Sometimes when you hear a story you wonder the truth of it.
Many a person will retell a tale with their own variation on the facts. I am
here to set the record straight. I have a story and can state that this is the
truth as I was the Baronial Herald and it was my job to record important
information. To insure that those who needed to know would have the
information, I would be the one to investigate and to insure I had all the
information those that needed to know knew.
Long ago there was a Flaming Jewel within the Lands of
Septentria. So great was her passion and skill that she was a fighting Baroness
in these lands. She commanded the troops of Septentria with a devious smile
that those who beheld her vision knew she was up to something. But whatever that
something might be would be enjoyed and most entertaining. Especially to her.
While down south in the debatable lands there was Pennsic
War. The Baroness had gathered her troops and marched down to join in to the
fray. She brought with her, easily half of Ealdormere’s army that year with
nearly three dozen fighters and two dozen archers.
The Septentrian fighters would protect their Baroness with
such zeal that she took pleasure to command them from the field.
But on one dreadful day a polearm was lucky enough to fell
this mighty Baroness.