeman of NewCastle Emlyn, for Lady Brayla la Viennette
Lord Brand
Thorvaldson, for Lady Brianna Maginnis
From this list, which contains many future Kings and Queens
of Ealdormere, as well as Territorial Barons and Baronesses, Laurels, Pelicans
and Knights, Earl Syr Martin Failsworth defeated Baron Malik ‘abd al-Rahman in
the finals.
The First Age of the Kingdom of Ealdormere
AS 33, in which the College of St. Antonius is
founded, Brand Thorwaldsen is made a
Pelican, Ealdormere achieves its independence, David Martin Failsworth and
Elina da Braose reign as the first King and Queen of Ealdormere, Sylard of
Eagleshaven and Mordreth Llanelli Colwyn are made a Baron and Baroness of the
Court, David and Elina’s children
Thorbjorn Osis Brandson and Caitlin Stuart reign after them, Siglinde
Harfnerstocher is made a Laurel, Rory Cennedi is knighted, AElflaeda FitzAlain
is made a Pelican, and Cynred and Gaerwen of Trafford
are invested as Baron and Baroness.
During this year, Lady Celeste D’Arles and THL Sciath ingen
Chaennaig founded the College
of St. Antonius within
the Barony of Rising Waters. This College originally operated out of a modern
institute of learning, where it was known as the Brock Middle Ages and
Renaissance Club (BMARC). Its name and device were accepted by the College of Heralds at Pennsic the following year.
On August 13th, Brand Thorwaldsen, known as the
Black, was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
At long last, Ealdormere achieved its independence, and on
the twenty-forth day of October, Anno Societatis XXXIII Ealdormere crowned her
first Lupine Majesties. The king was Syr David Martin Failsworth, who shared
the same name as Ealdormere’s first Prince. His queen was Her Majesty Elina de
Braose. The ceremony took place in the land of the boars, known as Ben
On December 12th, Ragnheithr Thorbjarnardottir
was elevated to the Order of the Laurel,
making her the first Ealdormerean Laurel to be elevated by Ealdormerean
monarchs. Previously to this, all Ealdormerean Laurels had been elevated by the
Kings and Queens of the Middle Kingdom.
On January the second, King David and Queen Elina bestowed
upon Master Sylard of Eagleshaven and Mistress Mordreth Llanelli Colwyn the
title of Baron and Baroness of the Court.
Also in January, the canton of Greenhithe hosted an
emotional Septentrian Twelfth Night at which Adrielle
Kerrec, who had announced her intention to abdicate the Ursine Thrones, named
Hlaford Cynred Broccan and Lady Gaerwen of Trafford as her successors.
February 27th saw AElflaeda FitzAlain elevated to
the Order of the Pelican. AElflaeda was the first Ealdormerean member of the
Order of the Pelican to be elevated by an Ealdormerean King and Queen. Prior to
this, all Ealdormerean Pelicans had been elevated to their station by Kings and
Queens of the Middle Kingdom.
The investiture of Cynred and Gaerwen took place on February
20th. During their term Cynred and Gaerwen continued to sponsor a
baronial harpist, and asked Master Rufus of Stamford to fulfill the role. In that time
Cynred and Gaerwen left their mark upon the very land. For the tributary that
runs through the original Pikeman’s Pleasure site is known as Cynred’s Bath, due to his habit of
‘falling’ into it every year.
They continued the truly noble art of patronage, and many
good gentles would serve them in various capacities over the years. For they
carried on traditions well established by Their predecessors and appointed
baronial harpists, bards and champions, many of whom would go on to do great
things. Some, like their first bard, Master Hector of the Black Height, were
already renowned individuals.
Also at this event, the first Ealdormerean knight to be
elevated by an Ealdormerean King or Queen was created. This honour fell to
Edward the Red, who himself would be a future King of Ealdormere. Before this
time, all Ealdormerean knights had been elevated by Kings and Queens
of the Middle Kingdom.
On the 27th of February, Siglinde Harfnerstocher
was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for domestic arts.
March 20th saw Rory Cennedi the Kid elevated to
the Order of Chivalry. This same Cennedi would one day be King of Ealdormere.
Also in March, Viscountess Moria steps down as Seneschal,
and Baroness Adrielle becomes the first person to serve a full term as Kingdom
Seneschal. (As most of Moria’s term was as Princiaplity Seneschal.)
As well, the first election for the position of Lawspeaker,
currently held by Mistress Etaoin, is begun.
Near the end of this year, in April, Thorbjorn Osis Brandson
and Caitlin Stuart succeeded their parents David and Elina to the Lupine
AS 34, in which Thorbjorn Osis Brandson and Bernadette of
Lauren pass away, the people of Bastille du Lac begin construction of their
fort, Vali inn svartr fleikingr and
Berus Wolfsson are knighted, Genevieve
Chastellain d'Anjou is made a Laurel, Kildare and Josephine become King
and Queen, Tancred and Rosalinda
became Baron and Baroness of Rising Waters, Fiona Averylle O’Conor of Maidenhead passes away, Eoforwic celebrates its 25th anniversary, the Crowns
are stolen, Ragnar Thorbergsson is made a Laurel, Cerdic O’Cuilleamhain is made a Pelican,
and Edouard Beausoleil, Eanor of Amberhall reign as King and Queen, Katsu Oikawa is knighted and Tarkatai
Bahadur is made a Laurel.
Tragedy then struck the
Kingdom, as word came that two Ealdormereans had died in a terrible accident.
Lady Bernadette of Lauren (also called Laureen of Der Welfengeu) and His
Majesty Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandson of Skeldergate, had died, leaving our lands
bereft of two truly noble gentles. Luckily, the third individual involved in
the accident, Worgan McGregor, now a Master-of-Arms, and also of Skeldergate, survived. The three had been returning
from Baron Wars in the Middle Kingdom when their vehicle rolled over on the
This left our lands without a
King, but his Queen, the indomitable Caitlin Stuart, continued the reign in his
memory. Osis had been king for but a month.
To commemorate these two
gentles, an award was instituted in each of their memories. The Award of the
Maiden’s Heart, an award for service, was dedicated to Bernadette while Osis
was named patron of the martial Order of Thornbjorn’s Hammer. Osis was buried
with, amongst other things, the token Queen Eislinn of the Middle had given him
twelve years before.
This year saw the emergence of a new settlement along Lacus
Ealdormearc. Bastille du Lac built a fortress on a spur of land that lay
between the baronies of Septentria and Skraeling Althing. Feeling strong ties
to the people of both baronies, Bastille elected to join neither, and instead
became a shire and a meeting place between the two baronies. Indeed, the
fledling shire would over the years hold several joint Septentrian-Skraeling
events within their borders.
June 18th saw Vali inn svartr fleikingr elevated
to the Order of Chivalry.
Also in June, Sylard succeeds Etaoin as Lawspeaker.
Berus Wolfsson, squire to the departed Sir Osis, was himself
knighted on August 19th.
On August 21st, Genevieve Chastellain d'Anjou was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for calligraphy and illumination.
In September, Kildare and Josephine became King and Queen of
Eoforwic, that
most Royal City, celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in November. Though
the city was not as strong as once it had been, it was still a beacon in the
northern lands, attracting many whose skills at the arts and sciences were
unsurpassed. Many Ealdormerean relics and artifacts were shown, including a
Bayeaux Tapestry version of the founding of Ealdormere.
On November 11th,
Tancred of Tanglewood and Rosalinda Margareta de la Fuentes became Baron and
Baroness of Rising Waters.
A week later, Rising Waters
was shocked by the sudden loss of Baroness Fiona Averylle O’Conor of
Maidenhead. Fiona had been with the barony almost from the beginning, and many
could not picture the group without her. In her memory, the people of Rising
Waters turned her collection of books into the Fiona Archives. People were free
to borrow any book from the collection, though a curse was said to befall
anyone who did not return that volume when promised. Also in her memory, the
finial on the staff of the Trillium Herald was replaced with an elephant (an
animal close to Fiona’s heart).
During the winter, the crowns
of Ealdormere were stolen from Their Majesties Killdare and Josephine but were
luckily recovered a week later.
Feb 26th saw
Ragnar Thorbergsson become a kennari of the Order of the Laurel for Norse studies.
On March 25, Cerdic
O’Cuilleamhain was elevated to the Order of the Pelican at Ice Dragon in
Rhydderich Hael, in the Kingdom
of Aethelmearc.
In April, Edouard Beausoleil
and Eanor of Amberhall, who had
returned from Drachenwald’s shores, claimed the Lupine thrones. At this same
event, Katsu Oikawa was knighted and Tarkatai Bahadur was elevated to the Order
of the Laurel
for leatherwork.
AS 35, in which Trinovantia Nova becomes a shire, Rufus of Stamfard is made
a Laurel, Brand and Brianna become Baron and Baroness of Ben Dunfirth, Ragni
Dzintara of Amberhall is made a Laurel, Evander MacLachlan is knighted, Westbelleford
is founded, Ben Dunfirth and Ramshaven have a border dispute, Konrad Mattias Jaeger, Aaron of the Black
Mountains and Susanna the Unyielding are made Pelicans, Worgan MacGregor is
made a Master-of-Arms, Berus Wolfsson
and Marion FitzWilliam reign as King and Queen, followed by Roak I and Carlotta,
and Gwendoline Rosamond is made a Laurel.
On May 6th, Trinovantia Nova achieved its independence
from the Barony of Ramshaven, becoming a shire.
At Murder Melee, on June 17th, Rufus of Stamford
was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for tablet weaving. He was placed on vigil by Queen Eanor that morning, and
elevated that afternoon. (His Majesty was not in attendance that day.)
At this same event Brand Thorwaldson and Brianna Maginnis became
the new Baron and Baroness of Ben Dunfirth. One of Brand’s first acts as Baron was
to lay claim to some of the Thousand Islands,
which actually fell within Skraeling Althing.
Konrad Mattias Jaeger was elevated to the Order of the
Pelican on July 20th.
At the Pennsic War, on August 16th, Ragni
Dzintara of Amberhall was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for huswifery. This is the same Ragni
who would one day become Queen of Ealdormere. On this same day, Evander
MacLachlan was elevated to the Order of Chivalry.
In September the Canton of Westbelleford was founded in Ben
Dunfirth (though this canton would later fall into ruin). Also at this time Ben
Dunfirth and Ramshaven had a small spat concerning their borders. Ben Dunfirth
claimed to hold deeds to Ramshaven lands, while Ramshaven reivers were sighted
in Ben Dunfirth.
Edouard and Eanor ruled justly and well until September, at
which time their children, Berus I
and Marion I were acknowledged as King and Queen of Ealdormere.
Worgan MacGregor became the first Ealdormerean Master of the
Order of Chivalry on the 3rd day of February.
On Feb 24th, Susanna the Unyielding was elevated
to the Order of the Pelican. This is the same Susanna who would one day become
Queen of Ealdormere.
Aaron of the Black Mountains
was elevated to the Order of the Pelican on the 2nd day of March.
In April, Roak I and Carlotta were invested as King and
On the 21st of April, Gwendoline Rosamond was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for costuming.
The Second Age of the
Kingdom of Ealdormere
AS 36, in which Ulrich von der See passes away, Genevieve Chastellain
d'Anjou and Rylyn Buchanan are made Pelicans, Thevenin de la Cote d’Azur was
made a Laurel, first Aaron I and Rustique I and then Sarnac and Joleicia rule
as King and Queen of Ealdormere, Alyce de Sheppy is made a Pelican, Marian of
Heatherdale, Marian of Greyfells, Joleicia of Litchfield and AElfwyn et
Langanwude are made Laurels, and Sarnac Kir is knighted.
On June 4th both the Canton of Ardchreag and the
Canton of Greenhithe lost Lord Ulrich von der See, one of their most active and
energetic members. In his memory, at Ealdormerean War Practice, there was held
a mead brewing competition. The Lord Ulrich von der See Memorial Brewing
Competition is still held to this day at War of the Trillium.
June 15th saw Genevieve Chastellain d'Anjou
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
On June 28th, Rylyn Buchanan was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican.
On July 6th, Thevenin de la Cote d’Azur was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for metalwork.
That august at Pennsic, Marian of Heatherdale, one of
Ealdormere’s brightest bards, was elevated to the Order of the Laurel.
In September, Aaron I and Rustique I became King and Queen
of the Northlands.
On September 15th, Helen of Greyfells was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for costuming.
September 28th saw Alyce de Sheppy elevated to
the Order of the Pelican.
Feb 9th saw the princess, Joleicia of Litchfield,
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for Mongolian research.
On Feb 23rd, AElfwyn et Langanwude was elevated
to the Order of the Laurel
for woodworking.
March 3rd saw the Prince, Sarnac Kir (of beloved
memory), made a Bahadur of the Order of Chivalry.
Aaron I and Rustique I’s reign ended with Sarnac and
Joleicia ascending the thrones of Ealdormere.
AS 37, in which Davin became Baron of Ramshaven, Finnvarr de Taahe is made
a Laurel, Alistair and Anne become Baron and Baroness of Ben Dunfirth, Roak II
and Arlette are made King and Queen, Trumbrand the Wanderer is made a
Master-of-Arms, Anne le Gris and Garraed Galbraith are made Laurels, the Games Guild of Ealdormere is
founded, Aaron Preslee Worganson is
elevated to the Order of the Chivalry, Corwyn Galbraith and Domhnail Galbraith
are invested as Baron and Baroness of Septentria, and Edouard II and Genevieve
I reign as King and Queen.
May 17th saw Davin de la Baliene become Baron of
June 14th saw Alistair Kirk and Anne von Talstadt
become Baron and Baroness of Ben Dunfirth.
On August 13th, at Pennsic War, Garraed Galbraith was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for his knowledge of the bardic arts. Garraed , The next day at Great Court, Finnvarr de Taahe was also elevated to the Order of the Laurel (for research). This make Finnvarr a quadruple peer (Chivalry, Pelican, Laurel and Royal).
In September, Roak II and Arlette were crowned as King and
Queen of Ealdormere.
On the 28th of September, Trumbrand the Wanderer was
made a Master of the Order of Chivalry.
On October 26th, Anne le Gris was elevated to the
Order of the Laurel
for poetry.
In der Welfengau, on the 3rd day of November,
Queen Rustique signed the charter of the Games Guild of Ealdormere and became
its patroness. The Head, and founder, of the Guild was Laird Colyne Stewart.
On the twenty-fifth day of January at the inn of Sir Berus Jarl and Countess Marion FitzWilliam, Count Aaron Preslee Worganson was made a knight and many
gifts were lavished upon him. These included a woven white belt that had once
graced the waist of Duke Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandson, a helm that had been
originally started for Osis and the chain from about the neck of Prince Darius
of the East, who was in attendance.
On the fifteenth day of February, after the Feast of St.
Valentine, the populace gathered to celebrate the elevation of a new Baron and Baroness
of Septentria. For the day appointed by Cynred and Gaerwen as the end of their
reign had come. At the Snowed Inn, in the canton of Ardchreag, Corwyn and Domhnail Galbraith were officially sworn
as Their Excellencies of Septentria. There was much celebrating throughout the
day as Their Excellencies past and present were honoured in song, word and
dance. House Hrogn fra Osis and House Fenrir both publicly stated their support
of Septentria’s new excellencies and may members of the Hrogn and of House
Galbraith were seen wearing Septentrian tabards. Many gifts were lavished upon
Corwyn and Domhnail, including a shield that had once graced the arm of Aedan
na Kincora. Many Septentrian relics were placed on display, including the
Cauldron of Ceridwyn.
April saw Edouard II and Genevieve I crowned as King and
AS 38, in which Baron
Siegfried Brandbeorn is knighted, the Canton of Ardchreag is put on the Scroll
of Honour, Konrad and Alyce became Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven, Cennedi and
Susanna reign as King and Queen, Nicolaa de Bracton and Adrielle Kerrec are
made Pelicans, Skeldergate hosts
Septentria’s 25th anniversary event, Ardchreag donates scrolls to
Skraeling Althing, Sir Nigel MacFarlane moves to Ealdormere, Tabitha Dearval, Valizan
Rakka al-Bassim Ra’ee al-Saleh, and Eleanor Cadfan are made Pelicans, the
kingdom’s first Golden Seamstress Competition is held, Berus II wins Crown
Tourney for Marion II and House Marchmount appears.
In the Middle Kingdom, On July 26th, Nigel
MacFarlane, who would later immigrate to Ealdormere and reign as its King, was
elevated to the Order of Chivalry.
At Pennsic War on Aug 13, Baron Siegfried
Brandbeorn was put on vigil for the Order of the Chivalry. He was elevated the
next day at kingdom court. At the same court Baroness Adrielle
Kerrec was elevated to the Order of the Pelican, and the Canton of Ardchreag
was put on the scroll of honour for its assistance in the creation of the Rede
of Gersholm (being a poetic book by Master Hector of the Black Height).
In September, Cennedi and Susanna became King and Queen.
On September 13th, Konrad Mattias Jaeger and
Alyce de Sheppy became Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven.
On September 27, Eoforwic
hosted Feast of the Bear. Magistraa Nicolaa de Bracton was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican.
In November, the Canton of Skeldergate hosted an event
honouring the Barony of Septentria’s 25th anniversary.
On January 3, the Shire of Bastille du Lac held a joint
Septentrian-Skraeling Althing 12th Night event called Border Yule.
At the event, gentles from both baronies brought games that were played
throughout the day for points. At the end of the day the barony with the most
points would receive the services of the shire for the next year. With more
Septentrians in attendance due to bad weather in the Skrael it was not
surprising when Septentria emerged victorious. At court the Canton of Ardchreag
presented a gift of 72 scroll blanks to the Barony of Skraeling Althing as a
sign of friendship between the two baronies.
On January 17th, Ardchreag hosted Snowed Inn. The
main focus for the day was a tournament, a pas d'armes. The Company of the
White Hart had issued a challenge to meet all comers upon the field of honour
at the inn. When the Company was introduced to Their Majesties, one of them
raised quite a stir. His name was Sir Nigel MacFarlane, and he was a knight of
the Dragon, of the great Middle Kingdom. Ealdormere’s king, Sir Rory Cennedi, asked him if, as a foreign knight, those
present had any need to fear him. The good Sir Nigel replied coolly that no
Ealdormerean had need to fear him, as he was now living within our lands. And
so our king and queen granted this knight citizenship, and the kingdom was
richer for it.
On Feb 7th, Tabitha Dearval was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican.
March 6th saw Valizan Rakka al-Bassim Ra’ee
al-Saleh elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
On March 19-20, Ben Dunfirth hosted the first Ealdormerean
Golden Seamstress Competition.
Eleanor Cadfan was elevated to the Order of the Pelican on
March 24th.
In April, Berus II
became King, and crowned Marion II as his Queen.
Near the end of this year, House Marchmount is founded in
Eoforwic. Marchmount was a family-based household, and the founding members
were Elanna, Pelayo, Arndis, Hans and Eydis. They were soon joined by Ailis,
Liam and Zoe. Ten years later, Neala would also join Marchmount.
AS 39, in which Keja
Tselebnika becomes Lawspeaker, Naon na Chutrie passes away, Adrielle Kerrec is made a Laurel, Calontir
gifts Ealdormere a sword, Eoforwic celebrates its 30th anniversary, Aeneas
and Aibhilin become Baron and Baroness of Rising Waters, Sarra Elisabeth Graeham of Birnham is made a
Pelican, Malik ‘abd al-Rahman and Kasimir of Stargard are knighted, and first Malik and Genevieve d’Anjou and
then Edouard and Genevieve become king and queen.
In June, at Murder Melee, THL Keja Tselebnika was named the
new Lawspeaker of Ealdormere.
On July 20, Master Naon na Chutrie passed away.
In August at the Pennsic War, Baroness Adrielle Kerrec was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for costuming.
Their Majesties Berus and Marion were gifted a new sword of state by Calontir.
There was a field presentation by Calontir who had three swords crafted: One
for them, one for Ealdormere and one for Northshield (the three sons of the
Dragon). The Prince, Malik ‘abd al-Rahman, was also knighted at this War.
September saw Malik and Genevieve became King and Queen of
the north.
On November 6, the Royal Citie of Eoforwic celebrated its 30th
anniversary at Feast of the Bear in Hugo Graf’s Keep.
On the 26th of November, Aeneas Oakhammer and
Aibhilin fra Skye became Baron and Baroness of Rising Waters.
Feb 12th saw Sarra Elisabeth Graeham of Birnham
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Kasimir of Stargard was elevated to the Order of the
Chivalry on the 5th day or March.
On April 23rd, Edouard and Genevieve were
invested as King and Queen of Ealdormere.
AS 40, in which Konrad
Mattias Jaeger is knighted, Marion
FitzWilliam is made a Pelican, Edward
I and Rylyn I are King and Queen, Derfel Mallory and Melisande du Rocher become
Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing, and Aaron II and Rustique II reign as
King and Queen.
At the Ealdormere War Practice, on the 2nd of
July, Konrad Mattias Jaeger was elevated to the Order of the Chivalry.
On August 15th, Marion FitzWilliam was elevated
to the Order of the Pelican.
November 18th saw Derfel Mallory and Melisande du
Rocher, originally of the East
Kingdom and wards of Sir
Evander MacLachlan, become the Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing.
In September, Edward I crowned Rylyn I as Queen of Ealdormere.
Aaron II and Rustique II succeeded Edward and Rylyn in
AS 41, in which Corwyn
and Domhnail are made Laurels, Nikolai and Marioun became the Baron and
Baroness of Den Dunfirth, Eleanor Fairchild is made a Laurel, Kolbjorn and Wencenedl became Baron and
Baroness of Ramshaven, Sarnac Bahadur
passes away, Erick of Longacres and Edward
the Red are made Pelicans, Roak III and Jocea I are King and Queen, Percival de
Laroque and Christiana MacNamara are made Baron and Baroness of Septentria. Etain
au Naval is knighted, Edouard wins Crown for Domhnail, and Martin Bildner is
made a Laurel.
War of the Trillium II was held from June 28 through July 2.
The Friday saw Corwyn and Domhnail Galbraith
sit vigil for the Order of the Laurel
for diverse arts. Their fellow Galbraiths strung up Septentrian and
Ealdormerean walls about the vigil area in their camp, and set out two tables
groaning with food. A craft table was set up where people waiting to go in and
speak to Corwyn and Domhnail could draw, paint or carve soap. A roaring fire
was lit, and people sat around it singing songs. Corwyn and Domhnail waited in
the baronial pavilion for each visitor, with one wall lowered so they could
look out over moonlit grass and watch the dancing fireflies. They were a bit
surprised by the parade of semi-drunken men with glowing nipples who buzzed by
the opening at one point, but took it all in stride.
On July 15, Nikolai Domingo de Vallejo and Marioun Golightly
became the Baron and Baroness of Ben Dunfirth. They were champions of the
archery, fencing and scribal arts and the Barony grew under their tenure.
Unfortunately, their term as Baron and Baroness was cut short due to a conflict
with the Crown and they were removed after four years of their term. Ben Dunfirth
was temporarily governed by a Vicar and Vicaress, Tarkatai and Thyra, the
founding Baron and Baroness of Ben Dunfirth.
August 17th saw Eleanor Fairchild elevated to the
Order of the Laurel
for costuming.
In September, Roak III and Jocea I took the thrones of
On September 1st, Kolbjorn Skatkaupandi and
Wencenedl of Rokesburg became Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven. On the 2nd,
Erick of Longacres was inducted into the Order of the Pelican.
Count Sarnac Bahadur passed away suddenly on the fourth of
Dec 16th saw Edward the Red elevated to the Order
of the Pelican for his dedicated service to the fighting community.
Etain au Naval, future King of Ealdormere, was knighted on
the 3rd day of March.
On April 14th, Corwyn and Domhnaill willingly
gave up the Ursine Thrones of the Barony of Septentria, and gave them over to
Their successors, Baron Percival de Laroque and Baroness Christiana MacNamara.
Also in April, Sir Edouard Beausoleil won Crown tournament,
naming Baroness Domhnail Galbraith as his queen.
On the 28th of April, Martin Bildner was elevated
to the Order of the Laurel
for pewter casting and music.
AS 42, in which Keja
Tselebnik is made a Pelican, Trumbrand
I and Kaylah I reign as King and Queen, Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles becomes Vicar of Skraeling Althing, Rachael
Catherine McLellan is made a Laurel, Nadrah bint Valizan al-Garnitiyya is made
a Pelican, and Aaron III and Rustique
III become King and Queen.
On July 1st, Keja Tselebnik was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican.
In September, Trumbrand the Wanderer and Kaylah the Cheerful
became the sovereigns of the northlands.
Around November, Skraeling Althing was given into the
vicarship of Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles, the founding Baroness of the
On the 1st day of March, Rachael Catherine
McLellan was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for illumination and Nadrah bint Valizan al-Garnitiyya was elevated to the
Order of the Pelican.
Trumbrand and Kaylah’s heirs, Aaron III and Rustique III,
succeeded them in April.
The Third Age of the Kingdom of Ealdormere
AS 43, in which Joanna
of Northumberland is made a Laurel, James
the Mercer is made a Pelican, Etain I
and Valfreya I reign as King and Queen, Wat of Sarum is knighted, Richard and Annabelle become Baron and
Baroness of Rising Waters, TSivia bas Tamara V’Amberview is made a Pelican, House
Arrochar is founded, Etaoin o Fearghail
passes away, and Roak IV and Jocea II become King and Queen of Ealdormere.
On August 7th, Joanna of Northumberland was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for goldwork embroidery and James the Mercer was elevated to the Order of the
In September, Etain au Naval and Valfreya Greenspeare became
King and Queen of Ealdormere.
At Feast of the Bear in the Royal Citie of Eoforwic, Wat of
Sarum was elevated to the Order of Chivalry on the 18th day of
November 28th saw Richard Larmer and Annabelle
Makmyllane become Baron and Baroness of Rising Waters.
On March 1st, the shires of Flaming Sky,
Brennisteinn Vatn and Noergate unified into one large shire. This new shire
shared the name of one of its founding groups and was known as Brennisteinn
Vatn. This was a result of strong bonds of friendship between the members of
the shires, who often felt far removed from the rest of the kingdom. They held
many gathering they called ‘taverns’ which were essentially small events.
March 7th saw TSivia bas Tamara V’Amberview made
a member of the Order of the Pelican at Winter
War in the Shire of Trinovantia Nova. At this same event, Sir Nigel
MacFarlane and Baroness (now Duchess) Adrielle Kerrec formed their household,
called Arrochar. This house would go on to produce a King and Queen of
Ealdormere, barons and baronesses of the court and a member of the Order of the
After a fierce battle with a terminal illness, Mistress Etaoin o Fearghail passed away on March 25th.
Etain I and Valfreya I were succeeded by their heirs, Roak
IV and Jocea II, in April.
AS 44, in which Hexenhaus
is founded, Gaerwen of Trafford, Odette of Ramshaven and Keja Tselebnik are made Laurels, Kaylah the Cheerful is made a Lady Master-of-Arms, and Nigel I and
Adrielle I reign as King and Queen, followed by Quilliam I and Dagmar I.
Around this time, Hexenhaus was formed in the Shire of
Trinovantia Nova. This small household was headed by Lady Orla and Lady Marrin.
On August 6th, Gaerwen of Trafford was elevated
to the Order of the Laurel
for fibre arts and Kaylah the Cheerful was made a Lady Master of the Order of
In September, Nigel MacFarlane and Adrielle Kerrec became
King and Queen of Ealdormere.
On September 19th, Odette of Ramshaven was
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for fibre arts.
April saw Nigel I and Adrielle I followed by Quilliam I and
Dagmar I.
On April 17th, Keja Tselebnik was elevated to the
Order of the Laurel
for her Romany research.
AS 45, in which Famillia
deRubberboot is formed, Rozalynd of Thornabee on Tees was made a Laurel, Etain II and Valfreya II reign as King and
Queen, Baldric Leeman of Newcastle Emlyn and Tarkatai Bahadur are knighted, the
Royal Guild of Ealdormere Feast Cooks was founded, and Aaron IV and Rustique IV
reign as King and Queen.
This year saw the forming of Famillia deRubberboot, which
was headed by Jean Guy deRubberboot, Famous Trapper de Nord and Avelyn of
the Hedge.
August 12th saw Rozalynd of Thornabee on Tees
elevated to the Order of the Laurel
for her knowledge of Middle Eastern clothing.
September saw Etain II and Valfreya II arise to the northern
On the 25th of September, Etain and Valfreya
elevated Baldric Leeman of Newcastle Emlyn to the Order of Chivalry.
Tarkatai Bahadur was knighted on October 23rd.
On March 19th, the Royal Guild of Ealdormere
Feast Cooks was founded.
In April, Aaron IV and Rustique IV succeeded Etain II and
Valfreya II.
AS 46, in which House
Addis is formed, Tormot Quilliam is knighted, Quilliam II and Dagmar II are King and Queen, Dafydd ap Sion is made a
Laurel, Gaerwen of Trafford and Eyrny
Ormarsdottir are made Pelicans, the Excellent Guild of Ealdormerian Equestrian
Enthusiasts was founded, Emma Dansmeyla is made a Laurel, Grom and Anneke become Baron and Baroness of
Septentria, and Edward II and Rylyn II become King and Queen.
Around this time, Morag Taylor formed House Addis, an
extension of her first household in Atlantia. House Addis was located in the
Canton of Harrowgate Heath.
Quilliam II and Dagmar II became King and Queen of
Ealdormere in September.
On September 17th, Dafydd ap Sion was elevated to
the Order of the Laurel
for his archery research and Gaerwen of Trafford was elevated to the Order of
the Pelican.
Baron Tynne Duair ap Beul passed away suddenly on the 19th
of September.
September 24th saw Tormot Quilliam elevated to
the Order of Chivalry.
On December 10th, Eyrny Ormarsdottir was elevated
to the Order of the Pelican.
January 22nd saw the founding of the Excellent Guild
of Ealdormerian Equestrian Enthusiasts.
On February 18th, Emma Dansmeyla was elevated to
the Order of the Laurel
for dance.
April 21st marked the end of the term of Percival
and Christiana as Baron and Baroness of Septentria. Their successors were Grom
Meinfretr and Anneke the Furious.
April saw Edward II and Rylyn II become King and Quen.
AS 47, in which Taern
becomes Baron of Ben Dunfirth, Aibhilin
fra Skye is made a Pelican, Gunther
Wahlstadt of Bremen is made a Pelican, Penda and Sibylla become Baron and
Baroness of Ramshaven, Medb ingen Dungale is made a Laurel, the Royal Horticulture and Herbalism Guild
of Ealdormere was founded, Roak V and Elizabeth are King and Queen, Berend van
der Eych, Lucrece de Montsoreau and Aurelia
Gabriana are made Laurels, Skallagrim the Frenzied and Xristina Viacheslavova
are made Pelicans, Bastille du Lac is granted full status, and Trumbrand II and
Kaylah II become King and Queen.
Taern MacGregor became Baron of Ben Dunfirth on June 9th.
On the 23rd of June, Aibhilin fra Skye was
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
On July 1st, at War of the Trillium, Gunther
Wahlstadt of Bremen
was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
July 6th saw Penda of Glynmere and Sibylla of
Glynmere become Baron and Baroness of Ramshaven.
On August 9th, Medb ingen Dungale was made a
Maistreas of the Order of the Laurel
for her talents with sweetpaste, embroidery and research.
On August 30th, the Royal Horticulture and Herbalism
Guild of Ealdormere was founded. This guild made a regular practice of paying
taxes to the Crown.
In September, Roak V and Elizabeth became King and Queen of
September 22nd, saw Skallagrim the Frenzied
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
On November 3rd, Xristina Viacheslavova was
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
One winter’s day, King Roak journeyed to the Shire of
Bastille du Lac with joyous news. For the past fourteen years, the people of
the shire had been in conflict with the College of Arms
in regards to their name. Finally, Roak announced, the College had accepted
Bastille du Lac’s name, and the shire was to be granted full status. Over the
years since its founding, the shire had held many joint Septentrian-Skraeling
events, hosted even more of their own, and protected the waters of the Inland Seas
from nefarious pirates such as Cap’n Bloodfox and Cap’n Widow. It was just,
good and proper for them to finally achieve full status after all their work
and sacrifice.
On February 16th, at the St. Valentine’s Day
Massacre in Caer Draeth, Berend van der Eych was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for calligraphy
and illumination.
At Winter War on March 2nd, Aurelia Gabriana and
Lucrece de Montsoreau were inducted into the Order of the Laurel for embroidery and costuming,
Trumbrand II and Kaylah II arose to the Lupine thrones in
AS 48, in which Piero
di Paxiti da Vincenza is made a Laurel, Aevianna
of Nordengel passes away, Nigel II and Adrielle II take the thrones, Shahid and
Catherine became Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing, Dafydd ap Sion and Cainder
ingen Hui Chatharnaig are made Pelicans, Northgaedham is founded, the
Ealdormerean stampede occurs, Wilfrid of Sweflingham and Jhone of Woodcote are
made Laurels, the Ealdormerean Cartographers Guild is founded, and Siegfried
and Ragni become king and queen.
On August 1st, at the War of the Trillium, Piero
di Paxiti da Vincenza was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for his skills as a scribe.
This year tragedy struck the kingdom while many of its
populace were away at the Pennsic War. Lady Aevianna of Nordengel was reported
missing in the Barony of Skraeling Althing. Those within her barony gathered
together to search for her, while those away at Pennsic prayed for her safety.
Unfortunately, on July 28, it was discovered that she had been lost to
violence. The kingdom was shaken. Never before had the people lost one of their
own in such a way. In her memory, Lady Morag made a banner depicting Lady
Aevianna’s arms, and this banner was carried into all remaining battles at
At the end of September, King Nigel II and Adrielle II took
possession of the northern thrones in the Canton of Harrowgate Heath in the
Barony of Skraeling Althing. Both Nigel and Adrielle were anointed with the
waters of Lake Ontario by Their Lawspeaker, Baroness
Xristina Viacheslavova.
A memorial to Lady Aevianna stood in the main hall, complete
with various items displaying her arms (including a banner, a shield and a stuffed
bear). Nigel and Adrielle commended the people of Harrowgate Heath and the
barony for pulling together following the tragedy of Aevianna’s passing, and
still managing to host the event.
On November the 2nd, Shahid al-Hasan and
Catherine Townson became Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing.
January 18th saw Dafydd ap Sion made a member of
the Order of the Pelican.
Cainder ingen Hui Chatharnaig, who was at this time the
Trillium Herald, was elevated to the Order of the Pelican on March 2nd.
On March the 4th it was announced that the Canton
of Northgaedham had been founded within the Barony of Ramshaven.
Nigel II and Adrielle II travelled far while they sat the
northern thrones. These travels took them to Gulf Wars in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.
As is tradition, during the opening ceremonies, those Royals present were to
process upon horseback. Not wanting her subjects to feel left out, Queen
Adrielle and a cabal of sewers crafted several hobby horses, which were carried
during the procession by each Ealdormerean present. Reportedly, these horses
were high spirited and there was an infamous stampede.
On March 29th, both Wilfrid of Sweflingham and
Jhone of Woodcote were elevated to the Order of the Laurel, both for diverse
arts. This occurred at the Spring Arts and Sciences Faire.
To mark the occasion of his 40th birthday, on
April 14th, in the Canton of Ardchreag, THL Colyne Stewart held a
deed of arms. This deed drew a crowd of 58 people, with 24 of them
participating directly in the deed. The king-of-arms was HRM Nigel II, knight
of the Society; the herald was Magistra Nicolaa de Braction, member of the
Orders of the Laurel
and the Pelican; the scribe who recorded the names of those crossing blades in
the book of the deed was THL Jocelyn Cranewell, White Scarf; and Lord Anton
Rongefer acted as Colyne’s man-at-arms. Colyne’s heraldry was on display in
cloth, drape and flag, and the finial on top of his banner pole was in the
shape of a fox (the charge from his Arms). The venerable Couter of Chivalry was
also present, on display by His Majesty’s seat. Though upon a time holding a
tournament to mark a significant birthday had once been somewhat common in Ealdormere,
the practice had not been conducted for quite some time, and many remarked how
glad they were to see a deed of arms held in the north. Just, stout blows were
given and received, as were tokens. Indeed, Colyne had cast pewter coins based
on a mold made by his lady, THL Þorfinna gráfeldr, for all in attendance.
Likewise, Their Majesties Ealdormere gave each combatant a royal coin. Colyne
was surprised by gifts including a dice cup, a set of goblets, and a full set
of clothes. Honour flowed like water. Though all who took part fought well and
good, only one could be awarded the prize--a greave made by Colyne’s own hand.
The judges (Their Majesties Ealdormere and Nicolaa) declared that the one
fighter who had shone brightest with chivalry, courtesy and prowess had been
THL Hans Thorvaldsson.
April 22nd saw the founding of the Ealdormerean
Cartographers Guild.
On the 26th day of April, Baron Siegfried
Brandbeorn, knight of the Society, and squire to Duke Sir Finnvarr deTaahe, and
Ragni Dzintari, wife of the same Finnvarr, were crowned as King and Queen of
Ealdormere. Though it was his right to Crown Ragni as the Queen of the north,
King Siegfried, on behalf of true love, gave that right to Finnvarr. Before an
emotional crowd, Duke Finnvarr placed the Crown of the Queen of Ealdormere upon
the brow of his lady wife.
Master Martin Bildner founded the Ealdormere Waits on April
27th. The Waits were a group of wandering minstrels whose duties
included welcoming Royal visitors at the gates of cities, leading civic
processions, waking townspeople on dark winter mornings and other similar acts.
This guild’s aim was to increase the amount of live period music performed at

AS 49, in which Fruits
of our Labours is held, Trumbrand wins Crown Tourney, the Athenaeum Hectoris is
founded, a tornado lands in Caer Draeth, Lady Bridgit of Cornwall passes away,
Tarian verch Gadarn is elevated to the Order of the Laurel, Nuno of Eoforwic is
struck by lightning, Varenko is elevated to the Order of Chivalry, Baroness
Kaiza of Skraeling Althing passes away, the Royal Citie of Eoforwic celebrates
it’s 40th anniversary, Kersteken Janzdochtere and Jocea Valente are
elevated to the Order of the Pelican, Raithe of Ealdormere wins the title of
Schutenkonig, Countess Elizabeth Bailey’s team wins at the Midrealm Rose
Tourney, Trumbrand and Kaylah are crowned king and queen of Ealdormere, Yusef
of South Tower passes away, Sir Steinnar wins Fall Crown Tourney, Dimitri
Kievskoi and Gemma Krasil’niKova are invested as the Baron and Baroness of
Rising Waters, Xristina Viacheslavova and Asa Gormsdottir are inducted into the
Order of the Laurel…
The Canton of Brynaiu Tywynogg once again hosted Fruits of
our Labours, from May 16 through the 19th. Teachers and students
from across the kingdom descended upon the large site to partake in classes on
many and diverse subjects. In fact, it was reported that this incarnation of
FOOL had more teachers and classes than any of its predecessors.
Siegfried and Ragni held their Crown Tournament on May 24th
in the Canton of der Welfengau. This Crown was the first to feature same-sex
consorts in Ealdormere. THL Hans Thorvaldsson fought for Lord Pelayo of
Marchmount, and Lady Ailis de Marchet fought for Lady Elanna of Marchmount.
Their inclusion was greeted with great enthusiasm by those present. Many fine
speeches were delivered by the combatants, some making the crowd laugh, some
making them weep, some making them swell with pride. The fighting was held
under a warm Spring sun, and though all the fighters were determined, only one could
prevail. This gentle was Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer, who made Duchess Kaylah
the Cheerful his princess for a third time.
The complete list of combatants read thusly:
Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer for Duchess Kaylah the Cheerful
Duchess Kaylah the Cheerful for Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer
The Honourable Lord Guillaume le Breton for Countess Joleicia of Litchfield
Mistress Aelfwyn aet Langanwuda for Lord Evan Quicktongue
Baron Richard Larmer for Baroness Annabelle Makmyllane
Baron Tiberius of Warwickshire for Baroness Anne Tinker
Baron Kolbjorn Skatkaupandi for Baroness Wencenedl of Rokesburg
Baron Giovanni d’Enzinas for Baroness Lucia d’Enzinas
The Honourable Lord Gann for The Honourable Lady Maiwen
The Honourable Lord Bjarn Aaronson for Lady Orlaith inghen Cinada meic Briain
Lord Rorik for The Honourable Lady Jocelyn Roget de Cranewell
The Honourable Lord Hans Thorvaldson for Lord Pelayo of Marchmount
Lord Pelayo of Marchmount for The Honourable Lord Hans Thorvaldsson
The Honourable Lord Amelius Claudius Rattanicus for The Honourable Lady Isabel
Lord Edward of Flaming Sky for The Honourable Lady Constance Payne of
Lady Ailis de la Marche of Eoforwic for Lady Elanna of House Marchmount of
Jack Mongo the Pirate for Lady Eeva the Restless
On Mat 31st, the Barony of Skraeling Althing held
Trebuchet Day and All Things Marshalled Regional Practice. Attendees were given
the opportunity to learn about, and use, medieval siege weapons.
The Athenaeum Hectoris (named after Master Hector of the
Black Height) was founded on the second day of June. This school was created by
THLaird Colyne Stewart to teach the art and craft of writing, both in general
and within the SCA itself.
On June 7th, Petrea Thule hosted Pikeman’s Pleasure
once again. At this event, THL Hans Thorvaldsson successfully fought for entry
into the White Bear Fian (Septentria’s fighting order).
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth held the thirty-first Murder
Melee in the Meadow between June 12th and June 15th. At this
event, in the ten-man tourney, the Barbarian team came in first place for the
third straight year. At court, THL Tarian verch Gadarn was put on vigil for the
Order of the Laurel
for her work with stained glass and bookbinding. Duchess Jocea and Baroness
Kersteken Janzdochtere were both made vigilants for the Order of the Pelican.
On the 17th of June a tornado touched down in the
Canton of Caer Draeth. Though some residents of the canton suffered property
damage, luckily no one was seriously harmed.
The Canton of Harrowgate Heath held Summer Siege on the 21st
and 22nd of June.
Two short days later, Harrowgate Heath was shocked by the
sudden passing of Lady Bridgit of Cornwall.
The tenth War of the Trillium was held by the Canton of Ardchreag
between June 27th and July 1st. Attendees included
visitors from AEthelmearc and the Middle Kingdom. The theme for this War was
‘No One Expects the Spanish Armada’, with attendees either pledging themselves
to the Spanish or the English. Victory points were awarded to each side for
every activity (including spending time volunteering), with the English
eventually emerging triumphant.
This year was extremely hot and humid, with many people
comparing it to Pennsic and Lillies weather.
Highlights of a long kingdom court included THL Eirik
Andersen being placed on vigil for the Order of the Pelican, THL Asa
Gormsdottir being placed on vigil for the Order of the Laurel, and THL Varenko being placed on vigil
for the Order of the Chivalry. Court was concluded with the elevation of
Athrawes Tarian verch Gadarn to the Laurelate.
The Barony of Ramshaven hosted the Baronial Brouhaha from
July 11th through the 13th. On the Saturday of the event,
high winds blew through the site, damaging several pavilions.
Between July 25th and August 10th the
Pennsic War was again held in the Kingdom
of AEthelmearc. On the 26th
a terrible storm blew through Pennsic and Nuno of Eforwic was struck by
lightening. Luckily, this good gentle survived unscathed, and was even awarded
the Brass Balls of Septentria for continuing to set up tents in the storm. This
war saw the elevation of Varenko to the Order of Chivalry.
During the war, back at home, Baroness Kaiza of Skraeling
Althing sadly passed away.
The Royal Citie of Eoforwic celebrated its 40th
anniversary at the Feast of the Bear on the 6th day of September.
The event was held in a church, complete with a beautiful courtyard, and was
attended by former Ealdormereans Morrigan and Leif, the King and Queen of
Drachenwald. Several figures of Eoforwic’s and Septentria’s past were in
attendance that day, including THL Hereward the Far-dweller, Lord Nicolae
Cioranu and Lord Lothar von Wulfing, the one and so far only Hero of
Septentria. At court, Baroness Xristina Viacheslavova was put on vigil for the
Order of the Laurel
for her knowledge of the Rus. As well, both Baroness Kersteken Janzdochtere and
Duchess Jocea Valente were elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Also on the 6th of September, in the Middle
Kingdom, Raithe of Ealdormere took part in the Summer Schutenfest. The
Schutenfest is held twice a year, with archers competing to be named the
Schutenkonig of the Handbow and Schutenkonig of the Crossbow. Raithe, after
taking on a large field of competitors, won the title of Schutenkonig with the
handbow, being the first person hailing from outside the Middle Kingdom to
claim this honour.
On September 20, at the Midrealm Rose Tourney, Countess
Elizabeth Bailey was represented on the lists and ranges by a team of men of
good cote who would go on to carry the day. Her team was headed by a member of
the Order of Chivalry in the form of her husband, Sir Tormot Quilliam.As
esquires she was represented by Lord Tristham Ovrina I Groffa, Jack the Pirate
Lord and Lord Jayson of Darkyard. On the rapier list she was championed by Lord
Magnus, while her archer was Lord Tormach.
Fall Coronation was held in the Canton of Vest Yorvik on
September 27. Knowing King Siegfried’s love of gaming, Their Highnesses
Trumbrand and Kaylah challenged Their Majesties to a game of chance to see if
TRMs’ reign would end that day or continue until the Yuletide season. All four
Royals took turns throwing the dice, with the two scoring highest continuing to
the second round. Prince Trumbrand thus faced Queen Ragni, rolling the higher
score, and thus securing the Crown. However, before the reign of the kingdom
was handed over, Princess Kaylah further challenged King Siegfried to a second
wager, with each of them putting up one of their squires as their ante. In this
game, Kaylah was triumphant, and won the services of Amelius Claudius
Rattanicus (who, along with Isabel Attwyll, had been given a court barony by
Siegfried and Ragni). Thus Rattanicus took his place behind the thrones, and
after Trumbrand and Kaylah had ben acclaimed and recognized as Ealdormere’s new
sovereigns, Kaylah decided to put her new acquisition to use by making him the
Queen’s Champion. For his champion, King Trumbrand chose THL Sven Gunnolfr
Ragnaldson. As their bard, they chose THL Justinian Clarus.
On October 4, Baron Taern MacGregor opened the doors of his
baronial hunting lodge, inviting one and all to partake in many harvest themed
events at the Huntman’s Harvest.
That same day, the Stronghold of Tor Brant hosted the Feast
of Beasts, being an event dedicated to the arts of the bow.
On October 8, Yusef of South Tower, known for his love and
expertise of armour and weapons, passed away after a long battle with a wasting
disease. His loss was felt by many.
The Canton of Caldrithig hosted the Fall Crown Tournament on
October 25, with Sir Steinnar Aggarson defeating Sir Baldric in the
finals, making himself and THL Liðr Lang-Akason the heirs of the kingdom.
On the first day of November, the Barony of Rising Waters
once again hosted the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament. This event also featured
the investiture of Dmitri Kievskoi and Gemma Krasil’niKova as the new local
Baron and Baroness. The fighting that day featured the forces of Ealdormere
facing their noble cousins from the Kingdom
of Æthelmearc.
The Canton of Caldrithig held Feast of the Hare on November
8. At this event, Baroness Xristina Viacheslavova was inducted into the Order
of the Laurel
for her knowledge of the Rus people.
The second Ealdormere Queen’s Prize Tourney was held on
November 22 and hosted by the Canton of Petrea Thule. The event had eighty-one
entries (including thirteen youths). There were thirty-seven sponsors and
sixty-eight judges. Her Majesty Kaylah chose Baroness Isabel Atwyll as winner
of the Queen’s Prize for her embroidery. As a runner-up, Her Majesty chose
Rohaise de Guildford for her Temari ball. She also recognized Baron Kolbjorn
for his embroidery, Baron Percival for his paper on heraldic banners, and Lady
Ailis de la Marche for her herbs. Lady Ailis was also the recipient of the
Judges’ Choic Prize.
This event also featured the vigil and elevation of Asa
Gormsdottir to the Order of the Laurel
for her skill at calligraphy and illumination.
On November 29, the Canton of Bryniau Tywynnog held a
Christkindl Market at their Wassail event. At court Baron Tiberius of
Warwickshire was put on vigil for the Order of the Chivalry.
The Canton of Ardchreag hosted Septentrian 12th
Night on January 17th. At this event, HE Christiana MacNamara was
elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Tournoi de Coeur des Glace was once again held in the Shire
of Bastille du Lac. On the last day of January fighters and fencers met on the
fields of honour and fought with great skill and dignity. HRM Kaylah the
Cheerful was victorious in the fencing list, while HRH Steinnar carried the day
on the fighting list. At court, Eirk Andersen was elevated to the Order of the Pelican,
upon which he—along with his squire-brother Master Daffyd—begged a boon for
their knight, Graf Siegfried Brandbeorn, who was thus placed on vigil for the
On the second day of February, missives were sent around the
knowne world from the southern overlords announcing that a new Peerage was
being established. The Order of Defense, for praticioners for rapier and cut
and thrust, was to become the fourth peerage order within the society, and
would be open for induction of members at the turning of the year.
The Canton of Monadh held Step Spritely at the Carnival of
Venice on February 7th.
Practicum was held in the Canton of Caldrithig on the 28th
day of February.
In the Shire of Trinovantia Nova, at the Winter War on the 7th
day of March, Baron Tiberius of Warwickshire was elevated to the Order of the
On the 28th of March, two events where held in
the kingdom. The Canton of Petrea Thule played host to many archers at their
Late Winter Shoot, while scholars from the Society and other living history
groups gathered at Forward into the Past in the Canton of Bryniau Tywynogg.
The Barony of Ramshaven held the Spring Kingdom Arts and
Sciences Faire on April 11th. The winner of the Pentathlon and
holder of the kingdom's A&S cup was Lady Merewen de Sweynesheie.
During the day, Their Highnesses Ealdormere, Steinnar and Lyðr, held a vigil
where they met with many members of the populace to hear their words of wisdom
in regards to becoming the next king and queen of the northlands. Also at this
event, Sir Siegfried Brandbeorn was elevated to the Ordr of the Pelican.
On the 18th of April, the Canton of Greyfells
held Break the Back of Winter.
The coronation of Konungr Steinarr and Dróttning Liðr took
place on the 25th day of April in the Shire of Bastille du Lac. In a
dim hall lit by a blazing fire, Trumbrand and Kaylah consulted with the Oracle,
a one-eyed Norseman, to see if it would be a fruitious time to hand the kingdom
over to their heirs. The Oracle, having consulted the bones, told them that if
a coronation was held that day, the weather would turn fair, the kingdom would
prosper, but that there would be war in the south. Having decided they could
live with that, Trumbrand and Kaylah pass the Crowns of the Northlands to
Steinnar and Liðr.
Representatives from the kingdoms of the East, Calontir and
An Tir were on hand to witness this event.
A number of tournaments were held during the day, to
determine who would represent Their Majesties as Their champions. At evening
court, it was announced that the champions were as follows: Tormot Quilliam,
King’s Champio; Tristham Ovinra I Groffa, Queen’s Champion; Graem de Liste,
Archery Champion; Jobjorn, Rapier Champion; and Daniel of Whitby, Thrown
Weapons Champion.
As well, His Majesty called to him several proud northern
warriors to stand as the forefront of his Vanguard. These were Sir Ed the Red,
Sir Quilliam, Sir Gann, THL Bjarn, Lord Tristham, HE Grom, and Lord Wiley. His
Majesty hoped that in time this Vanguard would swell with more warriors in full
Norse kits.
This then concludes the history of the first fifty years of
the kingdom of Ealdormere, as recorded by THLaird
Colyne Stewart, historian of the northlands and loyal subject of the Crown.
Appendix A: Sources
The Chronicle of Eoforwic
of Etienne de l’ Isle including a short Account of the History of Septentria,
Etienne de l’ Isle, 1982.
Codex Eboracensis II: Being the Continued Chronicles of Eoforwic in Two Gatherings, Magnus of Iona and Gusanna of Leycester, 1995.
The Galbrao-Septentrian Chronicle, THLaird Colyne
Stewart, 2007.
Historie of Septentria, THLaird Colyne Stewart, 2003.
History of Bastille du Lac, Lady Jehanne de Bretagne,
The History of Ben Dunfirth, Vol. 1, 2nd
ed., Cathlyn and Skyelyn of Craemor, et al., AS 37.
The History of Ealdormere, Mistress Marian of
Heatherdale, The Pale, September 1998, pp. 14-26.
The History of Eoforwic:
the Second Part, Lord William of Roncesvalle, 1989.
The History of Rising Waters (the abbreviated version),
Maitresse Baronne Genevieve Chastellain d’Anjou, March 2003.
A History of Skraeling Althing, Part 1: Canton of Septentria or When We Were Young,
Viscountess Aelflaeda FitzAlain
Our Homeland, Beloved Ealdormere: A History of the Early
Years, Dame Tsivia v’Amberview, OL, 1998.
Reigns of the Princes of Ealdormere, Magistra Nicolaa
de Braction, circa 1998.
A Short History of Ealdormere, Magistra Nicolaa de
Bracton, circa 1998.
The Third Book of the Chronicle of Eoforwic,
Hyrcanos ben Jacob Porto of Oporto,
The Ursus, #52, June XXVI, #108, #122, #128, #131,
#133, #134, #136, #146, #147, #153, #155, #160, #164, Jan XXIX, #182, #186,
#187, #189, #191, #195, #202, volume 2 issue 2, volume 2 issue 7-9, volume 3
issue 8, volume 3 issue 10-11, volume 4 number 2, volume 4 number 5, volume 4
number 7, volume 13 issue 4. (A note on the numbering. Occasional issues of the
Ursus were unnumbered. As such, I have given their date instead.)
Appendix B: The
Principality reigns compiled by Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton;
Kingdom reigns compiled by THLaird Colyne Stewart.
The Princes and Princess of Ealdormere
Prince: David Martin Failsworth
Princess: Tangwystl Siwan Failsworth
Term: April 7, 1990 to Sep 22, 1990
Seneschal: Katerina de Turenne
Marshal: Ceallac cuMellain
Trillium Herald: Brennain
OÕMuchadha de Ros Comain/Artair MacArtair of Orkney
Exchequer: Gwylim ap Alun
MoA: Anne Grey
MoS: Ricard of Sabletree
Chronicler: Amyfelise/Etaoin o Fearghail
Chirurgeon: Aislinne of Alainmor
Prince's Champion: Cordigan d'Arnot
Princess' Champion: Elizabeth Mortimer
Archer Champion: Catherine of
Haley Green
A&S Champion/Cupbearer: Sarra Graeham
Bard: Hector of the Black Height
Prince: Michel d'Arques
Princess: Kaellyn MacDermott
Term: Sep 22, 1990 to April 23, 1991
Seneschal: Ricard of Sabletree
Marshal: Ceallac cuMellain
Trillium Herald: Artair MacArtair
of Orkney
Exchequer: Gwylim ap Alun
MoA: Anne Grey
MoS: Gwynfyr an Sheoladair
Chronicler: Etaoin o Fearghail
Chrirurgeon: Aislinne of Alainmor
Prince's Champion: Roak of the
Princess' Champion: Edgar de Cockayne
Archer Champion:
A&S Champion/Cupbearer:
Siglinde Harfnerstochter
Bard: Cordigan dÕArnot
Prince: Osis of the Livery
Princess: Ragnheithr
Term: April 23, 1991 to Sep 21, 1991
Seneschal: Ricard of Sabletree
Marshal: Ceallach cuMeallain
Trillium Herald: Artair MacArtair
of Orkney
Exchequer: Gwylim ap Alun
MoA: Katheryn Radford of York
MoS: Gwynfyr an Sheoladair
Chronicler: Etaoin o Fearghail
Chrirugeon: Olwen de Montgomery
Prince's Champion: Oikawa Katsu
Princess' Champion: Gunter von
Archer Champion: Odd Grimsson
Cupbearer: Catriona Gower of York
Bard: Timothy the Fop
Prince: Roak of the Rozakii (I)
Princess: Tarkwyn of Balanjar (I)
Term: Sep 21, 1994 to April 4, 1992
Seneschal: Ricard of Sabletree
Marshal: Belgar Thorbjornsson
Trillium Herald: Artair MacArtair
of Orkney
Exchequer: Gwylim ap Alun
MoA: Katheryn Radford of York
MoS: Gwynfyr an Sheoladair
Chronicler: Etaoin o Fearghail
Chrurgeon: Olwen de Montgomery
Prince's Champion: Gunter von
Princess' Champion:
Archer Champion:
Bard: Sigurd Leofsanga
Prince: Killdare Silverwolf
Princess: Catherine Dupres
Term: April 4, 1992 to Sep 19, 1992
Seneschal: Ricard of Sabletree
Marshal: Belgar Thorbjornsson
Trillium Herald: Artair MacArtair
of Orkney
Exchequer: Gwylim ap Alun/Aelfgar
the Irrepressible
MoA: Katheryn Radford of York
MoS: Gwynfyr an Sheoladair
Chronicler: Etaoin o Fearghail
Chirurgeon: Olwen de Montgomery
Prince's Champion: Cordigan
Princess' Champion: Tai Chin Wu
Archer Champion: Odd Grimsson
A&S Champion/Cupbearer:
Rigunth af Bern
(later Nicolaa de Bracton)*
Bard: Justinian Clarus
Prince: Belgar Thorbjornsson
Princess: Andrea Eulenberg von
Term: Sep 19, 1992 to April 24, 1993
Seneschal: Ricard of
Sabletree/Etaoin o Fearghail
Marshal: Cordigan d'Arnot
Trillium Herald: Gwylim ap Alun
Exchequer: Aelfgar the
MoA: Katheryn Radford of York
MoS: Thevenin de la Cote dÕAzure
Chronicler: Tarkwyn of Balanjar
Chrirugeon: Olwen de Montgomery
Prince's Champion: Menken Brechen
Princess' Champion: Thevenin de la
Cote d'Azure
Archer Champion:
Prince: Killdare Silverwolf
Princess: Lella Sericini
Term: April 24, 1993 to Sep 25, 1993
Seneschal: Etaoin o Fearghail
Marshal: Cordigan d'Arnot
Trillium Herald: Gwylim ap Alun
Exchequer: Aelfgar the
MoA: Ragnheithr Thorbjarnardottir
MoS: Thevenin de la Cote d'Azure
Chronicler: Tarkwyn of Balanjar
Chrirugeon: Olwen de Montgomery
Prince's Champion: Eduoard Beausoliel
Princess' Champion: Genevieve
Chastellain d'Anjou
Archer Champion: Sarra Graeham
A&S Champion/Cupbearer:
Catherine de Guise*
Prince: Cordigan d'Arnot
Princess: Diane d'Arnot
Term: Sep 25, 1993 to April 16, 1994
Seneschal: Etaoin o Fearghail
Marshal: Belgar
Thorbjornsson/Menken Brechen
Trillium Herald: Gwylim ap Alun
Exchequer: Aelfgar the
MoA: Ragnheithr Thorbjarnardottir
MoS: Thevenin de la Cote d'Azure
Chronicler: Tarkwyn of Balanjar
Chrirugeon: Olwen de Montgomery
Prince's Champion: David Martin
Princess' Champion:
Archer Champion:
Rapier Champion: Randall
Prince: Ziegfried Gunter von
Princess: Joleicia of Litchfield
Term: April 16, 1994 to Oct 1, 1994
Seneschal: Etaoin o Fearghail
Marshal: Menken Brechen
Trillium Herald: Brand
Exchequer: Aelfgar the
Irrepressible/Cordigan d'Arnot
MoA&S: Thevenin de la Cote
d'Azure/Caitlin Stuart
Chronicler: Briend Molyneaux de
Chrirugeon: Kaellyn MacDermott
Prince's Champion: Dafydd of
Princess' Champion: Tarkatai
Archer Champion: Bernard Sebastian
Rapier Champion: Randall
A&S Champion/Cupbearer:
Aibhilin of Skye*
Prince: David Martin Failsworth
Princess: Elina de Braose
Term: Oct 1, 1994 to April 19, 1995
Seneschal: Etaoin o Fearghail
Marshal: Menken Brechen
Trillium Herald: Brand
Exchequer: Cordigan d'Arnot
MoA&S: Caitlin Stuart
Chronicler: Briend Molyneaux de
Chrirugeon: Kaellyn MacDermott
Prince's Champion: Ieuan
Princess' Champion:
Archer Champion: Gerraint
Rapier Champion: Fionn MacRory
A&S Champion/Cupbearer:
Prince: Roak of the Rozakii (II)
Princess: Tarkwyn of Balanjar (II)
Term: April 19, 1995 – Sep 30, 1995)
Seneschal: Etaoin o Fearghail
Marshal: Menken Brechen
Trillium Herald: Brand
Exchequer: Cordigan d'Arnot
MoA&S: Caitlin Stuart
Chronicler: Briend Molyneaux de
Chrirugeon: Kaellyn MacDermott
Prince's Champion: Elizabeth
Princess' Champion: Vali the Black
Archer Champion: Marcan ui Brien
Rapier Champion: Albrecht Stampher
Bard: Hector of the Black Height
Prince: Mordain Blackcloak
Princess: AElflaeda FitzAlain
Term: Sep 30, 1995 to April 20, 1996
Seneschal: Menken Brechen
Marshal: Ieuan McKellmore
Trillium Herald: Brand
Exchequer: Cordigan d'Arnot
MoA&S: Caitlin Stuart
Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton
Chrirurgeon: Kaellyn MacDermott
Prince's Champion: Lucius Aurelius
Princess' Champion; Rhys ap Bledri
Archer Champion: Rufus of Stamford
A&S Champion/Cupbearer: Caitrin of Chalcewell*
Prince: Roak of Ealdormere
Princess: Moria the Black
Term: April 20, 1996 to Sep 21, 1996
Seneschal: Menken Brechen
Marshal: Ieuan McKellmore
Trillium Herald: Brand
Thorwaldsson/Marian of Heatherdale
Exchequer: Cordigan d'Arnot
MoA&S: Caitlin
Stuart/Mauverneen MacKellar
Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton
Chirurgeon: Kaellyn MacDermott
Prince's Champion: Edward the Red
Princess' Champion: Angus Kirkwood
Archer Champion: Elswith Longbow
Rapier Champion: Aidan Lann
Bard: All Bards of Ealdormere
Princess: Elizabeth Mortimer (by
right of arms)
Prince: Menken Brechen
Term: Sep 21, 1996 to April 12, 1997
Seneschal: Moria the Black
Marshal: Ieuan McKellmore
Trillium Herald: Marian of
Exchequer: Perceval Gower
MoA&S: Mauverneen MacKellar
Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton
Chirurgeon: Kaellyn MacDermott
Prince's Champion: Hereward the
Princess' Champion: Katsu Oikawa
Archer Champion: Liesl
Equestrian Champion: Ragni
Bard: Onami
Prince: Edward the Red
Princess: Rylyn Buchannan
Term: April 12, 1997 to Sep 13, 1997
Seneschal: Moria the Black
Marshal: Konrad Matthias Jaeger
Trillium Herald: Marian of
Heatherdale/Cerdic o Cuillemhain
Exchequer: William Cameron von
Holstein (interim)
MoA&S: Mauvrneen MacKellar
Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton
Chirurgeon: Marien-Aurelius de
Prince's Champion: Konrad Matthias
Princess' Champion: Aelfwyn of
Archer Champions: William Stalker
of Monadh and Druss of Dunangus
Rapier Champion: Lars of
A&S Champion/Cupbearer: Martin
of Wismar*
Prince: Ziegfried Gunter von
Princess: Morgon the Fey Wanderer
Term: Sep 13, 1997 to March 28, 1998
Seneschal: Moria the Black
Marshal: Konrad Matthais Jaeger
Trillium Herald: Cerdic o
Exchequer: Storm
MoA&S: Mauvrneen MacKellar
Chronicler: Nicolaa de
Bracton/Aidan Sceotend
Chirurgeon: Marien-Aurelius de
Prince's Champion: Tarkatai
Princess' Champion: Zadok ibn
Archer Champion:
Rapier Champion: Cerdic Wayfare
Althegn: Berus Wolfsson
Althegna: Marion fitz William
Term: March 28, 1998 to October 24, 1998
Seneschal: Moria the Black
Marshal: Konrad Matthais Jaeger
Trillium Herald: Cerdic o
Exchequer: Storm
MoA&S: Mauvrneen MacKellar
Chronicler: Aidan Sceotend
Chirurgeon: Marien-Aurelius de
Prince's Champion: Angus Kirkwood
Princess' Champion: Worgen MacGregor
Princess'Archer Champion: Gaerwen
of Trafford
Rapier Champion:
Princess' Bard: Etian au Navalle
*Note: Since the reign of Killdare
and Catherine, the title of Cupbearer has been conferred upon the winner of the
A&S Fair exclusively. It is conferred
once per year, in whatever reign the Fair happens to fall.
The Kings and Queens of
King: David
Queen: Elinna
Seneschal: Aibhilin kennari fra skye
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Osis
Queen: Caitlin
Seneschal: Aibhilin kennari fra skye
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Kildaire
Queen: Josephine
Seneschal: Aibhilin kennari fra skye
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Edouard I
Queen: Eanor
Seneschal: Aibhilin kennari fra skye
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Berus I
Queen: Marion I
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Roak I
Queen: Carltta
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Aaron I
Queen: Rustique I
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
Khan: Sarnac
Khahatun: Joleicia
Term: April 2002 to Sep 2002
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion: Eanor of Amberhall
Queen’s Champion: Kaylah the Cheerful
King’s Archery Champion: Fred the Illigetimite
Queen’s Archery Champion: Cynred the Broccan
Rapier Champion:
King: Roak II
Queen: Arlette
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Edouard II
Queen: Genevieve I
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Cennedi
Queen: Susanna
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Berus II
Queen: Marion II
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Malik
Queen: Genevieve d’Anjou
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Edouard III
Queen: Genevieve II
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Edward I
Queen: Rylyn I
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Aaron II
Queen: Rustique II
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Roak III
Queen: Jocea I
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Edouard IV
Queen: Domhnail
Term: April 2007 to October 2007
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Trumbrand I
Queen: Kaylah I
Term: Oct 2007 to April 26, 2008
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Aaron III
Queen: Rustique III
Term: April 26, 2008 to Sep 20, 2008
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion: Kellen
Queen’s Champion: Cynred Broccan
King’s Archery Champion: Nicolaa de Bracton
Queen’s Archery Champion: Dafydd ap Sion
King’s Rapier Champion: Gareth Campbell
Queen’s Rapier: Rusalka Galbraith
King’s Thrown Weapons Champion: Daniel of Whitby
Queen’s Thrown Weapons Champion: Catriona
King: Etain I
Queen: Valfreya I
Term: Sep 20, 2008 to April 25, 2009
Trillium Herald: Brand Thorvaldsson
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Roak IV
Queen: Jocea II
Term: April 25, 2009 to September 19, 2009
Seneschal: Genevieve
Marshal: AElfwyn
Trillium Herald: Brand Thorvaldsson / Nicolaa de Bracton
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion: Brand Thorvaldsson
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Nigel I
Queen: Adrielle I
Term: September 19, 2009 to April 24, 2010
Seneschal: Corwyn Galbraith
Marshal: Edward the Red
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion: Tiberius of Warwickshire
Queen’s Champion: Etain au Naval
Archery Champion: n/a
Rapier Champion: n/a
Bard: Alyce de Sheppey
King: Quilliam I
Queen: Dagmar I
Term: April 24, 2010 to Sep 25, 2010
Seneschal: Corwyn Galbraith
Marshal: Edward the Red
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion: Varenko
Queen’s Champion: Berus
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Etain II
Queen: Valfreya II
Term: Sep 25, 2010 to April 2011
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion: Bjarn
Queen’s Champion: Aaron / Tarkatai
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Aaron IV
Queen: Rustique IV
Term: April 2011 to Sep 24, 2011
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Quilliam II
Queen: Dagmar II
Term: Sep 24, 2011 to
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Edward II
Queen: Rylyn II
Term: Sep 25, 2010 to
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Roak V
Queen: Elizabeth
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Trumbrand II
Queen: Kaylah II
Trillium Herald:
King’s Champion:
Queen’s Champion:
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
King: Nigel II
Queen: Adrielle II
Term: Sep 29, 2013 (AS 48) to April 26, 2014 (AS 48)
Seneschal: Keresteken Janzdochtere
Marshal: Evander Mclachlan
Trillium Herald: Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig
Exchequer: Dafydd ap Sion
MoA&S: Wencenedl of Rokesburg
Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton
Chirurgeon: Medb ingen Dungaile
Webminister*: Eirik Anderson
King’s Champion: AElfwyn et Langanwuda
Queen’s Champion: Rorik of Septentria
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion: Jocelyn Cranewell
Bard: Ailis de la Marche
* During the reign of Nigel II and Adrielle II, the Kingdom
Webminister became a Greater Office of the Kingdom.
King: Siegfried
Queen: Ragni
Term: April 26, 2014 (AS 48) – September 27, 2014 (AS 49)
Seneschal: Keresteken Janzdochtere
Marshal: Evander Mclachlan
Trillium Herald: Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig
Exchequer: Dafydd ap Sion
MoA&S: Wencenedl of Rokesburg
Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton
Chirurgeon: Medb ingen Dungaile
Webminister: Eirik Anderson
King’s Champion: Varenko
Queen’s Champion: Menken Brechen
Archery Champion: Brendan Hunterson
Rapier Champion: Giovanni de Enzinas
Thrown Weapons Champion: Christiana Macnamara
Games Champion: Eirik Andersen
Minister of Candy: Yvaine du Roquefort
Master of Dance: Jamie Blackcloak
Bard: Dietrich Sachsen
King: Trumbrand
Queen: Kaylah
Term: September 27, 2014 (AS 49) to April 25, 2015 (AS 49)
Seneschal: Keresteken Janzdochtere
Marshal: Evander Mclachlan
Trillium Herald: Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig
Exchequer: Dafydd ap Sion
MoA&S: Wencenedl of Rokesburg / Lucia de Enzinas
Chronicler: Colyne Stewart
Chirurgeon: Medb ingen Dungaile
Webminister: Eirik Anderson
King’s Champion: Sven
Queen’s Champion: Claudius Amelius Rattanicus
Archery Champion:
Rapier Champion:
Thrown Weapons Champion:
Bard: Justinian Clarus
Konungr: Steinarr
Dróttning: Liðr
Term: April 25, 2015 (AS 49)
Seneschal: Jocea Valente
Marshal: Evander Mclachlan
Trillium Herald: Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig
Exchequer: Dafydd ap Sion
MoA&S: Lucia de Enzinas
Chronicler: Colyne Stewart
Chirurgeon: Medb ingen Dungaile
Webminister: Eirik Anderson
King’s Champion: Tormot Quilliam
Queen’s Champion: Tristham Ovinra I Groffa
Archery Champion: Graem de Liste
Rapier Champion: Jobjorn
Thrown Weapons Champion: Daniel of Whitby
Vanguard: Ed the Red, Quilliam, Gann, Bjarn, Tristham, Grom,