Saturday 25 April 2020

Coronation in a Time of Plague

Today, April 25, 2020, was the Coronation of Their Majesties Rattanicus and Isabelle. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the actual event had to be cancelled. Instead, via a group Zoom chat with over 100 attendees, TRMs Kaylah and Trumbrand ceremonially removed the Crowns of the Queen and King of Ealdormere, and Rattanicus and Isabelle became the monarchs of the lupine realm. A variance was granted to extend Their reign by at least three months, with the expectation that they would have a Coronation then. Feeling that pledges of fealty should be made in person, they instead presented the following statement (scribed by Their Lawspeaker, Mistress Nicolaa de Bracton) which all who were watching could recite if so moved:

I here pledge unity and support
To the kingdom of Ealdormere
To uphold each other in dark days
And honour the laws and traditions
Giving hands and heart
To the health of the Kingdom
To ever follow the banner
And howl with the Wolf
I stand with Ealdormere
Apart, yet together in spirit
Until the day comes we can embrace again
Thus say I, (name).

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