Thursday, 24 September 2020

The fourth volume of The History of Eoforwic


The fourth volume of

The History of Eoforwic



Being the chronicles of the Royal Burgh

from the first day of the

Crown Principality of Ealdormere,

20 August, Anno Societatis XXIII,

to the last day of Aeden and Kaffa

as first Baron and second Baroness of Septentria,

08 June, Anno Societatis XXVI.








Recorded by the monk Magnus of Iona

The fourth volume of

The History of Eoforwic


Copyright Arthur McLean 1995


First edition privately published in Eoforwic (Toronto, Ontario) in celebration of the 20th Anniversary event, 15 July A.S. XXX (1995)


This volume is assembled strictly for the pleasure of its readers.  This volume is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate Society policies.  Opinions expressed herein are those of the author.  All copyright is held by the author; please contact the author for permission to reproduce work.  Any excerpt from this volume may be reproduced in any Society for Creative Anachronism publication and any warranted chronicler may deem this statement to be permission to reproduce work, so long as such excerpts are properly credited, I am informed of such use and I receive a copy of the citation.




Many thanks must go to Elaine for assisting with the illuminated capitals, to Brand for proof-reading, researching in the various Orders of Precedence and consulting his staggering memory of events, to Nicolaa for her patience and consultation, to Umberto for a name and to Madinia for living through another writing project.


This volume is dedicated:


with gratitude to Finnvarr, Tarver, Robert and James, who went before;


with respect to Nicolaa, who is pushing ahead; and


with good will to all Eoforings, who make the history we write.



To the Sixth Lord Mayor of the Royal Burgh of Eoforwic, His Worship Gunnar Halfdann, first Lord Mayor to sit two terms in office, and to Lady Aveline, Sheriff of the City, come greetings and salutations from Brother Magnus of Iona.  May Saint Columba, patron of poets and founder of the ancient Abbey of Iona, smile upon you both.


Having read, heard and learned from the great tales of Eoforwic from the dawn of time until the time of King Corwin's and Queen Shana's one notable deed, it is meet for the tale to continue.  While many did see these events occur and I did hear tales of them in my youth, there have been many days and many things since.  A mind, like a cup, may run over and some contents may be lost.  Such loss is inevitable; even the great abbey libraries lose books to time, rats and (as I know) fire.


Here then are committed to the written word some of the tales of the glorious days of Eoforwic and its environs.  These efforts will be flawed, for much is lost is forgotten in the course of one's daily round, even in such placid surroundings as those to which I again am so blessedly accustomed.  Yet some part is better than nothing at all, and some of the history of Eoforwic is still a splendid thing.

 Of the first night of Ealdormere, celebrated in the Debatable Lands, and of the part Eoforings played therein.


As the scribe Hyrcanos Ben-Jacob has truly written, on the twentieth day of August in the twenty-third year of the Society, Corwin and Shana, King and Queen of the Middle, did indeed declare Ealdormere a Crown Principality while on campaign in the Debatable Lands far to the south of Eoforwic.  There was much rejoicing that night, and Prince Reynard, Heir to the Throne, came to Baron Aeden's camp to celebrate with his people, included amongst whom were many from Eoforwic.  There was great joy in the camp, in part for Corwin's proclamation seemed to say that the King was the King and his Heir would be Crown Prince of Ealdormere.  As Reynard and his Princess Brynhildr were well loved by all the North-folk, this was a popular misunderstanding.  King Corwin of the Middle was actually first Prince of the Crown Principality of Ealdormere, just as his successors until Tadashi were King and Prince both, but Corwin had little to do with his Northern lands (almost as he treated all his Kingdom, for he was a slothful King and his Queen was haughty to boot) and the people of Eoforwic and their neighbours were indeed happier to suffer his neglect.


So good Prince Reynard stood in camp beside Baron Aeden, who had been named Lord Lieutenant of Ealdormere to sit in the King's Curia beside Baroness Enid from the Skrael, the Lady Lieutenant.  Aeden toasted the Principality with a great "Waeshael!"  Thus Aeden first sounded the cry that has rung through the Northlands ever after.  That same hour the mighty warrior John of Slaughterfield and his friend Alastair Kirk of Inness - Eoforings both - raised their tankards and toasted Prince Reynard, crying "Long live His Lupine Highness!" in honour of the wolf whose outlaw spirit had carried Ealdormere through the dark days of King Alen's proscription.  In this manner, on the first night of a free Ealdormere, worthy folk from Eoforwic made indelible marks on all that would be said and done thereafter in the North.

 Of divers doings within the City.


Throughout these years, the populace of Eoforwic gathered on a regular basis in Cumberland House, in years past the home of a rich burgher but now used as a meeting hall by the students of the University who had travelled from far lands to study.


When Ealdormere was proclaimed a Crown Principality Lady Gwynfyr an Sheoladair was Seneschal of Eoforwic.  Lady Gwynfyr was an Eoforing of long standing, as long as His Worship Gunnar Halfdann (and that is very long indeed).  In her youth she had worn boy's garb and sailed the Inland Seas for a time and had even wandered to the lands of the Skrael for a season or two, but Gwynfyr had returned to Eoforwic.  Ashore she married a scholar named Joseph, who made his own bow strings as a hobby.  Gwynfyr was a fine archer, so this husband pleased her well.  She was so noted for her archery skills that over time she served Eoforwic, Septentria and even all of Ealdormere as Archery Marshal.  From time to time Gwynfyr also served as Arts and Sciences Minister for all Septentria, when she needed a change from being Arts and Sciences Minister of Eoforwic.  She also led occasional trips to a local village named Variety, where archers might shoot at the village's archery butts.


This is the same Lady Gwynfyr who was given the Award of the Purple Fret by good King Palymar II for her service to her Kingdom, and seldom has been an award earned so well by any of the Crown's subjects.


Gwynfyr was succeeded as Seneschal by Lady Carolyn of Amberview, who was also an Eoforing of long standing and devoted service, though originally she was from Noerlandia, which for some time had been deserted and now lay in ruins.  After some time in office Lady Carolyn did buy some land in Vest Yorvik, well to the north of the harbour there so the stink of fish would not trouble her.  She moved her goods out there and was infrequently seen in Eoforwic thereafter, though she was no stranger.


Carolyn was succeeded as Seneschal by Lady Sigridr Rognasvirdottir.  Sigridr was a Norse lady well pleased by amber and fine embroidery, so she did collect both in quantity.  She did make Sylard's smithy ring with her orders for fine cooking utensils and these were well used when Eoforings went on campaign.  Her hospitality was well-known and appreciated, for frequently did her home resound with revelry and dancing.


Many did wonder if these three Seneschals presented an omen for Eoforwic, for despite long and dedicated service by all three ladies to the Canton none was afflicted by the traditional symptoms of Seneschal's Disease.  While this absence of symptoms did not in itself displease the three Ladies, it was agreed that times had changed when the most exciting news an Eoforwic Seneschal could announce was the Canton bank balance.

 Of the discovery of an ancient document and the first election of a Lord Mayor of the City.



There was much discussion of the state of the Canton.  All agreed that Eoforwic, while still mighty and rich, was proceeding in a style better suited for a lesser place.  Indeed an ordinary state of affairs was utterly inadequate for the golden treasure of the North, the seat of the Baron and Baroness Septentria and the oldest of the Cantons in all the land.  Much thought was given to the Canton's status and learned men researched the history of Eoforwic.


Lord Grimwulf the Hairy, long known as a wise man and cool in the fiery face of battle, announced he had made an amazing discovery in the dust of the local archives.  It seems that in the dawn of time Cariadoc, the King of the Middle, had granted a petition to Eoforwic declaring it a Royal Burgh (or City) and thus making it exempt from all taxes.  By some amazing oversight this singular proclamation was overlooked by all previous published chroniclers; it can only be assumed that the proclamation's antiquity (having taken place at least two years before a young Count Sir Finnvarr first landed on the deserted beaches of what would become Eoforwic) had obscured it from less careful or imaginative scholarship.  In fact local scholars obtained confirmation from Duke Cariadoc himself that his ancestor Cariadoc I (or II; the records are unclear, as is often the case with the Royal Genealogy of the Middle) had made such a proclamation.  Reports from that meeting indicate Duke Cariadoc initially had no knowledge of the City's charter, but after several tokens of esteem[1] changed hands His Grace's knowledge of his forbearers' activities improved admirably.  Such are the vagaries of historical research!


As the Known World's sole Royal Burgh, it was decided that no common Seneschal should carry the Honour of Eoforwic.  Rather the populace decided that their City should have a Lord Mayor, a Sheriff and sundry other officers.  These worthies would be selected by ballot of the City's guilds.  Many guilds did register themselves with the City Registrar and their guild masters and mistresses did pay fees for the privilege of casting ballots.  The various candidates decided amongst themselves that they would circulate monetary incentives among the populace to encourage participation in the electoral process and to support guild registration, for "graft" is such a coarse and vulgar word.


There was much merriment as the various candidates greeted the populace on election night, and when the guilds' votes were tallied it was seen that Eoforings are honest and true.  Once bought they stayed bought; Grimwulf was declared the first Lord Mayor and Lady Anthea Lovatte the first Sheriff of the Royal Burgh, or City, of Eoforwic.  There was loud rejoicing and Grimwulf immediately set to selling Civic appointments to the highest bidder.  There was even louder rejoicing when it was discovered that the City's singular procedures for distribution of graft meant a civic election made the Eoforwic coffers grow, not shrink (as is the case with much political money management elsewhere, if one may believe travellers' rumours).  In honour of this wonder of wonders, the City established a Lord Mayor's fund.  This fund was in the purview of the Lord Mayor alone, a discretionary fund outside the reach of Corpora and the Kingdom Exchequer,[2] founded upon guild registration fees and other charitable donations.  All other administration remained the same and, while the Lord Mayor of the City basked in municipal glory, the Seneschal of the Canton and her slate of officers continued in good works, humility and quarterly reports to regional superiors.

 Of the Coronation of Palomar II and Katherine II, which must follow the final court of the City's beloved Southron Monarchs Reynard and Brynhildr, and of the Prince of Ealdormere's Septentrian Guard.


Among the most notable events in the glorious history of Eoforwic was the Coronation of Palomar II and Katherine II as King and Queen of the Middle.  This was held on the thirteenth day of May in the twenty-fourth year of the Society, a beautiful, bright day.  The populace gathered in the cloistered quadrangle of University College, not far from the white-washed walls of Fort Book which loom over the City, which was a favourite site for Civic events.  Their Royal Majesties Reynard and Brynhildr - firm friends of the Northlands and well loved for their wisdom, kindness and three angelic children - held Court in the morning.


In that morning Court many good folk were honoured for accomplishments and good works.   Three awards of arms were given by the Crown, to Lord Ieuan McKellmore, Lord Cordigan de Arnot and Lady Adrielle Kerrec, all of whom would serve the barony of Septentria well in later years.  Lord Ceallac cu Meallian, Baron Aedan and Baroness Kaffa were made members of the Kingdom's Order of the Dragon's Tooth for their fighting prowess.  None who have read the chronicles of the battles fought by the Northmen in the Debatable Lands need question the Crown's wisdom in this matter.  Lord Grimwulf the Hairy also received bounty from the Crown, an award of the Purple Fret, and there was much rejoicing among the Eoforings there present.


In that last of their courts, Reynard and Brynhildr were minded to create two Barons of their court, which they did.  These two were Their Excellencies Dathi Thorfinnsson and Aethelhawk Keyfinder, and both were well honoured.


Finally, Reynard and Brynhildr were minded to make Ricard of Sable Tree, Master Sylard's first apprentice, a Master of the Order of the Laurel for leather-working.  Ricard resided in Eoforwic's neighbour West Yorvik and, remarkably enough, none of his fine leather-work smelled of rotten fish (as all know things in West Yorvik are wont to do) nor did his famed Sable Tree mead taste at all like salt cod.  As there was nothing fishy about Ricard's qualifications he was elevated to the Laurelate and there was much jubilation, among both that noble order which welcomed him into its ranks and the populace as a whole.


Lord James Schoen MacAndrewes Rutledge Falkenshield de Taahe, a squire to Duke Finnvarr, had gone to some trouble in the preceding months to investigate the process and form of a Royal warrant.  Jamie did create such a warrant and proffered it to King Reynard.  This warrant did create a "Prince of Ealdormere's Septentrian Guard", with Jamie commissioned as its Captain - which surprised few - and other Eoforwic notables warranted as a Petty Captain (Grimwulf, of which much has been said and more will be said in this chronicle), an Ensign (Cospatrick of Annan Water, a handsome and cheery man well loved by all and a fighter of great enthusiasm and vigour[3]) and a Musician (Rory mac Erc, a drummer with a serious bent).  There was even a Sapper to clean up the mess his betters left.  King Reynard did sign this warrant, having fond memories of a night at Pennsic XVII (CONFIRM NUMBER) when a guard of Septentrians under Cap'n Jamie's command did escort his Royal person to various camps, said escort singing the ancient air of the Clan Glenwhorple with gusto and occasional loud whooping.  Accordingly, King Reynard the Prince of Ealdormere was escorted into Court that fine spring morning by his Septentrian Guard, which on this occasion refrained from singing.


When the time came for morning Court to end and a reign with it, King Reynard's Heir, Crown Prince Palomar, bade the proceedings stop in a loud voice, that he might approach and claim his Throne.  Cap'n Jamie ordered the Guard to block the aisle and protect King Reynard, but upon seeing the merits of Sir Palomar's case (and noting the Prince's suit of gleaming cap-a-pie plate and efficient-looking broadsword) MacAndrewes ordered his warriors to lower their arms and let the next King pass.  First good King Palomar and then Queen Katherine was crowned, and while all grieved at the end of a good reign, all rejoiced at the splendour and grace of the new King and Queen of the Midrealm.


The day proceeded apace, as feasts and festivals are wont to proceed, and that night the new King and Queen held Court.  As Courts promised to be long and halls tend to become stuffy, Baron Aeden left the hall to stand outside and enjoy the night air.[4]  As he left, he told his friends that someone should come and get him if the King was going to give him a Pelican.  This remark caused some amusement.


Indeed the Crown had much business to do that night and Eoforings were among the recipients of the fruits of the Crown's labours.


Lord Ivar of the Black Loch, noted for both the sheen of his sword (which in later years he would wield with distinction in the City Militia) and the gleam of the silver jewellery he made, was awarded Arms, as was Lady Anthea Talbot Lovatt, of whom more is spoken elsewhere in this volume.  Also awarded Arms in that court were Lady Olwen de Montgomery, a fair and kindly chirurgeon from West Yorvik, and Lord Gunther von Weaselberg, who in later years would distinguish himself in service to Ealdormere and win his spurs.


Lord Lothar von Wulfing was made a member of the Order of the Willow, to general approval.  Lord Lothar is mentioned elsewhere in this volume, so the reader may read there of his many virtues.


The Order of the Willow was also enriched that evening by the newly-declared companionship of the Lady Elspeth Jacquetta of Sherbourne.  This Lady was a minstrel of great talent in the City, though as minstrels are wont she wandered from time to time and picked up new names as she travelled, to suit her performance and to enhance the receipts of her busking.  Elspeth finally called herself Elspeth Esclairamon, which was a much more important name than Elspeth of Sherbourne.  Indeed a maker of musical instruments (including her beloved hurdy-gurdies), a player of those same instruments and others besides, a poet, playwright and a singer should have a name worthy of note.  That so many splendid talents could be packed into one slim body was indeed a miracle, so the lady worked in the City writing and producing miracle plays.


Finally, Aeden and Kaffa were called into Court to be made members of the Order of the Pelican for their long service to all the Northlands.  There was great and general amusement as two of Aeden's sworn men, Wulf Borisson and Edward Unraed, raced outside and escorted him in - as indeed Aeden had ordered - to do some business in Court.  There was even greater amusement when Baron Aeden finally figured out why he was kneeling before the Crown, which took a couple more minutes yet.  All rejoiced that Aeden and Kaffa had been so elevated to a second order of Peerage (both of course being Laurels), for it was seen as a just and deserved honour.  Without their leadership and guidance Septentria could not have flourished and Ealdormere could not have survived its stormy origins.  Their honours capped a glorious day in the history of the Midrealm and of Eoforwic.

 Of the College of Skeldergate.



About this time the College of Skeldergate was founded under the sponsorship of the Barony of Septentria, beside the ruins of the long-abandoned Canton of Noerlandia in the shadow of York University.  This gallant settlement was led by Lady Ursula, once called Utsi King's-bane by the late King Hugo.  Ursula remembered the route to the ruins of Noerlandia and brought many new folk she found in those parts to the Society.  The College grew under her guidance and the City found its interests well-served by Utsi's efforts in northern suburbia.


(PENNSIC XXII reference)


Eoforwic's Marshal, Ælfwyne the Wanderer, helped train many of Skeldergate's novice fighters when the weather warmed and the scholars of Skeldergate could make the trek to the well-worn sward surrounding Fort Book.  The fighters of Skeldergate were welcomed by the Eoforwic City Militia and there was much camaraderie in the spring and early summer as Aeden, Ceallac and Grimwulf helped Ælfwyne teach the new fighters the ways of war.  That summer twelve new fighters from Eoforwic and Skeldergate authorized, which was the largest influx of new blood into the shieldwall for many years.

A7 - Of the knighting of David Martin Failsworth and the squiring of Tai Chin Wu.


It was on the tenth day of March in the twenty-fourth year of the Society, the annual moveable feast in memory of the dog Clancy (perhaps the most notable resident of that den of heretics) that King Tadashi and Queen Ariake journeyed to the ever-incipient Shire of Starleaf Gate.  There they did dub as Knight David Martin Failsworth, who had been squire to Sir Belgar from Afon Araf.  Sir David was a tall and slim man of mild manner.  His clothing and accoutrements were ever of the most elegant style.  On the field and off he was most chivalrous and he was noted for his speed and grace when fighting with florentine swords.


Sir David was the fifth Knight from the Northlands; first was Sir Finnvarr, then Sir Hugo and then was knighted Finnvarr's squire Sir Mordain.  Next to be made Knight was Sir Bealdgar and then Sir David who was his squire.


Some months later, at the first Principality investiture, Sir David took his first squire, an Eoforing named Tai Chin Wu.[5]  Tai Chin Wu was a Mongol and had many tattoos.  As his trade he crafted wood in military service to the Crown at the great keep of Downsview, and as a hobby he crafted leather, for which Master Ricard of Sable Tree did take him as an apprentice.  Tai was also a fine fighter, granted membership in the Order of the Dragon's Tooth by Their Majesties Tadashi and Ariake, though his hands ever gave him trouble and his injuries were manifold.


Tai was well-loved by many ladies wherever he did travel and he did return their love with vigour and enthusiasm, though he was a poor singer, a middling poet and danced but occasionally.

A8 - Of the death of Master Tsveta'an.


As well as gladness there were tears at the Crown Principality's Twelfthnight in Bryniau Twynogg.  On the evening of the twentieth day of January in the twenty-fourth year of the Society, it was announced that good Queen Ariake and Baroness Enid of Skraeling Althing (a Mistress of the Laurel) had visited the home of Tsveta'an Arinssen that morning.  Tsveta'an was a dance master who had taught his art throughout the North; he also had been in charge of all dancing at Pennsic XVII (CONFIRM NUMBER).  He was well-known and liked in Eoforwic, for he visited the City often to teach dance and see his friends, in which number was found Gunnar Halfdann.  His health had been failing for some time due to a terrible cancer, and in this most joyous of seasons Tsveta'an was at home abed.  At his bedside the Queen, with Baroness Enid, did make Tsveta'an a Master of the Laurel, which act was read into the records of the Court that evening.  Many tears were wept that evening and Queen Ariake did weep too, for all knew Master Tsveta'an was not long for this world.  The day after receiving the medallion of the Laurelate from his Queen's hand, Master Tsveta'an died.  The next week many travelled from Eoforwic to attend his funeral and again many tears were shed.

A9 - Of the UMRA and divers unpleasant topics best forgotten save as instruction to future generations, and of Angharrad of Nankeivel who is well remembered with gladness by all.


Lord James Schoen MacAndrewes, Lord Rory mac Erc and several other folk were displeased by the customs and manners of some people in Eoforwic.  Jamie and Rory organized events which were limited in scope and in the period to be re-created.  These were of some success, though many saw them as merely "theme events", amusing diversions from the regular course of things in the City.  These events became "private" functions, where if one was not garbed and accoutered in the manner decided upon, with great attention to research and detail, one could not attend.  Such functions were not official events of the Society and therefore Jamie, Rory and their friends could discriminate as desired, just as may be done at any private party.


After some success with private events, these enthusiasts resolved to create the University Medieval and Renaissance Association, called UMRA (or Oomrah).  In a heated Canton meeting (ANY HOPE OF TRACKING A DATE???) it was proposed that the Canton of Eoforwic become the UMRA.  Oomravians (as some called the supporters of Oomrah) argued that this would allow Eoforwic to exist in two places at once, within the Society and as a club sponsored by the University.  Several learned folk mumbled about the failures of alchemy as the debate raged on.


As well as casting off the Society's alleged reputation as a refuge for Klingons, Orcs and heavy-metal fans (whatever they all are[6]) which some Oomravians saw as slighting their own standing as scholars in the University, it was also argued that the UMRA would provide greater authenticity and freedom of action, away from the restrictions of Corpora and Kingdom law.  It should be noted that several Oomravians were enthusiastic practitioners of the art of the rapier, banned for various reasons[7] in the Middle Kingdom at that time.  Being separate from the Society and outside the King's laws would allow Oomravians to fence on the University grounds with impunity.  Finally, for those who wanted more (or less?) than the cult of Oomrah offered, the Canton of Eoforwic would still exist as a parallel entity.


A few at the meeting believed the proponents of the UMRA were enlightened; it was said such an arrangement was in place in the prosperous and stable Barony of Rivenstar.  More saw in the UMRA a warrant to issue badges to self-appointed Authenticity Police, who'd also be allowed to write laws and pass judgement on others.  Ever-wise Baron Aeden asked the Oomravians a pointed question; "Who controls the money?"  If the UMRA received any and all the University's financial support, held its own events to raise money and had the University's blessing to book space instead of Eoforwic, what could the City of Eoforwic become save a memory?  Aeden asked his question several times but never received an answer.  Perhaps no answer was an answer in itself?


The majority of the civic populace resolved to not support the UMRA but to uphold Eoforwic as part of the Middle Kingdom.  Many harsh words were said that night on both sides, and from that time forth Jamie MacAndrewes was seen less and less often in Eoforwic, as was the case with Rory and several other Oomravians, until they were not seen at all.  The UMRA held events from time to time thereafter in the environs of the city, but these remained an individual fancy and not a reflection of a popular movement.  Eventually Oomrah changed its name to the Tabard Inn Society, as Rory and Jamie had graduated from the University and their personal activities no longer could profit from such an association.


Among Jamie's more moderate supporters in this endeavour - and many others, for she was both patient and kindly - was the Lady Angharrad of Nankeivel, a scholar at the University.  She had come to Eoforwic from far Rivenstar, where Duke Moonwolf was her adopted uncle and sang her many of his famed songs.  Angharrad was talented with both needle and ladle; her fine campfire cooking reflected Mistress Tamarra's tutelage and a good collection of Master Sylard's ironmongery.  For several years Angharrad did study at the University, during which time the Baron and Baroness did make her a member of their Order of the Bear's Heart.  About the time Duke Finnvarr did travel north from Eoforwic to find a new holdfast, Angharrad did graduate from the University.  Having completed her many years' study, she decided to see to her future.  She found employment as a tutor in the land of Flaming Skies, far to the north of Eoforwic.  Then she did marry Belisarius,[8] once Jamie MacAndrewes' man-at-arms.  Angharrad and Belisarius travelled north and were seen no more, though they did send letters from time to time.

A10 - Of the further travels of Robert of Two Cliffs.


Robert of Two Cliffs, who was made a Master of the Laurel by (King and Queen??) for his great skill with pen and brush, again saw fit to travel.  Instead of returning to the far West and the studio of the wizard Lucas, where he had learned many arcane and strange arts, he did set upon a sea voyage to far Drachenwald, along with his Lady-wife Jane of Hendon.  They set sail and some time after a message in a bottle reached the City from Eran, which some call Ireland and others call Eire.  Robert and Jane had decided to call that place home; according to the message Robert and Jane had found a cottage to live in.  Robert went to work in a scriptorium which had been established nearby.  Both Robert and Jane were missed sorely by the Eoforings, for they were both kind and graceful gentles.

A11 - Of Arthur ap Idwal and his wife Maud, and of the continuing Civic stature of Charles of Ham.


There was an artisan named Arthur ap Idwal in the City who was active in the City as an artisan and served as Sciences officer for the Barony and so was given an Award of the Purple Fret by Their Majesties Reynard and Brynhildr.  He was skilled in divers arts and sciences, and for a time he kept the only shield-press in Eoforwic.  In honour of his talents King Palymar II and Queen Katherine II did make him a member of the Order of the Silver Oak at their Coronation in Eoforwic, which was a right good thing.  Arthur was a good fighter and was steady in the shieldwall.  He married a lady named Maud the Bemused,[9] who did suit her husband well for she was short and spirited while Arthur was tall, slim and quiet.  Later they were seen seldom and Maud not at all.  They were missed.


In this period of Eoforwic's history Charles of Ham was seen less often around the City, though when he was seen he was still very, very tall and his voice remained very, very deep.

A12 - Of Ealdormere's first Coronet Tourney, which was not held in the City of Eoforwic but was notable none the less.


After many months of planning and much work (especially by Lady Katerina de Turenne, who was Principality Seneschal) the great day came for the first Coronet Tourney of Ealdormere.  Their Royal Majesties Tadashi and Ariake came North on the seventh day of April in the twenty-fourth year of the Society, along with many Royal Peers who would see the making of a Prince.  These worthies were joined by visitors from far Calontir; Mistress Morgana, Master Hugen and Lady Jenna of Southwind, who brought good wishes and gifts from a former Principality of the Middle.


The first Coronet List itself was fought with distinction.  While a number of familiar faces performed valiantly (including Eoforwic's own Duke Finnvarr, whose prowess with sword and shield was impressive indeed and carried him to the quarter-finals), the final round offered no surprises.  Yog Rhys Mordwyn,[10] first Champion of Ealdormere in the days before King Alen's proscription, carried the favour of Hanora O'Neil into the ultimate list against Sir David Martin Failsworth, who bore the favour of Lady Tangwystl Siwan Failsworth.  This was the same David Failsworth who had been esquire to Sir Belgar and was knighted by King Tadashi.


Yog hailed from Ben Dunfirth in the Barony of Rising Waters, Sir David from der Welfengau in Septentria.  Eoforwic's favourite was the Septentrian, though none bore Yog ill will.  Sir David won the first bout fighting florentine, Yog won the second with sword and shield and Sir David won the third and final bout with a greatsword blow that rang through the hall; that evening David would be the first Prince of Ealdormere by Right of Arms, and Tangwystl would be his Princess.


The investiture was a notable ceremony.  As well as creating the first Prince and Princess, the Crown had to create the legal structure of the Principality.  This meant all the laws of Ealdormere had to be read into Court, and many dazed expressions were seen - if one was awake to see them - as Court went on and on.


The embassy from Calontir brought great gifts, the first regalia of the Principality.  This assumes one does not count as Principality regalia the collars of estate made by Master Sylard and his companions.  These collars were the marks of the Regional Champion and his Consort before King Alen's proscription; they were to return to use as the marks of the Prince's and Princess' Champions in a matter of weeks after this investiture.  Regardless, Calontir presented three great gifts on investiture day, one a banner bearing the Device of Ealdormere.  On the loops from which the banner hangs is embroidered "To Our Friends, From Calontir".  The other gifts were the first Coronets of the North, plain silver with a cut-out wolf's head for the Prince and a cut-out trillium for the Princess.  These were all made by the hands of Her Ladyship Jenna, whose name is known by too few, though her gifts are still seen among the Principality's regalia.


The actual ceremony of investiture was not as well-prepared as could have been desired.  In fact, Prince David announced during the investiture that while he was Prince the ceremony would be re-written so no-one would have as much trouble ever again.  The drafters' used the Middle Kingdom's coronation ceremony as their model.  As in a coronation, the Trillium Herald called forward the Chivalry to swear fealty to the Prince and Princess.  Queen Ariake brought the ceremony to a sudden stop and explained in no uncertain terms that the Chivalry were already in fealty to the Crown.  Despite what the heralds might want, there would be no swearing of local fealty by the Crown's Chivalry!  King Tadashi nodded sagely (as ever was his wont, even though some called him "the Old Sea Otter" for his merry ways), the Knights sat down, various heralds scribbled furiously in their books of ceremonies and several faces were red with embarrassment.


After the investiture had been struggled through there were great cheers, for a long ceremony had been endured, as had the years of Alen's proscription and then the status of Crown Principality.  Ealdormere had its own Prince and Princess!  Eoforwic's own Baron Aeden and Baroness Enid of the Skrael, the Lord and Lady Lieutenants of the former Crown Principality, were retired from their offices which were then abolished.  As was suggested in King Corwin's charter, both received Augmentations of Arms from the Crown for their great service and wise counsel, and for these well-earned honours there were loud cheers.[11]


Other worthy folk also received recognition that night, and several Eoforings were among them.  Lady Vittoria Camilla Riola di Firenze was invited to join the Order of the Willow, for she was a most excellent calligrapher and illuminator and later served all Ealdormere as its Signet, which office was for a time called the Privy Seal.  While her talent was great, her enthusiasm for the City waned and after a time Vittoria was seldom seen.  It was rumoured that she was a follower of Oomrah and had travelled to Southwark, following the rude soldiery of the Trayn'd Bands on campaign.


James Schoen MacAndrewes was made an award of the Doe's Grace this night, also, for as it suited him he could be a parfait graceful gentle.


Their Majesties decided that, as well as having borne the weight of the Lady Lieutenancy of Ealdormere, it was unfair for Baroness Enid to bear the burden of the Barony of Skraeling Althing alone.  Accordingly Their Majesties did create Lord Henry of Linlithgow the Baron of the Skrael to sit beside Baroness Enid.  As Baron Henry was married to Baroness Enid[12] this arrangement suited both the Baroness and her populace well.


Their Majesties did also proclaim a new Baron and Baroness of their Court.  These were His Excellency Tristaam of Galador and his wife, Her Excellency Livia di Lancelotti.  While these two were not Eoforings, there were most kind, generous and refined nobles and well worthy of the honour done them.

A13 - Of subsequent events.


Shortly after the first investiture, the Principality Arts and Sciences competition was held in the far Skrael.  At that event David and Tangwystl saw Lady Sarra Graeham of Birnham, from Greyfells in the Barony of the Skrael, emerge victorious in the gruelling arts pentathlon.  The Coronet was well pleased and did grant her two singular honours.  First, they declared her the Arts and Sciences Champion of the North and did invite her to serve in their courts as cup-bearer.  Second, they did declare that she, as first champion, would be the Principal of the Ealdormeran Order dedicated to the Arts and Sciences.


The Coronet did also declare they would have a Bard for their Court on this day.

A14 - Of the third Coronet Tourney.


The third Coronet Tourney of Ealdormere, like the first two and several afterwards, was not held in Eoforwic, and no Eoforings distinguished themselves in the list.  It was held on the twentieth day of April in the twenty-fifth year of the Society, in the seat of the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


There were several notable happenings at the Coronet Tourney.  It was well-known that Lord Cordigan de Arnot would be Prince and that one of the major stumbling-blocks for any contestant to overcome would be the mighty right arm of Yog Rhys Mordwyn, who had been first champion of Ealdormere and the finalist in the first Coronet Tourney against Viscount David.  To achieve his desire, Cordigan made a canny deal with his friend and fellow Faeringold, Osis of the Livery.  They agreed that Osis would enter the Coronet list and would, with luck, face the mighty Yog.  Osis would beat Yog, eliminate Cordigan's great obstacle and then Osis would, no doubt, fall in the later rounds.


As fate would have it, Osis did meet Yog in the later rounds of the Tourney.  However, canny Cordigan met other opponents during the afternoon who quickly placed him on the loser's list and then onto the sidelines, where he nursed a dream delayed.


In the semi-finals Osis and Yog met in a battle unmatched in the history of Ealdormere for its enmity.  No-one is entirely sure of the root of the quarrel (not even the participants, in most estimation), though it is clear that Hanora O'Neil, the lady for whom Yog fought, was involved.  It will suffice to say that neither fighter was in a charitable mood and no blows were pulled.  The fight was best of three, and the first fight went so long and was fought so hard that the list-mistress actually allowed another bout to be fought between the first and second fights, to allow Yog to catch his breath.  Finally Osis won, but there was bad feeling between the two after.


In the finals Osis met Baroness Elizabeth Stafford,[13] who was fighting for the honour of Baron Menken Brecken.  Elizabeth reached the finals by defeating several promising fighters, including Baron Menken Brecken who was in turn fighting for her honour.  Such are the travails of chivalry!  Many hoped Bess would win, for she would have been the first Royal Lady in the Midrealm by the right of her own arm were it so, and in like wise Menken would have been made Prince of Love and Beauty.  This was not to be, but it was about that time that Duchess Rowan von Kempfer of Ansteorra did defeat her own husband, Duke Hector Martell, and win for herself the jet-starred Crown of the far south.[14]  Thus it can be seen that while the notable deed was first done in Ansteorra, the spirit was first felt in Ealdormere.


In the finals Osis' long reach and two swords over-powered Bess' sword and shield.  His combinations boomed off Elizabeth's shield, winning for him the title of "Shield-hewer", as some have said.  Finally Osis stood victorious and that evening made Lady Ragnheithr Thorbjorndottir the third Princess of the North.  That court was notable for a variety of reasons.  A great ship came and noble maids carried off Prince Michel, who was seldom seen in the North thereafter and was later reported in An Tir.  Before anyone claimed the Coronet from the Crown, King Dag I called Osis into court to accept his Award of Arms, which was a notable thing.  Finally, this was the evening when, after court, the new Prince was seen sitting at a table in the King's chamber, staring into space and asking himself, over and over; "what the hell do I do now?"


As it turned out Osis was a good Prince and Ragnheithr (called Heithr by many, with love and respect, not with undue familiarity, even though she was a most congenial Lady and Princess) a good Princess, especially when they led the Northlands to the great Pennsic War.  Historians have recalled the fate of Osis, Cordigan's erstwhile spoiler, as a cautionary tale for all those who forget that a strong arm wins a battle but luck of the draw sets the stage in a tourney list.

A15 - Of the XXth Pennsic War.  VOL 5 - GIVE TO NICOLAA


Once again Agnar the Goth was seen in the City, so the warriors of Ealdormere travelled south to the Debatable Lands for War.  The warriors of Eoforwic were not least among them.


This War was the second that Ealdormere had sent warriors to as a Principality in its own right, and this summer there was both an Ealdormeran Prince - Osis - and an Ealdormeran King - David.  The good people of Calontir were as ever friendly and generous, and many recall the panoply of their army, arrayed to march onto the field, on Runestone Hill.  When the Prince of Ealdormere heard them singing he came to visit with them and, when he crested the hill and was seen, all of Calontir knelt before him.


While the battles of the War were not entirely favourable to the Middle's army, the mass of the bows of the Middle won the day, as has often been the case in later years.  In the field battle Prince Osis led Ealdormere sweeping wide on the right flank, a place which in subsequent years Ealdormere has learned to call its own.  Unfortunately the Ealdormeran sweep coincided with a push by the mighty cohort of Atlantia.  Osis' plan was to clip Atlantia's back corner, punch through and press on; unfortunately the King of Atlantia had some minor disagreement with this plan and decided that while Ealdormere might wish to proceed, Atlantia would be happier if the Northmen stayed still.  To encourage this the Atlantian cohort opened up and enveloped most of the Ealdormerans soon after the first contact.  The City Militia was at the forefront of the charge and, as a result, few Eoforings escaped the great Atlantian encirclement; Mort Black-scale was one of the fortunate, while Grimwulf and Madinia were among the fallen.  The fighting was hard and Atlantia was delayed in its task of seeking the rear of the Middle's army, but Ealdormere paid dearly.


While the fluid battles (field and woods) went against the Middle, the static battles, as aye, favoured the Midrealm.  This was particularly true of the Castle Battle, a long, drawn-out affair commanded on the Mid's side by Crown Prince Comar, an acknowledged master of static warfare.  In this battle Ealdormere started in reserve.  By a strange quirk of fate the Principality found itself at the end of the battle arrayed against Duke Hasdrubal's fighting household, the Marines.


Sir Hasdrubal the Carthaginian, a Duke of the East Kingdom, lived in the border marches of Rising Waters and had men on both sides of the Inland Seas.  While he was a belted Knight in sworn service to the Crown of the East, he was known from time to time to offer armed assistance to his Ealdormeran neighbours.  This summer there was no love lost between the Marines and the Northmen, for Hasdrubal numbered among his men Yog Rhys Mordwyn.  This was the same Yog who had fought such a hard day with Osis at Coronet Tourney.  Hasdrubal called all his Ealdormeran levies to him and set them on the side of the East, with Yog and against Osis, so in part Northman met Northman that day.


The two sides met in the main gateway of the castle and quarter was neither asked nor given.  Many fell, and while the Middle left the castle victorious both sides took away sad memories of the day.


Off the field, it was a glad time for the North, for Sarra Graeham of Birnham, Principal of the Order of the Golden Otter of Ealdormere, was made a Mistress of the Laurel for her calligraphy and illumination.  In truth it could be said that Mistress Sarra was made a Laurel for many things, for she was a great artist and had won the Kingdom arts and sciences pentathlon.


Eoforings had great call to rejoice, for King David and Queen Tangwystl were minded to make their neighbours Mistress Tamarra Amalthea de Romany and Lord Fredrick L'avare Baroness and Baron of their court, in recognition of their service to Crown, Kingdom and all the populace, especially as camp-chamberlains to the Royalty.  This was well earned and a popular decision.


Amidst the happiness of Pennsic there were dark shadows, for those who'd see them.  Adrienne Clarkson sent her flunkies south to chronicle the deeds of the time and many in the Debatable Lands found them intrusive, especially those of other Kingdoms who had no idea the Midrealm had been beset by such a blight of infernal machines and their pushy servants.  There were actually those who carried sacks with eye-holes, ready to don on a moment's notice, to foil Clarkson's flunkies and their infernal devices, which the paynim claim will steal one's soul.  The Kingdom sent wise and patient nobles to shepherd Clarkson's minions, but many found it hard to consider the Crown's servants shepherds, for sheep are kind, docile and accept instruction willingly.


Saddest of all, while the King and Queen of the Middle behaved with the grace and ease expected of the Crown, it was thought by some that they had fallen out of love under the strain of the Crown which followed so soon after their tenure under the Coronet.  None would voice that fear, for all hoped it was not so and few in the south could see cause for concern.  Many in the North knew the pair better than the Southron folk, however, and while words were not said many Ealdormerans saw and some knew.

A16 - Of the wanderings of various Eoforings and the affairs of various houses.


It was before this time that Edward the Chaste left Eoforwic for the far lands of An Tir, not to return for many years.  Cold-eyed Lord Alexandru von Talmetz, better known as Strigor, the "bringer of death", also travelled to An Tir, in the shadow of the famed Lion's Gate.  He did sojourn with his Lady Mary Crystalmer, who ever did clothe him most splendidly.  They settled in the far west and Strigor founded a school of fence whose fame spread even as far as Eoforwic and beyond.  In Strigor's absence did many well-mannered customs fade from memory in Septentria.  Many came armed to the feast table when Strigor and Sylard were not present to remind them of their manners, and this state of affairs did please no-one.  It was about this time that Lady Rose of Gryphonwood was seen no more.  She was sore missed for, like her friend Mary, she was a right comely lady with most elegant clothing.


Lady Rose and Lady Mary are the same two Ladies who were made members of the Order of the Willow at the final court of good King Reynard and beloved Queen Brynhildr in Eoforwic, and for right good cause.


About this time the famed House Inness dissolved.  Otomo no Shoni no Yukio left Eoforwic and began his extended travels in the far east.  Alastair Kirk of Inness was not seen, nor was Deirdre of Carlysle, so with Shoni's departure Inness fell at last from prominence.  John of Slaughterfield also was seen less often, though he stayed in touch with Sylard and attended the great summer Market Day from time to time in years to come.  This was grieved by many, for John had a mighty arm on the list field and was well-loved.  However the joy John had displayed in battle, which had brought him to the station of Queen's Champion to Brynhildr, had faded and none would see such a brave heart forced down a path now tiresome.


Master Sylard, too, tired of the responsibilities of his house.  Wulfgar the Healer had wandered, Strigor was in An Tir, Lady Aislinne was on a pilgrimage to the far North doing good deeds for the sick and Ricard was a Laurel and had his own house to see to.  Others of House Eagleshaven were prominent in their own lands, Artair and Wilhelm in Avon Araf, Alasdair in Bryniau and they were seldom seen by Sylard's hearth.  Also, the outlaw Ealdormere that Sylard had helped nurture during King Alen's hated proscription had become respectable, a state of affairs that ill suited the bastard Viking of the old songs.  Finally, Baron Aeden and Baroness Kaffa would hold Septentria no longer, and Eagleshaven's role as Baronial bodyguard was not a duty to the Barony but Sylard's own gift to Aeden and Kaffa.


As was Sylard's wont he acted decisively when events came to a climax.  At the feast in Eoforwic which celebrated the retirement of Aeden and Kaffa, Sylard stood and dissolved House Eagleshaven, though some say that old swords of Sylard's band later held to his ways, swore no fealty and guarded each other's backs in battle.  In years to come Sylard took other apprentices, one being Lady Breanna, returned from far An Tir.  Another was Tarver the Pole, whose great trebuchets were famed almost as far as they could fling rocks, which was far indeed.  This is the same Tarver some scholars call "Tarver Three-Beards", who provided great patronage for the splendid second volume of the History of Eoforwic, copies of which are found in all the great abbey libraries and which this poor text does emulate.  Books and abbeys aside, Sylard's war-band was no more; his declaration of its dissolution was less a decision than an acknowledgement of what had happened already.


As the old houses passed from the scene, new ones arose.  Perhaps the most important of these was the House (or Clan) of Faeringold, founded by Lord Cordigan de Arnot who did then hail from Petrea Thule, though in years to come he and his Lady would make a great name for themselves and settle in der Welfengau.  The Faeringolds were dedicated to the pursuit and preservation of a good party, and many brewers were known to rub their hands with glee when warning of a Faeringold celebration reached their ears.  Such occasions did not always please Cordigan's Lady-wife Diane, who did save withering smiles for the most sheepish among the revellers afterwards (which may explain the Faeringolds' alleged fascination with sheep).  Though many of the Faeringolds were interested in parties and revels there were a few who also did fight with skill.  One of these was Cordigan, who from his Faeringolds assembled a war-band; another was a strapping lad named Osis of the Livery, whose name was meant as a joke on the Chivalry should he ever be dubbed Knight.  This did not amuse the heralds, though Cordigan did enjoy the incipient pun.  He and Osis were good friends.


The many de Taahe squires were scattered across the North.  The once-mighty war-band of Rhys Mordwyn had also lost much of its strength, though from time to time the cry of "Rhys Mordwyn: God bless Dad's nuts!"[15] could be heard at events.  There were some Faeringolds in Eoforwic, but their chieftain was Cordigan and he lived far away.  The only one of the old houses still able to influence events in Eoforwic was Ter Ceatta Mhor, Aeden's and Kaffa's household, and Aeden and Kaffa were tired.

A17 - The Election of a second Lord Mayor, and the first Mayor's new Agenda.


After a year, the people of the City decided that they would look at the service of their Lord Mayor, Grimwulf.  All were pleased at his stewardship, but all saw that the coffers of the City were less full than the good burghers would desire.  Accordingly the guild-masters and -mistresses of the City gathered and declared it time to elect a new Lord Mayor and Sheriff.  As ever the campaign for office was an exercise in directed generosity.[16]  Most notable was the mayoral campaign of the local burgher and venerable Eoforing Gunnar Halfdann.  He sent a ship off to trade in distant and dangerous lands, which came back loaded with a processed extract of cocoa beans.  With this product Candidate Gunnar curried much favour among the populace.


Obviously a man able to produce ship-loads of imported delicacies (for throughout the campaign Gunnar distributed a ship-load of this processed cocoa, called "chocolate" by the inhabitants of Nuevo Septentriones, in various forms) would be a Lord Mayor sensitive to the needs of the City's traders and investors, so the guilds elected Gunnar the second Lord Mayor and (Name??) the sheriff, though at first the result of the election was in question.  On balloting night Gunnar Halfdann and Gunther Wahlstadt of Bremen tied for total guild votes.  As there was no possible way to use graft to further influence the result, an unspent bribe coin was taken in the hall and the two Mayoral finalists flipped for the post.  Gunnar won; such are the vagaries of constitutional negotiation.[17]


Upon his successor's election, His Worship Grimwulf retired to the exalted status of a City Alderman.  It was said that with the affairs of the City well accounted for, he was free to pursue affairs of the heart.  Thus Grimwulf the Hairy, politician, patron, warrior and bon vivant of the beer, beans and bangers set, resolved to seek for a wife.

A18 - The Creation of the Barony of Rising Waters.


The people of the south-western portion of the Barony of Septentria petitioned the Crown for advancement in status, as a Barony in their own right.  None in the main body of Septentria found reason to challenge this desire, and in truth the Baron and Baroness were content to see this growing populace served by nobility located closer to them.  The City of Eoforwic was content to see this new Barony established, for new Baronies mean new nobility and new nobility always means more money and more money often means trade.  Unfortunately the burghers of the City did not always recognize that expanding wealth and power may establish new centres; rather they waited for the new nobility to bring commerce and trade to them.  Such a passive attitude by the burghers of Eoforwic may account for the City's eventual slide in influence and fortune.


The first Baron and Baroness of the new Barony of Rising waters were Lord Byron Mikhail Woodroffe, a member of the local gentry, and his friend the Baroness of Court Fiona Averylle O'Connor of Maidenhead.  This was the same Baroness Fiona who had been Dragon Herald of the Middle Kingdom.  Her mother was the Lady Mary of Inverarry, of beloved memory, for whom the Lady Mary Memorial Tourney was named.


On the twenty-sixth day of November, in the twenty-third year of the Society, King Reynard and Queen Brynhildr travelled into their Crown Principality of Ealdormere to make a third Barony in the lands North of the Inland Seas.  As well as doing this, their court was filled with other business.  Lorraine Innes Kirk was awarded the Dragon's Treasure and her mother, Bronwyn Meredith, was well pleased.


To Lord Shoni Otomo, called Otomo no Shoni no Yukio in his own language, was made an award of the Purple Fret.  Shoni was a faithful Eoforing with a love of sharp knives.  He did employ large swords on the battlefield, to good effect, and he consorted with Grimwulf the Hairy in an endeavour called Samurai Sous-Chef.  This was a successful consortium as many well-fed Eoforings had cause to admit.  Shoni introduced Lord John of Slaughterfield to various customs of the far east, and it was strange to see John, that most parfait and chivalrous man at arms, sipping sake and eating raw fish, which even the Norse would cook before eating.


Lord Mungo Sheepshanks of the Hill was also awarded a Purple Fret that day, in recognition of his service.  Mungo was one of the three principals of the Award of the Dragon's Treasure and had grown is knowledge and wisdom.  In future years he would become an apprentice to Master Ricard of Sable tree, then would succumb to a mysterious ailment common to apprentices of leather-workers and glass-blowers[18] and would leave the City.  He was missed.


The West Yorvik chirurgeon Lady Kaellyn mac Dermott of Leinster also received a Purple Fret.  While her service to the sick, halt and lame was notable, she would distinguish herself in greater ways in the months to come, for this is the same lady who would later become the second Princess of Ealdormere.


The Crown also made new companions of the Order of the Dragon's Barb (Lord Robert Wilmot), the Silver Oak (Sir Bealdgar Thorbeornsson) and the Willow, so Ealdormere as a whole - and Septentria in particular - was well served by Their Majesties Reynard and Brynhildr.


Finally the Crown saw fit to reward devotion of long standing and great worth, and did induct Baron Torbin of Amberhall into the Order of the Dragon's Heart.  This was cause for great rejoicing in the City, for Torbin had been an active Eoforing for many years and had earned great honours many times over.

A19 - Good King Reynard and Beloved Queen Brynhildr make another trip into Ealdormere.


Once more the King and Queen of the Middle, Reynard and Brynhildr, came into their Crown Principality and were received with joy and loyalty.  They travelled to the lands of the Skrael (CONFIRM) on the twelfth day of November, for they had great business to do.


In their courts they did much business, and much of that concerned Eoforings.  Lord Belisarius Anatolikon and his occasional employer Lord James Schoen MacAndrewes each received the Award of the Purple Fret.  Lord Wulf Borisson was invited to join the Order of the Willow, also.  As Wulf is mentioned elsewhere in this volume the reader must seek Wulf's praises elsewhere.


Lord Frederic L'Avarre was made a member of the Order of the Dragon's Heart, and all present were well-satisfied at the Crown's wisdom in recognizing such long-lived devotion.


Mistress TSivia bas Tamara V'Amberview was made a Baroness of Their Majesties' Court that day, and the noble Order of the Laurel gained two new members, Naon na Chruitire and Stephin Armstrang.  Master Naon was a harper, whose music could make the angels themselves weep in purest joy.  Unfortunately Master Naon did wander from time to time and he was not seen as often as many would like in the lands of the Skrael, let alone in far Eoforwic.  He had an occasional student named Rhiannon of Wye who lived in the City.


Master Stephin was a Scotsman who hailed from the border country.  He carved wood with skill and passion, and for this he was invited by Mistress Brynhildr the Queen to join her Order   As well, Master Stephin was a kind and patient man and well loved.  Some noted that he bore a striking resemblance to a Norseman named Thorgrimmr who had been seen in the lands of the Skrael some time before, but none ever asked Master Stephin of this.  It is well-known in all civilized lands that the Norse have from time to time wandered in Scotland and so it is impolite to ask a Scotsman the roots of any resemblance with a Viking, for bastardy is a slur best forgotten and violation is a crime and sin long remembered.


    [1] "Graft" is such an unpleasant word.

    [2]           Before the reader gets too upset at what appears sin, anarchy, tax evasion and violation of good Corporate policy in the City, the Exchequer of the Kingdom recognizes the City of Eoforwic as a Household within the Society, which by coincidence has the same membership as the Canton of Eoforwic.  As long as the Canton manages its corporate money correctly, the Society does not care what a household does with its funds.  So, there is neither tax evasion nor violation of Corporate policy going on.  As for sin and anarchy, well, everything you've heard about Eoforwic is true.

    [3] This is the same Cospatrick who was made armigerous by good King Reynard and beloved Queen Brynhildr.

    [4] With the rest of the smokers.

    [5] This is the same Tai Chin Wu who was made armigerous at Crown Principality Twelfthnight by Their Majesties Tadashi and Ariake.

    [6] Perhaps they are particularly perverse types of heretics?  If so, they can probably be found in Starleaf Gate, dancing at midnight on the grave of the dog Clancy.

    [7] Primarily these reasons were safety, a lack of rules, a lack of Kingdom experience and most of all, a lack of insurance coverage for rapier combat.  This situation was rectified in the reign of King Finn I and Queen Garlanda I, who did authorize rapier practice as a test which proved successful, to the joy of many good folk.  First among the Kingdom's test sites was Eoforwic's northern neighbour the College of Skeldergate, which practice took place under the tutelage of a rapier enthusiast named Hoskuld Thorleiksson and was immediately frequented by Eoforwic's budding fencers.

    [8] This is the same Belisarius Anatolikon who received a Purple Fret from the beloved Queen Brynhildr and was inducted into the Order of the Silver Oak by King Palymar II and Queen Katherine II on their Coronation day, so he was a fitting husband for this wise and gracious lady.

    [9] This is the Maud the Bemused who was given an Award of Arms by Their Majesties Reynard and Brynhildr on the day they created the Barony of Rising Waters.

    [10]    It is seldom remembered that, just before Alen's proscription, Yog and Hanora had handed their titles and duties to successors chosen in a tournament.  These successors were Lord John of Slaughterfield and Lady Deirdre (Dea) Carlysle, both of House Inness.

    [11]    Corwin's charter actually said the Lord and Lady Lieutenant would receive Grants of Arms, but Corwin's charter indeed did also say that the Crown Prince and Princess of the Middle would be styled Prince and Princess of the Crown Principality of Ealdormere.  In retrospect, the only congruence between the plan of Corwin's charter and the revealed truth of history was that King Corwin somehow managed to muddle through the making of a Principality.

    [12]    And still is, so far as all reports do indicate.

    [13]    This is the same Elizabeth Stafford who, it seems, was adopted by the rich and famous Mortimers in later years as part of a dynastic re-adjustment, and changed her name to Mortimer as a result.

    [14]    And in turn making Duke Hector the first and as yet the only Lord of Order of the Rose in all the Known World, though His Grace has a Scots heart and occasionally is said to refer to himself as a "Laddie of the Rose"

    [15]    So cried because Glandydd Rhys Mordwyn, a great but slightly mad man (and fine armourer) who attracted other silly folk, was sworn to serve Baron Aeden.  A cry of "God bless Aeden's lunatics!" does not sound as fine on a still, dark night and there was ever a touch of the poet in Glandydd, as suits a Welshman.

    [16]    "Graft" remaining a coarse and vulgar word.

    [17]    Would that other politicians could find such a simple and trust-worthy way to amend constitutions and other such things!

    [18]    This was called "Go-Go Dancer's Syndrome".  Master Ricard and Master Ælred the glass-blower each lost an apprentice to this condition, which causes the apprentice to forsake his craft and take up dancing for profit instead.


Endnotes for Volume 4


  1. Though no King from the time of Corwin through to Tadashi, last of the Southron Prince-Kings, chose to observe that provision.
  2. Most would call it a pond, but the ways of the Norse are strange and it is not wise to question them unduly for they often carry swords and axes.
  3. This was called “Go-Go Dancer’s Syndrome.” Master Ricard and Master AElred the glass-blower each lost and apprentice to this condition, which causes the apprentice to forsake his craft and take up dancing for profit instead.
  4. Countess Caitlin had not yet been recognized as a Lady of the Rose at this time. This I attest true for I, Brother Magnus of Iona, do well know the names of the Roses.
  5. For that is the meaning of the sobriquet “Strigor” in the tongue of far Wallachia.
  6. So cried because Glandydd Rhys Mordwyn, a great but slightly mad man (and fine armourer) who attracted other silly folk, was sworn to server Baron Aedan. A cry of “God bless Aedan’s lunatics!” does not sound as fine on a still, dark night and there was ever a touch of the poet in Glandydd, as suits a Welshman.
  7. Hagiographers indicate that Saint Brand was a very formal Saint, with a great interest in and encyclopedic knowledge of Orders of Precedence. It is this very attention to detail which probably made him such a proficient mail-maker.
  8. This is the same Cospatrick who was made armigerous by good King Reynard and wise Queen Brynhildr, and at Pennsic XVIII was the last man to stand on the bridge when Ealdormere led the glorious charge which brought Calontir time to form its shieldwall.
  9. With the rest of the smokers.
  10. This was the same Cordigan who was head of Clan Faeringold and was also the second Bard to the Court of Ealdormere.
  11. Please refer to “The Field Battle, Pennsic XVII” in The Book of the Reign of David and Tangwystl.
  12. Some days you eat the bear, some days the bear eats you.
  13. “Graft” is such an unpleasant word. It is said that Grimwulf proffered a ring of great artistry and explained that this was found rolled up in the charter that Cariadoc had signed. Cariadoc slipped the ring onto his finger, saying something to the effect that he’d wondered where it had got to, and thus Eoforwic won its charter.
  14. Before the reader gets too upset at what appears sin, anarchy, tax evasion and violation of good Corporate policy in the City, the Exchequer of the Kingdom recognizes the City of Eoforwic as a household within the Society, which by coincidence has the same membership as the Canton of Eoforwic.  As long as the Canton manages its corporate money correctly, the Society does not care what a household does with its funds. So there is neither tax evasion nor violation of Corporate policy going on. As for sin and anarchy, well, everything you’ve heard about Eoforwic IS true.
  15. Perhaps they are particularly perverse types of heretics? If so, they can probably be found in Starleaf Gate, dancing at midnight on the grave of the dog Clancy.
  16. Primarily those reasons were safety, a lack of rules, a lack of Kingdom experience and most of all, a lack of insurance coverage for rapier combat. This situation was rectified in the reign of King Finn I and Queen Garlanda I, who did authorize rapier practice as a test which proved successful, to the joy of many good folk. First among the Kingdom’s test sites was Eoforwic’s northern neighbor the College of Skeldergate, which practice took place under the tutelage of a rapier enthusiast named Hoskuld Thorleiksson and was immediately frequented by Eoforwic’s budding fencers.
  17. This is the same Belisarius Anatolikon who received a Purple Fret from the beloved Queen Brynhildr and was inducted into the Order of the Silver Oak by King Palymar II and Queen Katherine II on their Coronation day, so he was a fitting husband for this wise and gracious lady.
  18. This is the same Tai Chin Wu who was made armigerous at Crown Principality Twelfth Night by Their Majesties Tadashi and Ariake.
  19. This is the Maud the Bemused who was awarded arms by Their Majesties Reynard and Brynhildr on the day they created the Barony of Rising Waters.
  20. It is seldom remembered that just before Alen’s proscription, Yog and Hanora had handed their titles and duties as Champion and Consort of the Region of Ealdormere to successors chosen in a tournament. These successors were Lord John of Slaughterfield and Lady Deirdre (Dea) Carlysle, both of House Inness.
  21. Corwin’s charter actually said the Lord and Lady Lieutenant would receive Grants of Arms, but Corwin’s charter indeed did also say that the Crown Prince and Princess of the Middle would be styled Prince and Princess of the Crown Principality of Ealdormere. In retrospect, the only congruence between the plan of Corwin’s charter and the revealed truth of history is that Ealdormere somehow managed to become a Principality.
  22. Called by some the Vipper Baron, the eminence gris behind many plots and connivances in years gone by, or some scandal-mongers in the City would have said.
  23. And still is, so far as all reports indicate.
  24. Which for some may have stretched into the morning.
  25. Please note the Coronet visited the Canton of Starleaf Gate, not the “Essex County Medieval Historical Society”, an even more perverse and unnatural band of heresiarchs. Former members of the Society, the Essex County schismatics were dedicated to running big-money Bingo games for the surrounding town-folk and fattening their own purses thereby.
  26. No doubt inspired by a popular tale of those times which was about a sheriff’s man name Filthy Henry (or some such), reputed to live in far western lands, in the east-wood near a great bay.
  27. To wit, Dick-all.
  28. This is the same Haakon whose legends are recorded in the Haakamaal, a saga which is contained in some libraries in the City.
  29. Or both; everything you’ve heard about Eoforwic IS true.
  30. This also meant that for the few hours between the stepping down of one Coronet and the investiture of the next, the Crown of the Middle also held the title of Prince and Princess of Ealdormere. This was the case of each Crown from the time of Comar I and Lisa I to Dag II and Ilsa II, who was the last King to see a Coronet of the North made in one day (Cordigan and Diane). King Jafar and Queen Catherine saw Gunter and Jolecia made Heir and Heiress of Ealdormere, closing the periodic gap in the Northern succession.
  31. And some were seen cocking crossbows and nocking arrows on strung bows. This excessive and dangerous behaviour was commented on for some months thereafter.
  32. Though he added a minor change to the liturgy; before Dag I was crowned, the populace assembled was asked if it was the will of the people that Dag become King. There was a moment’s heavy silence as several wags in the hall wondered what would happen if they replied in the negative. There were many armed retainers in Dag’s livery, so prudence won out, at least among the populace.
  33. It must be noted that Sir David possessed a most precious relic, a hauberk of rinks crafted by the very hands of the Celtic Saint Brand the Black of Ben Dunfirth, patron of armourers and mail-makers. Saint Brand figured prominently in the devotions of young maids in the Debatable Lands, where they did see visions of him on the roads and erect shrines. Owning saintly armour could not have hurt Sir David’s chances (though he never fought in mail); due honour must fall on both sides, for as it is an honour to own mail made by a Saint, it is also an honour to make mail for one of Royal blood and manner.
  34. Obviously the far south was a most hazardous place full of proficient swordsmen and, in consequence of this revelation, most of the good burghers of the City abandoned all hope of winning profits from such lands.
  35. As a “fabulous babe.”
  36. This is the same Madinia who was made a member of the Order of the Willow by Their Majesties Tadashi and Ariake for her excellence and design of clothing, as the Chronicles of Saint Brand do record.
  37. This is the same Elizabeth Stafford who, it seems, was adopted by the rich and famous Mortimers in later years as part of a dynastic re-adjustment, and changed her name to Mortimer as a result.
  38. And in turn making Duke Hector the first, and as yet the only Lord of the Order of the Rose in all the Known World, though His Grace has a Scots heart and occasionally is said to refer to himself as a “Laddie of the Rose.”
  39. “Graft” remaining a coarse and vulgar word.
  40. Would that other politicians could find such a simple and trust-worthy way to amend constitutions and other such things!
  41. Roy War-Bassoon, to be precise, named in honour of a dark-eyed southern minstrel famed for songs which set pretty women to crying.
  42. Thus its local title, the “run for the roses.” Race day was an auspicious day for Coronation, for this race is also said to award a victor’s crown, the first of three, to the winning rider.
  43. For convenience known by an acronym, the CBC (for Clarkson’s bold chroniclers.)
  44. Which allowed the use of the same acronym, CBC, one of the few convenient moments in this otherwise tiresome episode.
  45. It should be noted that night had fallen, the infernal lamps of the CBC were extinguished, and the torches were far from the dias, so Cian’s identification may be suspect.
  46. And surely well-blessed by the intercession of Saint Brand, patron of all armourers and mail-makers.
  47. This is a scrupulous copy of the Charter made available to me by the Abbey of St. Brand and considered by most to be genuine, but the text is riddled with obvious inaccuracies and thus is of dubious authenticity. For instance, all know that Cariadoc, mighty King that he was, was a paynim and could not be deemed an apostolic monarch by any man save a heretic. There are other such grievous errata throughout this text, so, while some portion may have merit in that it may capture the spirit of the original Charter, overall it is unreliable and its origins are suspect (though I have no reason to believe it has ever visited Starleaf Gate, for had this document the taint of those heresiarchs, I would cast it in the fire and burn my desk as well for having given such abomination shelter, and afterwards I would scour my hand with sand, confess and do penance for having touched so unclean a thing.)
    I know of many translations of the works of learned paynims and some have I read, especially the writings of the noble, gentle and wise paynim Durr ish Jabal who takes great pains to instruct the reader in the ways of his people, strange and misguided though they may be, and the fabulous stories of another paynim named Chengir abu bene Said, which can offer no faithful man edification and yet are amusing (which fact perhaps supports comments made by another Benedictine, once of my acquaintance though now long dead, about the inherent wickedness of laughter, though I do not believe my acquaintance ever read the works of Chengir before he lost his sight.) No translation of a paynim text into our tongue has ever read as this text does, thus again I doubt the veracity of this translation.
    I am advised there are also many ancient texts held in the Abbey of St. Brand, to the west of the City, and there is a sister there named Susanna of Leicester who is well-read and has some Latin, though no Greek. Perhaps she may find the original Charter in that library and from it draw new insights into the earliest days of the City, for I am told she has an interest in the history of Eoforwic.
    It should be noted that the obscure spelling of “Eoforwick” is found in other antique documents of unquestioned legitimacy and thus in itself is not a proof of this text’s corruption.
  48. Which is what I have seen some later chroniclers call the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands, in latter days a possession of the East Kingdom and far to the south of the City, though I think this citation is not itself indicative of the age or true origins of this copy of the text.
  49. An error most peculiar in nature, for the Olympic games of ancient Greece have not been contested for many hundreds of years. Perhaps this is some allusion to a love of things classical and ancient in the character or nature of King Cariadoc?
  50. Added in a different ink by another hand to the text in the City’s possession, and thus almost certainly suspect, for it stands alone on the page. Later corrections to a manuscript should bear some commentary or explanation, and this instance does not save for these remarks I make in observation, not in apology.
    Based on other texts I have seen, the serifs on the added characters appear Slavic in style.  This may be part of some recent plot to prove that (g.) Vychata Igoravich, fifth Lord Mayor and subsequently and Alderman of the City, has a hereditary claim upon a greater office yet.
    Some, after seeing this peculiar addendum to the text, have commented that it may be no coincidence that the name Vychata starts with a “V”, as does the name of the dread Vipper Baron! As a poor monk I am a cloistered innocent and not prone to thinking the worst of people, but one cannot help but wonder…
  51. Herein lies proof positive of the strange and corrupt nature of this text, for all know that Eoforwic is a rare ancient City, and the deeds of Cariadoc harken back many years, for he was indeed first of the vast line of the Midrealm Kings, though a paynim. And yet the scribe does relate that Cariadoc, as King and patron of the City, hails Aedan as a Master of the Pelican, which honour was not achieved by that worthy Baron until the reign of Cariadoc’s descendent King Palymar II, long after Cariadoc and his heir’s successor Cariadoc II had passed from the Dragon Throne.
    Perhaps the scribe of this copy of the Charter was in service to Baron Aedan and would try to curry favour through the interpolation of outrageous flattery at the expense of veracity? This would explain much found within this text, though not all, for Baron Aedan was accounted a good Baron and thus would never knowingly employ a heretic able to call a paynim an apostolic monarch.
  52. Nowhere in this text does it set forth the rule that the name of the Lord Mayor must start with the letter “G”, which omission I deem must also render this copy of the Charter suspect, though some say this iron-bound rule is but a custom and not set forth in any statute.
  53. This description of the City Militia of Eoforwic is an authentic feature of the text, for only in latter years, during the tenure of the third Lord Mayor, was the City Militia renamed the City Guard, in honour of its glorious exploits on the field at the XXIst Pennsic War.
  54. Also called the Captain of the White Tower, though that honourable and ancient appellation does not appear within this text, which again suggests the text may be corrupt.
  55. In my time in the City I have heard much of the exemption all free men have from taxes, and yet I have never heard of the collection of those taxes that this Charter says are applicable. It is interesting to note the variation between this text and the revealed truth of recent history as seen in the practices of the City-folk. Though as I have noted before, this text appears corrupt in many ways.
  56. Which may explain why Cordigan and Diane, the Baron and Baroness of Septentria after Aedan and Kaffa, lived outside the City, as did their successors Ieuan and Adrielle after them, assuming this portion of the text is not corrupt also.
  57. Whatever a too-chuck may be; perhaps an inferior type of juggler, one who cannot juggle three balls and can only “chuck” two into the air at once? Mine is an unproven theory, for I have never heard tell of a three-chuck, nor any higher sort, condition or degree of chuck, nor have those around me within our cloisters.
    Further, there is no other mention of jugglers in this text, and it seems unlikely that inferior jugglers would be barred from the City unless more proficient jugglers were granted access to the City, which is not said.
  58. Despite the final clause in this text, the copy of the Charter in my hand has neither a seal upon it nor a witness’ statement attesting to its accuracy as a copy taken from a sealed original. Thus I deem this text should not be considered authoritative, nor should its clauses and provisions be considered binding, but that is only my opinion, though I have noted the many errors in truth – corporeal, temporal, and spiritual—that riddle this text.
    The reader is free to accept or reject the authenticity of this text, as Adam was free to be led astray by the connivance of the temptress Eve. With such a decision the reader must also embrace or cast aside the associated errata and undeniably heretical utterances contained within this text that shroud whatever merit this text may hold in a rent and reeking cloak of damnable perversity and self-servile wickedness.
    But that is only my opinion; my present abbot says I can be too harsh in my opinions, though forgiveness of heresy is not within any mortal purview and I have seen many evil signs and terrible mysteries in years gone by, and thus can both see a fire and smell sulphur in its smoke.

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